Gnu Open H.323 Gatekeeper User Discussion Archive
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- Re: Message Proceeding, (continued)
- GnuGK to GnuGK traversal, Paul E. Garstki
- Anybody know if gnugk supports H239,
Jun Yin
- SQL problem,
Jiří Gubík
- Re: Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 22, Issue 23,
Paul E. Garstki
- PacPhone 2.0.2 Release,
Simon Horne
- Re: Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 22, Issue 20,
Paul E. Garstki
- Proxy Mode to traverse firewalls,
Andrew Struiksma
- proxy to proxy difficulty, Paul E. Garstki
- PacPhone v2.0.0 Released, Simon Horne
- unregistered callers calling via gatekeeper?,
Paul . Hii
- GnuGK, rtp and signaling traffic.,
- 2 compiling problems,
Jiří Gubík
- warning "Can't detect PWLib/PTLib version",
- ARQ authentication using external script,
- GNUGK Compile, Moon Networks
- large_fdset value for Routed mode,
manjula hettiarachchi
- New feature needed.,
- query about perl program,
- TMS,
Nicholas Thompson
- sqlbill radius problem,
manjula hettiarachchi
- Question about Normal Call Clearing, Mauricio Nuñez
- cannot start gnugk if $CWD can't be read,
Antoine Jacoutot
- gnugk: "error: chunk is already free",
Antoine Jacoutot
- Cannot run gnugk successfully,
Jun Yin
- compiling h323 and pwlib,
- compilation instruction, deadkurt
- Clear Channel Codec Support,
Dimitris Sakellarios
- Survey results as pie charts, Jan Willamowius
- NATH323 and gnugk, Amir Hossein Shenavandeh
- Re: GnuGK vs MERA MVTS,
Gang Lau
- Load-sharing,
David . Long
- netmeeting: "the person you called is not registered with the gatekeeper",
Ulrich Hiller
- Query about perl script,
- Preparations for the GnuGk 2.2.7 release - call for testing,
Jan Willamowius
- Query Regarding monitoring of gatekeeper, Nagarjuna
- Re: reload problem,
- Monitioring Gatekeeper using snmp,
- GNU GK compile problem on RHEL4,
Denis Kochmashev "Enforta"
- GK Freezes with Calls to AudioCodes Behind FW,
- videocon over gnugk,
Ulrich Hiller
- Performance tuning,
Amir Hossein Shenavandeh
- IsdnGw 0.3.5. released, Jan Willamowius
- AUTO: Paul Hii is out of the office (returning 14/02/2008), Paul . Hii
- Caller ID on a GW-GW connection, rkallus
- "%{bandwidth}" feature for CDR log, Tusar
- Number rewriting & accounting (again), Denis Kochmashev "Enforta"
- Re: [Openh323gk-developer] Neighbor Forward Control (LRQ control) (moved from DEVEL), Edson
- Compilation errors on FC6,
manjula hettiarachchi
- GNUGK and open mcu,
- Build errors in openh323gk,
Adam Williamson
- SQL Routing Policy,
Nyamul Hassan
- Does SQLBILL support time-based billing,
manjula hettiarachchi
- Telnet Problem,
Nyamul Hassan
- need help with the CDR., csreddy
- DTMF issue,
Robert Davtyan
- Connecting two private networks over the internet,
Bob Hicks
- Why 1280???,
rebecca vernon
- Re: How do I create a setup.exe from gnugk sourcecode???,
rebecca vernon
- 2.2.7 working fine,
Balgansuren Batsukh
- 2.2.7 core dump on FreeBSD-6.3-prerelease,
Balgansuren Batsukh
- How do I create a setup.exe from gnugk source code???,
rebecca vernon
- Re : How to configure the gnugk so that the phone ofa private network can call other phone of another network, Josepha HODE
- about OpenMCU + gnugk,
Jerome Alet
- How to configure the gnugk so that the phone of a private network can call other phone of another network,
Josepha HODE
- ISDN Resource booking,
David Ross
- AcceptNonNeighborLCF not working,
David . Long
- GNUGK 2.2.6 crash,
Anderson Alves de Albuquerque
