Hi folks, I'm pleased to announce the release of pavucontrol 6.0! tarball: http://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/pavucontrol/pavucontrol-6.0.tar.xz sha256: http://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/pavucontrol/pavucontrol-6.0.tar.xz.sha256sum A quick summary of changes: * Migrate from Gtk 3 to 4. * Embed UI resources in executable. * Rename "Set as fallback" to "Default" for better legibility. * Support 144 Hz monitors with level bars. * App icons will fallback to generic rather than missing image, and this will be more common with Gtk 4. * Lots of translation updates. * Drop autotools build in favour of meson. * Make libcanberra dependency optional. A big shoutout to Jean-Alexandre Anglès d'Auriac and Nicola Revelant for some recent heavy-lifting with the Gtk 4 port and other code modernisation efforts, and everyone else who's contributed to translations, bug reports, and code. The build on Flathub will also be updated soon. Cheers, Arun