Pulseaudio Discussion - Date Index
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- rtp-recv quit working after upgrade
- From: DaveD <mythtv@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v2.1
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v2.0
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v2.0
- From: Andrey Semashev <andrey.semashev@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v2.0
- From: liebrecht@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [ANNOUNCE] Python libpulse 0.6
- From: Xavier de Gaye <xdegaye@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] Python libpulse 0.5
- From: Xavier de Gaye <xdegaye@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 16.2
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Connecting RPi4 to Mobile via Bluetooth for Audio Streaming in PulseAudio
- From: Dhruv Menon <dhruvmenon1104@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: More than 64 connections
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- More than 64 connections
- fluidsynth[1761]: Failed to create secure directory
- From: Fluke667 <fluke.667@xxxxxxxxx>
- Sound output issues when switching from A2DP to handsfree
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio Volume Control 6.1
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Need Pulseaudio Modules
- From: Jim West <jimwest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why does the int_value of the pa_json_object structure need to be declared as int64_t?
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why does the int_value of the pa_json_object structure need to be declared as int64_t?
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why does the int_value of the pa_json_object structure need to be declared as int64_t?
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- why does the int_value of the pa_json_object structure need to be declared as int64_t?
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Does the latest pulseaudio support AAC?
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Does the latest pulseaudio support AAC?
- From: Qu Wenruo <quwenruo.btrfs@xxxxxxx>
- Does the latest pulseaudio support AAC?
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using module-ladspa-sink - what LADSPA plugin exactly do I need to install?
- From: Sergei Steshenko <sergstesh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: Using module-ladspa-sink - what LADSPA plugin exactly do I need to install?
- From: Doron Behar <doron.behar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using module-ladspa-sink - what LADSPA plugin exactly do I need to install?
- From: Sergei Steshenko <sergstesh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using module-ladspa-sink - what LADSPA plugin exactly do I need to install?
- From: Sergei Steshenko <sergstesh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: Using module-ladspa-sink - what LADSPA plugin exactly do I need to install?
- From: Doron Behar <doron.behar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Disabling Autologin Breaks Sound
- From: spamsink <spamsink@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using module-ladspa-sink - what LADSPA plugin exactly do I need to install?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Using module-ladspa-sink - what LADSPA plugin exactly do I need to install?
- From: Doron Behar <doron.behar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Pulseaudio does not automatically load module for my alsa card, must load manually
- From: Richard Thiebaud <thiebauddick2@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Why the playing audio will be recorded into the mic?
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why the playing audio will be recorded into the mic?
- From: "=?gb18030?b?1dSzydLl?=" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why the playing audio will be recorded into the mic?
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why the playing audio will be recorded into the mic?
- From: Sergei Steshenko <sergstesh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why the playing audio will be recorded into the mic?
- From: Sergei Steshenko <sergstesh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why the playing audio will be recorded into the mic?
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why the playing audio will be recorded into the mic?
- From: Михаил Новоселов <mikhailnov@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why the playing audio will be recorded into the mic?
- From: Mark Gaiser <markg85@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why the playing audio will be recorded into the mic?
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why the playing audio will be recorded into the mic?
- From: Михаил Новоселов <mikhailnov@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Why the playing audio will be recorded into the mic?
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio Volume Control 6.0
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting Pulseaudio and alsa to share one sound card
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting Pulseaudio and alsa to share one sound card
- From: Richard Reina <gatorreina@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting Pulseaudio and alsa to share one sound card
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting Pulseaudio and alsa to share one sound card
- From: Richard Reina <gatorreina@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting Pulseaudio and alsa to share one sound card
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting Pulseaudio and alsa to share one sound card
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting Pulseaudio and alsa to share one sound card
- From: Richard Reina <gatorreina@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting Pulseaudio and alsa to share one sound card
- From: Mark Gaiser <markg85@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting Pulseaudio and alsa to share one sound card
- From: Richard Reina <gatorreina@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting Pulseaudio and alsa to share one sound card
- From: Mark Gaiser <markg85@xxxxxxxxx>
- Getting Pulseaudio and alsa to share one sound card
- From: Richard Reina <gatorreina@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dedicated notification sink?
- From: Mark Gaiser <markg85@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dedicated notification sink?
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Dedicated notification sink?
- From: Mark Gaiser <markg85@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I see no way to report a bug on "How to report a bug" wiki page
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I see no way to report a bug on "How to report a bug" wiki page
- From: Martin Guy <martinwguy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I see no way to report a bug on "How to report a bug" wiki page
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I see no way to report a bug on "How to report a bug" wiki page
- From: Patrick May <dusthillresident@xxxxxxxxx>
- I see no way to report a bug on "How to report a bug" wiki page
- From: Martin Guy <martinwguy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mic volume Keeps changing randomly
- From: Михаил Новоселов <mikhailnov@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mic volume Keeps changing randomly
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Mic volume Keeps changing randomly
- From: Igal Sapir <igal@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Stuttering when recording sink monitor audio.
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Stuttering when recording sink monitor audio.
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 17.0
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with module-rtp-recv, Sample Specification stuck at 44011Hz (instead of 44100Hz), Buffer Latency constantly increasing
- From: NicoHood <pulseaudio-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with module-rtp-recv, Sample Specification stuck at 44011Hz (instead of 44100Hz), Buffer Latency constantly increasing
- From: Chris Beat <misc.stuff@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re:Could we remove the version number in the PulseAudio installation path?
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Could we remove the version number in the PulseAudio installation path?
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Switching output ports across sound cards will cause the Headphone to be silent.
