Hi, I tried to run pjsua on enbedded linux( Armadillo-220 ) with USB audio device. Error message "Invalid sample rate" occurs when I test --play-file as follows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ./pjsua-arm-unknown-linux-gnu --play-file /mnt/nand/DBaloon.wav >>> cl Conference ports: Port #00[16KHz/20ms/1] Master/sound transmitting to: Port #01[16KHz/20ms/1] /mnt/nand/DBaloon.wav transmitting to: Port #02[16KHz/20ms/1] ringback transmitting to: Port #03[16KHz/20ms/1] ring transmitting to: >>> cc 1 0 12:26:12.300 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @16000 Hz 12:26:12.331 pjsua_media.c ..failed: Invalid sample rate 12:26:12.332 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @44100 Hz 12:26:12.362 pjsua_media.c ..failed: Invalid sample rate 12:26:12.363 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @48000 Hz 12:26:12.393 pjsua_media.c ..failed: Invalid sample rate 12:26:12.394 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @32000 Hz 12:26:12.423 pjsua_media.c ..failed: Invalid sample rate 12:26:12.424 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @16000 Hz 12:26:12.454 pjsua_media.c ..failed: Invalid sample rate 12:26:12.455 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @8000 Hz 12:26:12.485 pjsua_media.c ..failed: Invalid sample rate 12:26:12.486 pjsua_media.c Unable to open sound device: Invalid sample rate [status=269996] 12:26:12.486 pjsua_media.c Error opening sound device: Invalid sample rate [status=269996] ERROR!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ playfile log is as follows. [root at a220-0 (ttyAM0) /mnt/nand/pjsip/pjsip-apps/bin/samples]# ./playfile-arm-unknown-linux-gnu /mnt/nand/DBaloon.wav 12:28:43.254 os_core_unix.c pjlib 1.0 for POSIX initialized 12:28:43.697 pasound.c PortAudio sound library initialized, status=0 12:28:43.698 pasound.c PortAudio host api count=1 12:28:43.698 pasound.c Sound device count=1 12:28:43.700 pjlib select() I/O Queue created (0x8bed4) 12:28:43.706 wav_player.c File player '/mnt/nand/DBaloon.wav' created: samp.rate=16000, ch=1, bufsize=4KB, filesize=4KB 12:28:43.714 pasound.c PA message: Expression 'paInvalidSampleRate' failed in 'src/../../../portaudio/src/hostapi/oss/pa_unix_oss.c', line: 1042 12:28:43.715 pasound.c PA message: Expression 'PaOssStreamComponent_Configure( component, sampleRate, framesPerBuffer, StreamMode_Out, master )' failed in 'src/../../../portaudio/src/hostapi/oss/pa_unix_oss.c', line: 1130 12:28:43.715 pasound.c PA message: Expression 'PaOssStream_Configure( stream, sampleRate, framesPerBuffer, &inLatency, &outLatency )' failed in 'src/../../../portaudio/src/hostapi/oss/pa_unix_oss.c', line: 1236 12:28:43.716 playfile.c Unable to open sound device: Invalid sample rate [code=269996] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mp3play runs good. [root at a220-0 (ttyAM0) /mnt/nand]# mp3play /mnt/nand/short.mp3 /mnt/nand/short.mp3: MPEG1-III (166 ms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ please teach me what I should do next. Regards, fukunaga