Hi, I try to use gnugk on a gateway to gateway scenario.
gnu2007/09/08 07:44:59.500 2 gkacct.cxx(1014) GKACCT Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 2
2007/09/08 07:44:59.500 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(2085) Q931s Call 2 is NAT type 0
2007/09/08 07:44:59.500 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(753) GK Call 2 proxy enabled
2007/09/08 07:45:05.515 1 ProxyChannel.cxx(2987) Q931d Could not open/connect Q.931 socket at - error 9/1073751884: Timed outgk recide at .
Can you tell me what up on it ?
How i correct this issue.
J. Lora
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