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Switching output ports across sound cards will cause the Headphone to be silent.
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Switching output ports across sound cards will cause the Headphone to be silent.
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Switching output ports across sound cards will cause the Headphone to be silent.
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Switching output ports across sound cards will cause the Headphone to be silent.
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Switching output ports across sound cards will cause the Headphone to be silent.
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Switching output ports across sound cards will cause the Headphone to be silent.
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Sound problem on first handsfree_audio_gateway configuration
- From: Antoine Nauzet <antoine.nauzet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Has anyone configured for IP Phone Group Paging (aka Multicast RTP, using uLaw or aLaw or G.722 codec)?
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Has anyone configured for IP Phone Group Paging (aka Multicast RTP, using uLaw or aLaw or G.722 codec)?
- From: Pete Holzmann <webbed.pete@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with HSP/HFP profiles with bluetooth devices
- From: Antoine Nauzet <antoine.nauzet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with HSP/HFP profiles with bluetooth devices
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iec958 (S/PDIF) + USB = 100% CPU usage
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iec958 (S/PDIF) + USB = 100% CPU usage
- From: Ismael Farfán <sulfurfff@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with HSP/HFP profiles with bluetooth devices
- From: Antoine Nauzet <antoine.nauzet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with HSP/HFP profiles with bluetooth devices
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Disable system wide mode
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iec958 (S/PDIF) + USB = 100% CPU usage
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with HSP/HFP profiles with bluetooth devices
- From: Antoine Nauzet <antoine.nauzet@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing 1.3
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Disable system wide mode
- From: dhtguru <dhtguru@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing 1.2
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iec958 (S/PDIF) + USB = 100% CPU usage
- From: Ismael Farfán <sulfurfff@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pa_simple_new function - Failed to load cookie file from cookie: Not a directory
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pa_simple_new function - Failed to load cookie file from cookie: Not a directory
- From: Björn Försterling <bjoern.foersterling@xxxxxx>
- Re: pa_simple_new function - Failed to load cookie file from cookie: Not a directory
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- pa_simple_new function - Failed to load cookie file from cookie: Not a directory
- From: Björn Försterling <bjoern.foersterling@xxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 16.99.1
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Inserting headphone "locks" audio
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Inserting headphone "locks" audio
- From: John Oliver <jnojr1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Inserting headphone "locks" audio
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Inserting headphone "locks" audio
- From: John Oliver <jnojr1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Inserting headphone "locks" audio
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Trying to send/receive audio between Windows<->Linux
- Re: Inserting headphone "locks" audio
- From: John Oliver <jnojr1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Inserting headphone "locks" audio
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Inserting headphone "locks" audio
- From: John Oliver <jnojr1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora's default installation seems ... uh... Quite Different!
- From: Richard <padude@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora's default installation seems ... uh... Quite Different!
- From: Denis Shulyaka <shulyaka@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora's default installation seems ... uh... Quite Different!
- From: Richard <padude@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v1.1
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bluetooth audio connection issue for multi-user login
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Bluetooth audio connection issue for multi-user login
- From: Chengyi Zhao <chengyi.zhao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Static produced when connected to pulseaudio via the API
- From: Toks Quaye <toksquayework@xxxxxxxxx>
- No audio output from Zoom
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to remove a sink port
- From: coolix <coolix@xxxxxxx>
- Re: RTP makes high tone pitch
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: RTP makes high tone pitch
- From: Lars Stollenwerk <LSto@xxxxxx>
- Re: Pulseaudio and S/PDIF
- From: "Alexander E. Patrakov" <patrakov@xxxxxxxxx>
- Help with pacmd
- From: Jerry Geis <jerry.geis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Pulseaudio and S/PDIF
- From: Jerry Geis <jerry.geis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Pulseaudio and S/PDIF
- From: "Alexander E. Patrakov" <patrakov@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Pulseaudio and S/PDIF
- From: Jerry Geis <jerry.geis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Pulseaudio and S/PDIF
- From: Jerry Geis <jerry.geis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RTP makes high tone pitch
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulse audio not output for some apps
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulse audio not output for some apps
- From: Igor Lerinc <igor.lerinc7@xxxxxxxxx>
- pulse audio not output for some apps
- From: Igor Lerinc <igor.lerinc7@xxxxxxxxx>
- RTP makes high tone pitch
- From: Lars Stollenwerk <LSto@xxxxxx>
- Re: Crackling Audio in Pulseaudio RTP Stream
- From: NicoHood <pulseaudio-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crackling Audio in Pulseaudio RTP Stream
- From: Chris Beat <misc.stuff@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crackling Audio in Pulseaudio RTP Stream
- From: NicoHood <pulseaudio-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crackling Audio in Pulseaudio RTP Stream
- From: Chris Beat <misc.stuff@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crackling Audio in Pulseaudio RTP Stream
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Crackling Audio in Pulseaudio RTP Stream
- From: NicoHood <pulseaudio-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: what is still missing?
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: what is still missing?
- From: Sergei Steshenko <sergstesh@xxxxxxxxx>
- what is still missing?
- From: Matti Riikari <matti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to be sure about the quality of the audio?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to be sure about the quality of the audio?
- From: Sergei Steshenko <sergstesh@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to be sure about the quality of the audio?
- From: MilS Lion <9acca9@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using the line-out of my plugable usb audio adapter
- From: Paul Elliott <pelliott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using the line-out of my plugable usb audio adapter
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using the line-out of my plugable usb audio adapter
- From: Paul Elliott <pelliott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using the line-out of my plugable usb audio adapter
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- using the line-out of my plugable usb audio adapter
- From: Paul Elliott <pelliott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help with receiving multicast
- From: Jerry Geis <jerry.geis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help with receiving multicast
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Help with receiving multicast
- From: Jerry Geis <jerry.geis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulse audio receive multicast
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- pulse audio receive multicast
- From: Jerry Geis <jerry.geis@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pacmd ignores PULSE_SERVER env var
- From: Tudor Zaharia <tudor@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pacmd ignores PULSE_SERVER env var
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Output switches to HDMI after locking screen
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Output switches to HDMI after locking screen
- From: Blazej Slusarek <blazej.86@xxxxxxxxx>
- pacmd ignores PULSE_SERVER env var
- From: Tudor Zaharia <tudor@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Null sink and its monitor cause high CPU usage in headless environment
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Null sink and its monitor cause high CPU usage in headless environment
- From: Tudor Zaharia <tudor@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Null sink and its monitor cause high CPU usage in headless environment
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Null sink and its monitor cause high CPU usage in headless environment
- From: Tudor Zaharia <tudor@xxxxxxxxxx>
- pulseaudio handshake error
- From: Andrey Af <public.irkutsk@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Default audio output/input behavior
- From: "Mgr. Janusz Chmiel" <mgr.janusz.chmiel@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Default audio output/input behavior
- From: Andrejs Cainikovs <andrejs.cainikovs@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Default audio output/input behavior
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Default audio output/input behavior
- From: Sergei Steshenko <sergstesh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Default audio output/input behavior
- From: Andrejs Cainikovs <andrejs.cainikovs@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: echo-cancel module
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- echo-cancel module
- From: Aaron Brice <aaron.brice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Stepping down as a maintainer
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Stepping down as a maintainer
- From: Felipe Sateler <fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Stepping down as a maintainer
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: Please help to explain the algorithm in pa_sw_volume_to_dB
- From: "zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do different sound cards dynamically use different configurations?
- From: "zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Please help to explain the algorithm in pa_sw_volume_to_dB
- From: "zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lo-latency-test not working
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- lo-latency-test not working
- From: "Velicheti Sita" <velicheti.sita@xxxxxxx>
- Re: How do different sound cards dynamically use different configurations?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do different sound cards dynamically use different configurations?
- From: "zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do different sound cards dynamically use different configurations?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Playback via alsa sink in pulseaudio 15 fails with assert failed
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How do different sound cards dynamically use different configurations?
- From: "zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Playback via alsa sink in pulseaudio 15 fails with assert failed
- From: "Velicheti Sita" <velicheti.sita@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Playback via alsa sink in pulseaudio 15 fails with assert failed
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Playback via alsa sink in pulseaudio 15 fails with assert failed
- From: "Velicheti Sita" <velicheti.sita@xxxxxxx>
- Re: How to map 2 channels from a 32-channel USB device to L/R?
- From: Richard Cooke <rcooke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to map 2 channels from a 32-channel USB device to L/R?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to map 2 channels from a 32-channel USB device to L/R?
- From: Richard Cooke <rcooke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to map 2 channels from a 32-channel USB device to L/R?
- From: Richard Cooke <rcooke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Get or set volume instead of dB in most cases
- From: "zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to map 2 channels from a 32-channel USB device to L/R?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to map 2 channels from a 32-channel USB device to L/R?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Regarding latency of pulseaudio
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Query regarding pulseaudio latency measurement
- From: sita velicheti <sitavelicheti@xxxxxxxxx>
- Regarding latency of pulseaudio
- From: "Thomas George C" <thomas.georgec@xxxxxxx>
- How to map 2 channels from a 32-channel USB device to L/R?
- From: Richard Cooke <rcooke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why does the USB headset show the Digital Output (S/PDIF) port?
- From: "zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH] add judgment logic before pa_streq
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- [PATCH] add judgment logic before pa_streq
- From: lishengyu <lishengyu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Signal handling in PulseAudio
- From: Chase Lambert <chaselambda@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why does the USB headset show the Digital Output (S/PDIF) port?
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Why does the USB headset show the Digital Output (S/PDIF) port?
- From: "zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RTP stream sample rate and latency problem "Sample rates too different, not adjusting"
- From: Franz Petri <franzpetri@xxxxxx>
- SOLVED Re: RTP stream sample rate and latency problem "Sample rates too different, not adjusting"
- From: Chris Beat <misc.stuff@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 16.1
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Creating a new Input using the C API
- From: "Paul R. Tagliamonte" <paultag@xxxxxxxxx>
- RTP stream sample rate and latency problem "Sample rates too different, not adjusting"
- From: Chris Beat <misc.stuff@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problem with module-role-ducking, ducked stream occasionally unmutes / switches / breaks through
- From: Chris Beat <misc.stuff@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problem with module-role-ducking, ducked stream occasionally unmutes / switches / breaks through
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- problem with module-role-ducking, ducked stream occasionally unmutes / switches / breaks through
- From: Chris Beat <misc.stuff@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pactl percentage bug fix
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: pactl percentage bug fix
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pactl percentage bug fix
- From: Patrick May <dusthillresident@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pactl percentage bug fix
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- pactl percentage bug fix
- From: Patrick May <dusthillresident@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Pulse audio is designed to destroy your hearing and your equipment
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Pulse audio is designed to destroy your hearing and your equipment
- From: Patrick May <dusthillresident@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BLE Audio support in Pulse Audio
- From: pradeepkumar soman <pradeep2481@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audio only working after stopping PulseAudio and setting the UCM - kblda7219max on the ChromeOS Kernel, 5.10.70
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 16.0
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BLE Audio support in Pulse Audio
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- BLE Audio support in Pulse Audio
- From: pradeepkumar soman <pradeep2481@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pavucontrol : input device listed, but no signal
- From: Pieter J Voet <PieterVoet@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pavucontrol : input device listed, but no signal
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- pavucontrol : input device listed, but no signal
- From: Pieter J Voet <PieterVoet@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: module-remap-source, module-virtual-source, and latencies
- From: Chase Lambert <chaselambda@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: module-remap-source, module-virtual-source, and latencies
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: module-remap-source, module-virtual-source, and latencies
- From: Chase Lambert <chaselambda@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: module-remap-source, module-virtual-source, and latencies
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: module-remap-source, module-virtual-source, and latencies
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: module-remap-source, module-virtual-source, and latencies
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- module-remap-source, module-virtual-source, and latencies
- From: Chase Lambert <chaselambda@xxxxxxxxx>
- Audio only working after stopping PulseAudio and setting the UCM - kblda7219max on the ChromeOS Kernel, 5.10.70
- From: Navtej Bhatti <navtejsbhatti@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: call pa_stream_drain() for multiple streams
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- call pa_stream_drain() for multiple streams
- From: su <su_cj81@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Can pa_stream_write be executed at the other thread ?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Can pa_stream_write be executed at the other thread ?
- From: su <su_cj81@xxxxxxx>
- Support for Realtek ALC4080 - No Sound
- From: Mar Mel <marmel6942@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error running from procmail
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 15.99.1
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error running from procmail
- From: Adrian van Bloois <adrian@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Connect Alsa Input from hw:1, 0 to null-sink thru loopback
- From: corbeille <corbeille@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help resolving audio recording/playback issues
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error running from procmail
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error running from procmail
- From: Adrian van Bloois <adrian@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help resolving audio recording/playback issues
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help resolving audio recording/playback issues
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help resolving audio recording/playback issues
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Seeking advice on use of padsp
- From: gbrowne <gbrowne@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Connect Alsa Input from hw:1, 0 to null-sink thru loopback
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Seeking advice on use of padsp
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error running from procmail
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Seeking advice on use of padsp
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Connect Alsa Input from hw:1, 0 to null-sink thru loopback
- From: corbeille <corbeille@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dropped xxx samples. This is most likely because downstream can't keep up and is consuming samples too slowly.
- From: corbeille <corbeille@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dropped xxx samples. This is most likely because downstream can't keep up and is consuming samples too slowly.
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dropped xxx samples. This is most likely because downstream can't keep up and is consuming samples too slowly.
- From: corbeille <corbeille@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dropped xxx samples. This is most likely because downstream can't keep up and is consuming samples too slowly.
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dropped xxx samples. This is most likely because downstream can't keep up and is consuming samples too slowly.
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dropped xxx samples. This is most likely because downstream can't keep up and is consuming samples too slowly.
- From: corbeille <corbeille@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dropped xxx samples. This is most likely because downstream can't keep up and is consuming samples too slowly.
- From: corbeille <corbeille@xxxxxxxx>
- Dropped xxx samples. This is most likely because downstream can't keep up and is consuming samples too slowly.
- From: corbeille <corbeille@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error running from procmail
- From: Adrian van Bloois <adrian@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error running from procmail
- From: Adrian van Bloois <adrian@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: set media.role for VMware client
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Seeking advice on use of padsp
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error running from procmail
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: no sound on USB-C dock audio jack SOLVED
- From: "mailinglisten@xxxxxxxxx" <mailinglisten@xxxxxxxxx>
- no sound on USB-C dock audio jack
- From: "mailinglisten@xxxxxxxxx" <mailinglisten@xxxxxxxxx>
- Need help resolving audio recording/playback issues
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error running from procmail
- From: Adrian van Bloois <adrian@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Error running from procmail
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Error running from procmail
- From: Adrian van Bloois <adrian@xxxxxxxxx>
- Seeking advice on use of padsp
- From: Geoff Browne <gbrowne@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: set media.role for VMware client
- From: sben1783 <sben1783@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: set media.role for VMware client
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: set media.role for VMware client
- From: sben1783 <sben1783@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulseaudio module-combine-sink and network devices
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: set media.role for VMware client
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- set media.role for VMware client
- From: sben1783 <sben1783@xxxxxxxx>
- pulseaudio module-combine-sink and network devices
- From: Dan MacDonald <allcoms@xxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH] volume: The volume is calculated by rounding.
- From: lishengyu <lishengyu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ANN: automatic multichannel profile selection for PulseAudio
- From: "Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)" <rudd-o@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ITP Bug#1003102
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 转发:ITP Bug#1003102
- From: tangmeng@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- ITP Bug#1003102
- From: tangmeng@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Make paired (but not connected) BT device available as sink?
- From: Josef Wolf <jw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Make paired (but not connected) BT device available as sink?
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Make paired (but not connected) BT device available as sink?
- From: Josef Wolf <jw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Make paired (but not connected) BT device available as sink?
- From: Josef Wolf <jw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Make paired (but not connected) BT device available as sink?
- From: Georg Chini <georg@xxxxxxxx>
- Make paired (but not connected) BT device available as sink?
- From: Josef Wolf <jw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Pulseaudio is designed to damage your hearing
- From: Andrew Eikum <aeikum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Pulseaudio is designed to damage your hearing
- From: Patrick May <dusthillresident@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] paprefs 1.2
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: Which device-string I should disable between hw:%f and iec958:%f?
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Which device-string I should disable between hw:%f and iec958:%f?
- From: "赵成义" <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Line-in volume
- From: "Paul A. Steckler" <steck@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulseaudio failed to start at ubuntu 21.04
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- pulseaudio failed to start at ubuntu 21.04
- From: su <su_cj81@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Start pulseaudio without graphical login
- From: Vikas Rawal <vikasrawal@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Start pulseaudio without graphical login
- From: Vikas Rawal <vikasrawal@xxxxxxxxx>
- bluetooth sink interfering with system - sink suspended
- From: Matt Zagrabelny <mzagrabe@xxxxxxxxx>
- does pulseaudio support wired audio headsets controlling hardware buttons
- From: "Mgr. Janusz Chmiel" <mgr.janusz.chmiel@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why do I use pacat/parec to record monitor device always at the same volume?
- From: Chengyi Zhao <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why do I use pacat/parec to record monitor device always at the same volume?
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- why do I use pacat/parec to record monitor device always at the same volume?
- From: Chengyi Zhao <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How does PulseAudio adapt to multi-user usage scenarios?
- From: Sławomir Lach <slawek@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- How does PulseAudio adapt to multi-user usage scenarios?
- From: Chengyi Zhao <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: Joel <jm-hotmail@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: Joel <jm-hotmail@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Where are stored sinks' settings?
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: troubleshooting switch-on-connect and switch-on-port-available
- From: Krister <thekswenson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Where are stored sinks' settings?
- From: Pierre-Luc Daoust <pl@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Never auto-select a device as the fallback
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: troubleshooting switch-on-connect and switch-on-port-available
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- troubleshooting switch-on-connect and switch-on-port-available
- From: Krister <thekswenson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Force SRC even when sample rates are the same
- From: "Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)" <rudd-o@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: "Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)" <rudd-o@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Never auto-select a device as the fallback
- From: Chris Keller <xylo04@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Recipe: recording sound card input and output
- From: Joel <jm-hotmail@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Recipe: recording sound card input and output
- From: Chris Keller <xylo04@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Recipe: recording sound card input and output
- From: Joel <jm-hotmail@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Recipe: recording sound card input and output
- From: Chris Keller <xylo04@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: Colin Guthrie <gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: Using pulseaudio (bluetooth) from a systemd service
- From: Federico Milano <fmilano@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: Joel <jm-hotmail@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Force SRC even when sample rates are the same
- From: Timur Aydin <ta@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Force SRC even when sample rates are the same
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: Joel <jm-hotmail@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Start condition failed - ConditionUser=!root not met
- From: Joel Miller <jm-hotmail@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using pulseaudio (bluetooth) from a systemd service
- From: Becker Béla <bela@becker.rocks>
- Using pulseaudio (bluetooth) from a systemd service
- From: Federico Milano <fmilano@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Understanding PulseSimple Large Memory Allocations
- From: Ryan McClue <re.mcclue@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Understanding PulseSimple Large Memory Allocations
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Understanding PulseSimple Large Memory Allocations
- From: Ryan McClue <re.mcclue@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Streaming audio from a game to voice chat, mixed with audio from microphone
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Streaming audio from a game to voice chat, mixed with audio from microphone
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Streaming audio from a game to voice chat, mixed with audio from microphone
- From: Patrick May <dusthillresident@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to use module-loopback
- From: Patrick May <dusthillresident@xxxxxxxxx>
- Null sink monitor device unable to record 8 ch output
- From: Vijendar Reddy Mukunda <vijendar.reddy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why does Jack section uses "state.plugged = unknown" and "state.unplugged = unknown"?
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: how to pass correct channel map
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: analog stereo no longer an option for sound card
- From: Matt Zagrabelny <mzagrabe@xxxxxxxxx>
- analog stereo no longer an option for sound card
- From: Matt Zagrabelny <mzagrabe@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulseaudio-discuss Digest, Vol 125, Issue 9
- From: Vijendar Reddy Mukunda <vijendar.reddy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Why does Jack section uses "state.plugged = unknown" and "state.unplugged = unknown"?
- From: Chengyi Zhao <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to pass correct channel map
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- how to pass correct channel map
- From: Vijendar Reddy Mukunda <vijendar.reddy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: blocking call in pulse core mainloop context results in sink not getting data
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: need to run `pulseaudio -k` to record from null sink
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulsectl with pulseaudio 15.0
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- pulsectl with pulseaudio 15.0
- From: Matthias Mirbeth <matthias.mirbeth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Pulseaudio on the ESP32 ?
- From: JF <pulseaudio@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: need to run `pulseaudio -k` to record from null sink
- From: Gareth Walker <walkergareth474@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulseaudio parec recording short interrupt at user switch
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: need to run `pulseaudio -k` to record from null sink
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- need to run `pulseaudio -k` to record from null sink
- From: Gareth Walker <walkergareth474@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulseaudio parec recording short interrupt at user switch
- From: Istvan Gabor <suseuser04@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulseaudio parec recording short interrupt at user switch
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: execute commands on suspend/resume?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- pulseaudio parec recording short interrupt at user switch
- From: Istvan Gabor <suseuser04@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: execute commands on suspend/resume?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Pulseaudio on the ESP32 ?
- From: Denis Shulyaka <shulyaka@xxxxxxxxx>
- Pulseaudio on the ESP32 ?