- need help!, PATRICK CASAVANT
- How to get GK to detect codec being used???,
rebecca vernon
- Reconnect after mysql crash and up,
Mariusz Niemczak
- gnugk as a proxy,
Patrick Casavant
- Prefix List Processing, David . Long
- RasSrv::GWRewriteE164,
Suren Hakhnazaryan
- route calls by source ip,
Dani Popa
- Dial-by-ip inbound from unregistered systems failure,
Mike Ockenga
- Linking CallAuth with CDR,
Richard Tolley
- SQL Query for [RasSrv::GWRewriteE164],
- gnugk status port,
- recovery on timer expiry, Suren Hakhnazaryan
- GateKeeper & ATA 186 Basic Configuration,
dhiaa abbas
- OpenH323GK and H.323Plus-v.1.19.5 Compatible ? (fwd) - tusar, Simon Horne
- OpenH323GK and H.323Plus-v.1.19.5 Compatible ?, Tusar
- common/sockets.cxx && not available - error 7/24: Cannot allocate memory,
Dani Popa
- Re: Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 17, Issue 21,
Marc Janssens
- Cisco ATA186,
dhiaa abbas
- How do I setup a conference server,
Andrew Xiang
- Not routing ...,
Cesc Santa
- Error with GWRewriteE164,
Marc Janssens
- gnugk + freeradius,
Paulo Benatto
- OhPhone/NetMeeting Connection Problem,
- Gatekeeper types in Neighbors section, John Center
- what is lidDevice in ohphone?,
- Radius Accountig - problem,
- Error messages,
Denis Kochmashev "Enforta"
- Gatekeeper + Asterisk,
Paulo Benatto
- Re: VoIP newbie... (closed), Dmitry Kutkovsky
- Re: VoIP newbie request for help... (5), Dmitry Kutkovsky
- Re: VoIP newbie request for help... (4), Dmitry Kutkovsky
- Gatekeeper + LDAP,
Paulo Benatto
- Re: VoIP newbie request for help... (3),
Dmitry Kutkovsky
- Re: VoIP newbie request for help... (2),
Кутковский Дмитрий
- Re: VoIP newbie request for help...,
Кутковский Дмитрий
- What version of H323?,
George Bagsao
- VoIP newbie request for help. Only incoming calls available. Outgoing: timeout, no connection.,
Кутковский Дмитрий
- Re: Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 17, Issue 8, Foad Godarzy
- Error 34 as 102, User User
- Redirectip not work,
Jose Salinas
- MySQL connection pools timing out,
Mike Ockenga
- Complete VoIP Solution in 10 min,
- gnugk crash && errors,
Dani Popa
- Fw: concurrent calls,
Rushan Soubar
- how can we compile the gnugk in Linux correctly,
- OpenH323 v.1.19.5 link/url ?,
- Introducing E-soft-billing, sales
- Mac Mini + gnugk, Nicholas Thompson
- Mac Mini,
Nicholas Thompson
- Unhandled Exception SQLAuth, Jose Salinas
- Cant compile PWLib in Centos5 (error: ‘psprintf’ was not declared in this scope), Rafael J. Risco G.V.
- Problem with call setup using ENUM on GNUGK226,
Andrea De Vita
- error msg., juan lora
- Unhandled exception,
Jose Salinas
- How to make call from Asterisk to GnuGk gatekeeper, Alessandro Russo
- Compile with opal,
- Redundancy with UCARP, Mike Ockenga
- Strange Behaviour, Nyamul Hassan
- I can't PWLib,
Jose Salinas
- starting gnugk as unpriviledged user = "Assertion fail",
Antoine Jacoutot
- New features for the upcoming version 2.2.7,
Jan Willamowius
- unsubscribe, Paul Nader
- SQLAuth:: Call Query, M.Emran
- openh323 compile Error, manjula hettiarachchi
- redirectip, Jose Salinas
- is moving,
Jan Willamowius
- fake ring, GuoSi Liu
- Re: Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 15, Issue 22,
- SecureMCU (beta), Simon Horne
- Gnugk, priority for the callers,
Suren Hakhnazaryan
- GnuGK + Alerting,
- Limitation 64K,
Marc Janssens
- gnugk restart when send reload in linux fedora, shejuti hossain
- Problem with configuration,
- problem registering GW's on Centos, ron teja
- Cryptotokens, CallUnregisteredEndpoints,
Łukasz Czekierda
- request for help -GNUGK,
- SIP,
Marc Janssens
- GNUGK Call Termination Problem, Sai Sathiesh
- routing calls problem using VPN and gnugk,
shejuti hossain
- mailing,
- GNUGK 2.2.5 -- call termination failing, Sai Sathiesh
- Re: Videosystem not reachable whil e registered to GK, Zeyall
- gnugk_manual, bakry nor
- new user, bakry nor
- Re: Videosystem not reachable while registered to GK,
- Videosystem not reachable while registered to GK,
- Gnugk entering cause code 3 with duration 6,
Suren Hakhnazaryan
- routing support by Radius, Jose Salinas
- Fwd: The results of your email commands, chor kimseng
- About GnuGateKeeper Auth, masuko2@xxxxxxxxxx
- Reroute,
Jose Salinas
- Compilation Errors?,
- Accounting Oddity,
Mike Ockenga
- Problems with starting gnuGK 2.2.5(6),
VoIP Service
- PacPhone 1.2.9c Released, Simon Horne
- Bandwidth-based CAC,
Mike Ockenga
- Q931 Error,
- Anyone load balance gnugk with ipvsadm ?,
Klim W
- Gnugk returning only code 34,
Suren Hakhnazaryan
- Polycom MGC-100 7.5.2 and 8.0 - Duplicate Alias,
Jeremy Wu
- StandardCDRFormat CDRString,
- gnugk crashes...,
Suren Hakhnazaryan
- Q931d - error 12/111, Edson
- Clarification on SBC emails, Mike Ockenga
- Capacity control is not counting calls correctly,
Amir Hossein Shenavandeh
- Using GnuGK with a Polycom V2IU, Mike Ockenga
- More SBC ills,
Mike Ockenga
- How to Change Prefix in a LRQ,
- help - 2.2.6,
- is this normal, Jerry
- Failover with FastStart GW,
NMC Concept
- PacPhone 1.2.9 Released, Simon Horne
- configure gatekeeper.ini for output all logs in a file, Lorenzo Ciucci
- gnugk 2.2.6 crashes frequently,
hakam taourchi
- GnuGk manual in Persian, Jan Willamowius
- GnuGK-GnuGK (core dumped),
VoIP Service
- gnugk 2.2.6 in full routed mode - rtcp ports leakage?,
Vladyslav Bakayev
- PrefixCapacities,
Gabriel Georgescu
- Changing debug/trace level on air !,
Amir Hossein Shenavandeh
- GNUGK 2.2.6 dies when accessing PG 8.1.8 for SQLConfig,
manjula hettiarachchi
- Variables on Radius,
- Issues with MySQL 5.1.17 and GnuGK 2.2.7-CVS,
- incoming Capacity limitation setup,
- Match_tariff with wild card prefixes,
manjula hettiarachchi
- concurrent calls exeed 150, crashed.,
- Max number of calls - 2.2.4 binary,
manjula hettiarachchi
- PacPhone 1.2.8 released, Simon Horne
- CVS Compilation,
- dailout router,
Martin Hooyer
- Running Calls Monitoring, Nyamul Hassaan
- Memory consumption,
Gabriel Georgescu
- Re: Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 12, Issue 17,
Suren Hakhnazaryan
- Re: Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 12, Issue 16, Suren Hakhnazaryan
- GNUGK entering "0" disconnect cause code.,
Suren Hakhnazaryan
- Error in logs,
Gabriel Georgescu
- what's different between GNU Gatekeeper Version 2.2.6 and V 2.2.5,
Carol Chang
- Could not open/connect Q.931 socket, Edson
- question about FileIPAuth, Jerome Alet
- LDAP through PostgreSQL stored procedures,
Jerome Alet
- No response routetoalias,
Jose Salinas
- GnuGK 2.2.6 crash after reload,
- GNU Gatekeeper 2.2.6 released,
Jan Willamowius
- firewall + gnugk, Carlos Javier Igal
- PacPhone 1.2.7 Released,
Simon Horne
- Re: Sqbill with radius and H323 ID & IP ** SOLVED **,
Rushan Sobar
- GKGUI web interface not working,
Ehab El Maraghy
- ip-ip gateway, Afandina Info
- PacPhone 1.2.6 Released (now with Video), Simon Horne
- port 1720 closed !,
Afandina Info
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