Dear list, I installed gnugk-2.2.6-linux-x86 on a OpenSuSe 10.3 box. Principally it seems to work. At least the tests with ohphone (described in the manual) work perfectly. What I want to do is a h323 video conference over this gatekeeper. The videocon machine 1 and 2 and the gnugk box are (for the tests) in the same network to avoid firewall problems. The gnugk box is supposed to be the future video conferencing proxy to the world. Step one: videocon1 runs ekiga on linux, videocon2 runs netmeeting on windows XP. They both communicate perfectly when they talk directly to each other. But I want them to communicate over the gnugk gateway. That fails. When I tell one client to have the gnugk box as the gateway, it cannot connect. Also the gnugk software does not give an error message. Only the network sniffer tells that there is a SYN reqest to the gnugk box and from there a SYN RST as the answer. I invoke gnugk: ./bin/gnugk -r -i IP-of-the-gateway -c ./etc/gnugk.ini -ttt further down is the gnugk.ini file I am sure that the reason is me, but as a newbie I don't have an idea how to fix it. Does any body have an idea? Thank you for your help, Ulrich Hiller -- Ulrich Hiller Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie Koenigstuhl 17 69117 Heidelberg Germany phone +49 6221 528238 fax +49 6221 528246 email hiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx gnugk.ini: ========== [Gatekeeper::Main] Fortytwo=42 TimeToLive=600 Name=A_NAME NetworkInterfaces= UseBroadcastListener=0 [LogFile] Rotate=Daily RotateTime=23:00 [RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 H245Routed=1 CallSignalPort=0 CallSignalHandlerNumber=2 AcceptNeighborsCalls=1 AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1 RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=1 DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1 SupportNATedEndpoints=1 Q931PortRange=30000-39999 H245PortRange=40000-49999 TranslateFacility=1 [Proxy] Enable=1 T120PortRange=50000-59999 RTPPortRange=50000-59999 [Gatekeeper::Auth] default=allow [FileIPAuth] any=allow [GkStatus::Auth] rule=allow ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: Microsoft Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008. _______________________________________________________ Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: Unsubscribe: Homepage: