On 02/04/2015 03:05, Livingood, Jason wrote: ... > 3 – Annually, send out a longer 360-review kind of form to WG chairs/ADs/etc. that is a bit more in-depth. When I first worked for IBM, they still operated a 360 review, where everybody got to see anonymized comments from a few colleagues, the boss, and underlings. I found it very helpful. Also, when writing comments on others, you *know* that they will be passed on, so there is a strong incentive to be polite and objective and to write in a style that is not easily identifiable. I never understood why IBM dropped the scheme, but I always suspected that some of the senior bosses didn't appreciate knowing what underlings really thought. That is of course the best reason for doing such reviews. We're smart enough to make a 360 review process almost completely automated and genuinely anonymous. Brian