On 03/10/2015 08:05 AM, Fred Baker (fred) wrote:
On Mar 9, 2015, at 10:48 PM, Doug Royer <douglasroyer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: Well then maybe a single automatically generated web page with that information updated.Like http://www.ietf.org/download/id-abstract.txt ... That’s all of the drafts, not just the new ones. “New” requires some concept of “new since when”.
Great start, but I got over 100 ID notice emails this last weekend and I can not tell from that list when they arrived.
Maybe if the index wad a sub-indexed by release date. Yes, the 'new since when' is my issue with that list. draft id-abstract.txt has about 2,469 lines with 'draft-' in them, which are new?
-- Doug Royer - (http://K7DMR.us / http://DougRoyer.US) DouglasRoyer@xxxxxxxxx 714-989-6135
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