It works !
For the record, it works too with the index value gived with :
pacmd list-sinks | egrep 'index|name:'
I prefer this way because, as I've got multiple times the same card, the
name (which depends on how many card I've got) could change if I remove
one of them. The index is fixed in that case.
Thanks a lot.
Le 2020-11-03 10:39, Tanu Kaskinen a écrit :
On Tue, 2020-11-03 at 02:25 +0100, 01ivier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I want to run applications with specifics sound cards in command line
Ubuntu 20.04.
I know it is graphically possible with Pulseaudio Volume Control which
let me choose the card in a menu after the application is launched.
But I want to use command lines so that I can automatize the process
a bash file (I've got ten sound cards and more to come).
I've tried "pactl set-default-sink" but it changes the card for all
I've looked in "man pulse-cli-syntax" but I didn't find what I'm
I've also tried to use environment variables such as ALSA_CARD= and
ALSA_PCM_CARD= without success.
Is there a way to do what I want ?
Maybe the PULSE_SINK environment variable will do the trick. The
variable value is a sink name (to get a list of names, run "pactl list
sinks | grep Name").
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