IETF Discussion
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- Re: FTP Service Discontinuance Under Consideration; Input Requested, (continued)
- RFC Production Center SOW Community Review Request,
IETF Administrative Director
- Gen-ART LC review of draft-ietf-uta-xmpp-05,
Roni Even
- Gen-ART LC review of draft-ietf-appsawg-multipart-form-data-08,
Roni Even
- Gen-ART Telechat review of draft-ietf-oauth-dyn-reg-management-12,
Peter Yee
- Gen-art LC review: draft-hansen-scram-sha256,
Robert Sparks
- Re: [Idr] REVISED Last Call: <draft-ietf-idr-ls-distribution-10.txt> (North-Bound Distribution of Link-State and TE Information using BGP) to Proposed Standard,
Balaji Rajagopalan
- Re: New Non-WG Mailing List: Mpvdapi,
Randy Bush
- Re: Thoughts from IETF-92 correction,
Richard Shockey
- Date change for CARIS submissions,
IAB Chair
- Thoughts from IETF-92,
IETF Chair
- Use of private OIDs in WG (standard-track) documents,
Massimiliano Pala
- IETF 93 - Registration is Now Open!,
IETF Secretariat
- We should drop the useless urn: prefix,
Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Generalist ADs?,
Spencer Dawkins at IETF
- "Per Area" and "Per AD" review ballots?,
Spencer Dawkins at IETF
- Nomcom feedback to appointees not up for renewal,
Dave Crocker
- Revising RFC 2418 - New Non-WG Mailing List: Wgguide,
Dave Crocker
- Downtime announcement,
Matt Larson
- Proposed text for draft-farrresnickel-harassment-06,
Nico Williams
- IETF 92 - Dining Options,
IETF Secretariat
- Gen-ART LC review of draft-ietf-oauth-dyn-reg-management-09,
Peter Yee
- review of I-D.farresnickel-harassment,
Larry Masinter
- perspective of discussion about I-D.farresnickel-harassment,
Alia Atlas
- Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-tram-stun-origin-05,
Black, David
- IETF 92 - Online Registration and Payment Ends Today,
IETF Secretariat
- I-D.farrresnickel-harassment - timebomb,
Michael StJohns
I'm with the Government .. I really need your help.,
Richard Shockey
secdir review of draft-ietf-ccamp-wson-signaling-09.txt,
Benjamin Kaduk
Call for Papers: The Internet Protocol Journal,
Ole Jacobsen
Gen-art LC review: draft-ietf-httpbis-auth-info-04,
Robert Sparks
Last call and status of draft-farrresnickel-harassment,
Jari Arkko
As if you don't have enough to read..,
Richard Shockey
Trustees License Use of Templates in RFCs,
IETF Administrative Director
10 days to IETF-92,
IETF Chair
Permit me to highlight...,
Fred Baker (fred)
Last Call: <draft-ietf-appsawg-uri-scheme-reg-04.txt> (Guidelines and Registration Procedures for URI Schemes) to Best Current Practice,
"Martin J. Dürst"
IETF 92 - Early Bird Cutoff Friday & Google’s Chris DiBona to Speak,
IETF Secretariat
Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-teas-mpls-tp-rsvpte-ext-associated-lsp-07,
Russ Housley
Legal review and insurance status of draft-farrresnickel-harassment,
Ray Pelletier
Review of: draft-farrresnickel-harassment-06,
Dave Crocker
Call for volunteers: IETF Website Revamp Project Review Committee,
Joe Hildebrand
Re: Protocol Action: 'Deprecating Anycast Prefix for 6to4 Relay Routers' to Best Current Practice (draft-ietf-v6ops-6to4-to-historic-11.txt),
David Farmer
Unhelpful draft names,
Brian E Carpenter
Announcement of the move of L2TPEXT, LISP, and TRILL,
Brian Haberman
Last Call re-review of draft-ietf-idr-error-handling,
Tom Taylor
Secdir Review of draft-ietf-netconf-rfc5539bis-09,
Sam Hartman
IETF 92 - Early-Bird Registration Ends 13 March 2015,
IETF Secretariat
Downtime notice - revised times,
Matt Larson
Re: Last Call: <draft-klensin-smtp-521code-05.txt> (SMTP 521 and 556 Reply Codes) to Proposed Standard,
John Levine
Downtime notice,
Matt Larson
IAB statement on Liaison Compensation,
IAB Chair