- From: JF <pulseaudio@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: blocking call in pulse core mainloop context results in sink not getting data
- From: Ravikiran belur <ravikiranbelur@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: mindfsck <mindfsck@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: mindfsck <mindfsck@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: mindfsck <mindfsck@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: mindfsck <mindfsck@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: mindfsck <mindfsck@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: mindfsck <mindfsck@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: mindfsck <mindfsck@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Audible plop at beginning when using pcat-simple
- From: mindfsck <mindfsck@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] pavucontrol 5.0
- From: anantha lavanya <ananthavidhya@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] pavucontrol 5.0
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: Pulse Audio serious Issue- required sincere help
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Pulse Audio serious Issue- required sincere help
- From: anantha lavanya <ananthavidhya@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why does PA need to rewrite and rewind when I change the volume while playing audio?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 15.0
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why does PA need to rewrite and rewind when I change the volume while playing audio?
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Why does PA need to rewrite and rewind when I change the volume while playing audio?
- From: Chengyi Zhao <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: blocking call in pulse core mainloop context results in sink not getting data
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- blocking call in pulse core mainloop context results in sink not getting data
- From: Ravikiran belur <ravikiranbelur@xxxxxxxxx>
- blocking call in pulse core mainloop context results in sink not getting data
- From: Ravikiran belur <ravikiranbelur@xxxxxxxxx>
- Show "Operation Not Authorized" when calling TryAcquire.
- From: Chengyi Zhao <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 14.99.2
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IRC channel has moved
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulseaudio-discuss Digest, Vol 121, Issue 1
- From: andreas.unterhuber@xxxxxx
- execute commands on suspend/resume?
- From: Peter Meilstrup <peter.meilstrup@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to define a pulseaudio profile that ignores the “input” capabilities of a microphone
- From: Damian Nadales <damian.nadales@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to define a pulseaudio profile that ignores the “input” capabilities of a microphone
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to define a pulseaudio profile that ignores the “input” capabilities of a microphone
- From: Damian Nadales <damian.nadales@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Pipe Line-In input as/to Microphone input
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Pipe Line-In input as/to Microphone input
- From: sdkjka22jhd <sdkjka22jhd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Pipe Line-In input as/to Microphone input
- From: sdkjka22jhd <sdkjka22jhd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 14.99.1
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Linux Mint 20.1: the internal mic of ALC255 card is not recognised sometimes on reboot
- From: Vikas Rawal <vikasrawal@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: two sound files at the same time - problem with crontab (pulseaudio involved)
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- two sound files at the same time - problem with crontab (pulseaudio involved)
- From: Christian <abelschreck3@xxxxxxxxxx>
- PulseAudio Support for Blender
- From: Jörg Müller <nexyon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Question about setup sink/source
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Question about setup sink/source
- From: andreas.unterhuber@xxxxxx
- Re: Bluetooth headset HSP/HFP sound not working but microphone is
- From: Bram Lagerweij <bramlagerweij16@xxxxxxxxx>
- [patch] proplist: tweak documentation for `pa_proplist_get()`
- From: Lyndon Brown <jnqnfe@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why should we set multichannel-input and multichannel-output to a fallback map
- From: Chengyi Zhao <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Sink mapping
- From: J Cornily <cornily@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bluetooth headset HSP/HFP sound not working but microphone is
- From: Bram Lagerweij <bramlagerweij16@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why should we set multichannel-input and multichannel-output to a fallback map
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Why should we set multichannel-input and multichannel-output to a fallback map
- From: Chengyi Zhao <zhaochengyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a2dp_sink not available for headphone/headset
- From: "mailinglisten@xxxxxxxxx" <mailinglisten@xxxxxxxxx>
- a2dp_sink not available for headphone/headset
- From: "mailinglisten@xxxxxxxxx" <mailinglisten@xxxxxxxxx>
- One user gets sound, the other doesn't
- From: Alan Greenberger <alanjg@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using PulseAudio's echo cancellation for a voice assistant
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DBus interface and source priority
- From: Christian Bianchi <whites11@xxxxxxxxx>
- Using PulseAudio's echo cancellation for a voice assistant
- From: Giovanni Campagna <gcampagn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bluetooth HPF profile outputs garbage
- From: Tolga ILDIZ <ildiztolga@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- mpg123 run by apache2 not working
- From: Matt Kitcat <matt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before [RESOLVED]
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before [RESOLVED]
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before [RESOLVED]
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before [RESOLVED]
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before [RESOLVED]
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: "Alexander E. Patrakov" <patrakov@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- No audio output; same setup worked before
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Virtual audio cable - high cpu usage
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Virtual audio cable - high cpu usage
- From: Pierre-Louis Bossart <pierre-louis.bossart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Virtual audio cable - high cpu usage
- From: Renaud GHIA <rghia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Virtual audio cable - high cpu usage
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Virtual audio cable - high cpu usage
- From: Renaud GHIA <rghia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Virtual audio cable - high cpu usage
- From: "Alexander E. Patrakov" <patrakov@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Virtual audio cable - high cpu usage
- From: Renaud GHIA <rghia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Virtual audio cable - high cpu usage
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- USB-connected headsets: no sound
- From: Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Virtual audio cable - high cpu usage
- From: Renaud GHIA <rghia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Virtual audio cable - high cpu usage
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Virtual audio cable - high cpu usage
- From: Renaud GHIA <rghia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Matt Feifarek <matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Matt Feifarek <matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx>
- CGroup integration for settings.
