IETF Discussion
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Re: Last Call: <draft-ietf-stox-core-07.txt> (Interworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Architecture, Addresses, and Error Handling) to Proposed Standard,
Robert Sparks
Re: New Non-WG Mailing List: ACTN -- Abstraction and Control of Transport Networks (ACTN),
James Polk
I-D Action: draft-moonesamy-ietf-conduct-3184bis-04.txt,
Ines Robles
IETF Meeting Scheduling,
Dave Cridland
RE: IETF Meeting Scheduling,
Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-dime-rfc4005bis-14,
Black, David
W3C/IAB workshop on Strengthening the Internet Against Pervasive Monitoring (STRINT),
IAB Chair
Gen-ART review of draft-bundesbank-eurosystem-namespace-02,
Black, David
Alternative decision process in RTCWeb,
Gonzalo Camarillo
IAB statement on draft-farrell-perpass-attack-00,
IAB Chair
Message not available
Re: [Roll] Working group chairs,
S Moonesamy
The "nomap" Network Identifier Suffix,
Bjoern Hoehrmann
Re: The "nomap" Network Identifier Suffix,
Dave Cridland
Re: WG Review: Extensible Provisioning Protocol Extensions (eppext),
Feature Request for IPR listings/system,
TSG - personal
Gordon Lennox
Re: Last Call: <draft-ietf-jose-use-cases-05.txt> (Use Cases and Requirements for JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)) to Informational RFC,
Benjamin Kaduk
Re: IPv6 deployment [was Re: Recent Internet governance events],
Noel Chiappa
Service downtime for,
Henrik Levkowetz
Consensus re: top-level value restriction (Re: [Json] JSON: remove gap between Ecma-404 and IETF draft),
Nico Williams
Project Proposal: DNS Licensing Look UP - AntiSpam and IP licensing Lookup Additions as text records in DNS,
Transparency in the IETF...,
RT (IETF Ticket System) is Operational,
Alexa Morris
Re: ***UNCHECKED*** Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance,
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: ***UNCHECKED*** Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance,
Recent Internet governance events (was: Re: ***UNCHECKED*** Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance),
Jari Arkko
IETF Server Upgrade and Transition Complete (Except RT),
Alexa Morris
Re: es-discuss Digest, Vol 81, Issue 82,
Bjoern Hoehrmann
Re: Gen-ART LC review of draft-ietf-6man-oversized-header-chain-08,
Peter Yee
Reminder: IETF Server Offline Today During Transition / Upgrade,
Alexa Morris
RE: Last Call: <draft-ietf-bfd-on-lags-02.txt>,
Adrian Farrel
Pervasive surveilance isn't an attack, it is a cancer; mandatory encryption doesn't cure it,
Larry Masinter
Re: Pervasive surveilance isn't an attack, it is a cancer; mandatory encryption doesn't cure it,
Scott Brim
Re: [dhcwg] We can change the world in a 1000 ways (IPv4 over IPv6),
Simon Hobson
Where at IETF is done: cloud computing, small cells, base station?,
Alexandru Petrescu
Re: Secdir review of draft-moonesamy-ietf-conduct-3184bis,
S Moonesamy
Mandatory encryption as part of HTTP2,
Iljitsch van Beijnum
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