Call for Papers: IAB/ISOC Workshop on Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale,
IAB Chair
Last Call comments draft-ietf-ccamp-wson-signaling-09.txt,
Adrian Farrel
Gen-art LC (and telechat) review: draft-ietf-calext-rscale-04,
Robert Sparks
Re: [Diversity] 'Paywall, ' IETF self-sufficiency, increasing participation (was Re: Remote participation fees),
Abdussalam Baryun
TSVDIR LC review: <draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4582bis-13.txt> (The Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP)) to Proposed Standard>,
Allison Mankin
Re: Last Call: <draft-ietf-pim-rfc4601bis-03.txt> (Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification (Revised)) to Internet Standard,
John William Atwood
Gen-ART Telechat review for draft-ietf-ccamp-rwa-wson-encode-28,
Peter Yee
Money is the answer? Hum..,
Richard Shockey
Gen-ART LC review of draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-issues-11,
Roni Even
IETF 92 Final Agenda,
IETF Agenda
Thinking laterally,
Phillip Hallam-Baker
Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-bess-orf-covering-prefixes-04,
Black, David
DNSSEC change on IETF web pages,
IETF Chair
Re:(long/architectural version) Last Call: <draft-faltstrom-uri-10.txt> (The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) DNS Resource Record) to Proposed Standard,
John C Klensin
IETF Hackathon at IETF 92, March 21-22, Dallas, TX,
IETF Secretariat
- Re: [92all] IETF Hackathon at IETF 92, March 21-22, Dallas, TX,
Stuart Cheshire
- Re: IETF Hackathon at IETF 92, March 21-22, Dallas, TX,
Thomas D. Nadeau
- Re: IETF Hackathon at IETF 92, March 21-22, Dallas, TX,
Eggert, Lars
- Re: IETF Hackathon at IETF 92, March 21-22, Dallas, TX,
Charles Eckel (eckelcu)
- Re: IETF Hackathon at IETF 92, March 21-22, Dallas, TX,
Eggert, Lars
- Re: IETF Hackathon at IETF 92, March 21-22, Dallas, TX,
Melinda Shore
- Re: IETF Hackathon at IETF 92, March 21-22, Dallas, TX,
Kathleen Moriarty
- Re: IETF Hackathon at IETF 92, March 21-22, Dallas, TX,
Charles Eckel (eckelcu)
IETF 92 Preliminary Agenda,
IETF Agenda
Gen-ART LC review for draft-ietf-ccamp-rwa-wson-encode-27,
Peter Yee
Next steps on re-organisation of areas,
IETF Chair
A different way to look at the problem,
Phillip Hallam-Baker
Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-kucherawy-rfc7437bis-03.txt,
Murray S. Kucherawy
IETF 92 - Social Event Tickets Available Now! Time Correction,
IETF Secretariat
HTTP/2 has been approved,
Jari Arkko
IETF 92 - Social Event Tickets Available Now!,
IETF Secretariat
Gen-ART Telechat review for draft-ietf-drinks-spp-framework-09,
Peter Yee
OPS-Dir review of draft-ietf-lisp-introduction-12.txt,
Black, David
Re: [IAB] Last Call: <draft-iab-2870bis-01.txt> (DNS Root Name Service Protocol and Deployment Requirements) to Best Current Practice,
Marc Blanchet
Gen-ART Review of draft-ietf-teas-mpls-tp-rsvpte-ext-associated-lsp-01,
Russ Housley
TSVDIR LC review: <draft-ietf-6man-resilient-rs-04.txt> (Packet loss resiliency for Router Solicitations) to Proposed Standard,
Allison Mankin
Gen-ART LC review of draft-ietf-6tisch-tsch-05,
Roni Even
NomCom Chair 2014
RE: Remote participation fees - do we need projectors?,
Christer Holmberg
Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-bess-orf-covering-prefixes-03,
Black, David
Genart Telechat review: draft-ietf-uta-tls-bcp-09,
Robert Sparks
Re: I-D Action: draft-nottingham-safe-hint-06.txt,
Brian E Carpenter
Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-tls-downgrade-scsv-04,
Russ Housley
RE: [lisp] OPS-Dir review of draft-ietf-lisp-introduction-11 - UDP source port,
Black, David
RE: [lisp] OPS-Dir review of draft-ietf-lisp-introduction-11 [B],
Black, David
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