- From: Sławomir Lach <slawek@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Matt Feifarek <matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Latency/lag with tcp tunnel
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Unable to create SPDIF profile (VT1828S)
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How manage volume remotely on pulseaudio
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How manage volume remotely on pulseaudio
- From: Christian Schmitz <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How manage volume remotely on pulseaudio
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How manage volume remotely on pulseaudio
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How manage volume remotely on pulseaudio
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How manage volume remotely on pulseaudio
- From: Christian Schmitz <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How manage volume remotely on pulseaudio
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How manage volume remotely on pulseaudio
- From: Christian Schmitz <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How manage volume remotely on pulseaudio
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- How manage volume remotely on pulseaudio
- From: Christian Schmitz <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Unable to create SPDIF profile (VT1828S)
- From: strykar@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Mixing midi output and microphone to conferencing app
- From: "Jan De Luyck" <ml+pulseaudio@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mixing midi output and microphone to conferencing app
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 14.2
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: Mixing midi output and microphone to conferencing app
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Mixing midi output and microphone to conferencing app
- From: "Jan De Luyck" <ml+pulseaudio@xxxxxxxxx>
- sound devices /dev/dsp* && pulseaudio
- From: Matthias Apitz <guru@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 14.1
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sink creation initialization timings
- From: David Osguthorpe <david.osguthorpe@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: Chris Mayes <cmayes@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sink creation initialization timings
- From: David Osguthorpe <david.osguthorpe@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sink creation initialization timings
- From: David Osguthorpe <david.osguthorpe@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sink creation initialization timings
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sink creation initialization timings
- From: David Osguthorpe <david.osguthorpe@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sink creation initialization timings
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- sink creation initialization timings
- From: David Osguthorpe <david.osguthorpe@xxxxxxxxx>
- pactl subscribe: immune to SIGPIPE
- From: Nikita Zlobin <cook60020tmp@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: Chris Mayes <cmayes@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Map sink-input to virtual microphone
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: Chris Mayes <cmayes@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: Matt Feifarek <matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: Chris Mayes <cmayes@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: Chris Mayes <cmayes@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Map sink-input to virtual microphone
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Map sink-input to virtual microphone
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Map sink-input to virtual microphone
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Map sink-input to virtual microphone
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: Chris Mayes <cmayes@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: Chris Mayes <cmayes@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: Matt Feifarek <matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Delayed muting of studio speakers
- From: Chris Mayes <cmayes@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: container support
- From: Jan Van den Audenaerde <jan.vandenaudenaerde@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: container support
- From: GMAIL <temptempor@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: container support
- From: GMAIL <temptempor@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: container support
- From: Jan Van den Audenaerde <jan.vandenaudenaerde@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: container support
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: container support
- From: GMAIL <temptempor@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: container support
- From: Jan Van den Audenaerde <jan.vandenaudenaerde@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: container support
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- container support
- From: Jan Van den Audenaerde <jan.vandenaudenaerde@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Pulseaudio inside docker container
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Pulseaudio inside docker container
- From: Gino Lisignoli <glisignoli@xxxxxxxxx>
- Bluetooth headset no longer working after upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04
- From: Michel VAN DEN BERGH <michel.vandenbergh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bluetooth headset no longer working after upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04
- From: Michel VAN DEN BERGH <michel.vandenbergh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bluetooth headset no longer working after upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04
- From: Michel VAN DEN BERGH <michel.vandenbergh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: May I modify the configuration of the path 'analog-output-lineout.conf'
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v1.0
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v1.0
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 14.0
- From: - Neustradamus - <neustradamus@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 14.0
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 14.0
- From: Felipe Sateler <fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx>
- May I modify the configuration of the path 'analog-output-lineout.conf'
- From: Chengyi Zhao <chengyi.zhao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 14.0
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Requesting rewind due to corking
- From: Willem de Groot <gwillem@xxxxxxxxx>
- debugging audio over xrdp
- From: David Vrona <dave@xxxxxxxxx>
- High Fidelity Capture A2DP switching fine to Headset Audio Gateway (HSP/HFP) but no IN nor OUT audio on HSP/HFP Profile
- From: development_develissimo <development@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tunnel vs direct connect to remote PA server - tunnel unreliable
- From: Matt Feifarek <matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Networking and volume control
- From: Matt Feifarek <matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tunnel vs direct connect to remote PA server - tunnel unreliable
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Tunnel vs direct connect to remote PA server - tunnel unreliable
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Networking and volume control
- From: Matt Feifarek <matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Networking and volume control
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Networking and volume control
- From: Matt Feifarek <matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Networking and volume control
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to control the right and left channel for a specific application using CLI ?
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to control the right and left channel for a specific application using CLI ?
- From: 01ivier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How to control the right and left channel for a specific application using CLI ?
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: How to control the right and left channel for a specific application using CLI ?
- From: 01ivier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How to control the right and left channel for a specific application using CLI ?
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to control the right and left channel for a specific application using CLI ?
- From: 01ivier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How to control the right and left channel for a specific application using CLI ?
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to control the right and left channel for a specific application using CLI ?
- From: 01ivier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How to choose the sound card for an application using CLI ?
- From: 01ivier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How to choose the sound card for an application using CLI ?
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- How to choose the sound card for an application using CLI ?
- From: 01ivier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: System-wide PulseAudio instance with realtime priority as non-root from systemd
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Networking and volume control
- From: Karsten <debian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Networking and volume control
- From: Karsten <debian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Networking and volume control
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Networking and volume control
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: System-wide PulseAudio instance with realtime priority as non-root from systemd
- From: Jürgen Herrmann <t-5@xxxxxx>
- Re: Networking and volume control
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: Why I can't find multichannel-input and multichannel-output paths in path folder
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- sink "unplugged"
- Re: Networking and volume control
- From: Karsten <debian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: System-wide PulseAudio instance with realtime priority as non-root from systemd
- From: Karsten <debian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: System-wide PulseAudio instance with realtime priority as non-root from systemd
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: System-wide PulseAudio instance with realtime priority as non-root from systemd
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Networking and volume control
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: System-wide PulseAudio instance with realtime priority as non-root from systemd
- From: Jürgen Herrmann <t-5@xxxxxx>
- System-wide PulseAudio instance with realtime priority as non-root from systemd
- From: Matt Garman <matthew.garman@xxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 13.99.3
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Why I can't find multichannel-input and multichannel-output paths in path folder
- From: Chengyi Zhao <chengyi.zhao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Sound card is detected and used accidentally in PulseAudio
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Sound card is detected and used accidentally in PulseAudio
- From: Karsten <debian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Does Pulseaudio support capturing audio stream from a specific app?
