I've been trying to get python to work for days. There is some ambiguity in the build instructions between various versions of python and the debug and release versions, I think. I often get demands for python25_d.lib if I build with debug enabled, but I can't seem to find this on the activestate site, or elsewhere. (No doubt because of inexperience on my part.) Then, when I rebuild everything in release mode, the linker accepts python25.lib OK, but the entire linke fails with about 150 unresolved externals, but no indication of what lib file is needed. I have also tried fooling the linker by changing the name of python25_d, but renaming it without the "_d" on the end. This links ok, but then the whole thing crashes at run time. Also, activestate has various verions of the python interpreter ... since I am using Vista x64, does that mean I should install the x64 version, or should I stay with the standard version? My hope is that someone can provide a more exact recipe for what works i.e. exactly which python version to install, where to get the python_d library, if that is required, etc. Thanks for whatever you can tell me. evh