On 03/10/2015 08:24 AM, George, Wes
This is a solved problem, but the fact that this hasn't been mentioned yet makes me think that it's not easy to find if you don't go looking for it. http://tools.ietf.org/group/tools/trac/wiki/AtomFeeds ... Thanks, I had not found those links. The http://tools.ietf.org/html/new-rfcs.rss is great, but more 'Recent' that when? The 'Recent Internet-Drafts by WG' only links to the TLS WG. (http://tools.ietf.org/wg/tls/new-ids.rss) Maybe the Tools Wiki Page has a typo in it? -- Doug Royer - (http://K7DMR.us / http://DougRoyer.US) DouglasRoyer@xxxxxxxxx 714-989-6135 |
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