- From: Daniel <windseeker@xxxxxx>
- Does Pulseaudio support capturing audio stream from a specific app?
- From: Patrick May <dusthillresident@xxxxxxxxx>
- [Solved] Re: PulseAudio is not working properly
- From: BaBa <for.ad@xxxxxxx>
- Re: PulseAudio is not working properly
- From: BaBa <for.ad@xxxxxxx>
- Re: PulseAudio is not working properly
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PulseAudio is not working properly
- From: BaBa <for.ad@xxxxxxx>
- Re: PulseAudio is not working properly
- From: BaBa <for.ad@xxxxxxx>
- Re: PulseAudio is not working properly
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PulseAudio is not working properly
- From: BaBa <for.ad@xxxxxxx>
- Re: max deviation is never above 50%
- From: Mike Fisher <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: max deviation is never above 50%
- From: Mike Fisher <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: max deviation is never above 50%
- From: Denis Shulyaka <shulyaka@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: max deviation is never above 50%
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: max deviation is never above 50%
- From: Mike Fisher <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: max deviation is never above 50%
- From: Denis Shulyaka <shulyaka@xxxxxxxxx>
- max deviation is never above 50%
- From: Mike Fisher <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a virtual microphone with source set as default monitor device?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Pulseaudio is deadlocked when using module-echo-cancel to Bluetooth input audio
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Pulseaudio is deadlocked when using module-echo-cancel to Bluetooth input audio
- From: Chengyi Zhao <chengyi.zhao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulse resolution change from jack
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a virtual microphone with source set as default monitor device?
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- pulse resolution change from jack
- From: matt <matt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 13.99.2
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Questions about device_start_waiting_for_profiles
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a virtual microphone with source set as default monitor device?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a virtual microphone with source set as default monitor device?
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Questions about device_start_waiting_for_profiles
- From: Chengyi Zhao <chengyi.zhao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Android Emulator (Qemu) Pulseaudio backend high CPU usage
- From: Tudor Zaharia <tudor.zaharia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a virtual microphone with source set as default monitor device?
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a virtual microphone with source set as default monitor device?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a virtual microphone with source set as default monitor device?
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a virtual microphone with source set as default monitor device?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a virtual microphone with source set as default monitor device?
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to create a virtual microphone with source set as default monitor device?
- From: Sean Greenslade <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to create a virtual microphone with source set as default monitor device?
- From: guest271314 <guest271314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Sound over HDMI - strange behavior
- From: Radosław Smogura <rsmogura@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- PulseAudio on MacOS - Microphone not working
- From: Timo <timoreg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Tom Yan <tom.ty89@xxxxxxxxx>
- Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Tom Yan <tom.ty89@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Tom Yan <tom.ty89@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Tom Yan <tom.ty89@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Tom Yan <tom.ty89@xxxxxxxxx>
- Docking station headphone jack
- From: Aura Kelloniemi <kaura.dev@xxxxxxxx>
- Help with Multiple Audio Sources and ALSA
- From: Johannes Schickel <lordhoto@xxxxxxxxx>
- Diagnosing clicks and pops during playback via native-protocol-tcp
- From: Parke <parke.nexus@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pulseaudio not loading plugin/sink after upgrade
- From: baby turtle <babyturtlefilms@xxxxxxxxx>
- shut down pulseaudio-commits?
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- pulseaudio not loading plugin/sink after upgrade
- From: baby turtle <babyturtlefilms@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Jaroslav Kysela <perex@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Takashi Sakamoto <o-takashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Pierre-Louis Bossart <pierre-louis.bossart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Takashi Sakamoto <o-takashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Takashi Sakamoto <o-takashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Pierre-Louis Bossart <pierre-louis.bossart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Takashi Sakamoto <o-takashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Takashi Sakamoto <o-takashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Takashi Sakamoto <o-takashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why doesn't mixer control (values) have some kind of locking mechanism? (mutex?)
- From: Pierre-Louis Bossart <pierre-louis.bossart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Pulseaudio likes to set my volume to ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM LOUD
- From: Patrick May <dusthillresident@xxxxxxxxx>
- PulseAudio on the web
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Latency Problem
- From: u <ugurbd@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Correct User Setup on an Embedded Device
- From: jtharkey <jtharkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Correct User Setup on an Embedded Device
- From: "Arun Raghavan" <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Correct User Setup on an Embedded Device
- From: jtharkey <jtharkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: The volume control ways in PulseAudio
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- Re: The volume control ways in PulseAudio
- From: Sleep <ireallyhatespam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: The volume control ways in PulseAudio
- From: Sleep <ireallyhatespam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: The volume control ways in PulseAudio
- From: Aaron Chou <zhoubb.aaron@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: The volume control ways in PulseAudio
- From: Tanu Kaskinen <tanuk@xxxxxx>
- The volume control ways in PulseAudio
- From: Aaron Chou <zhoubb.aaron@xxxxxxxxx>
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