On 05/19/2015 06:49 PM, Christopher Morrow wrote:
On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 8:36 PM, Doug Royer <douglasroyer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:rsyn$ rsync -6 rsync.ietf.org::
Thanks for the quick reply, this also works for me: rsync -6 rsync.ietf.org:: This does not (getting the data, I have tried turning off -z, -v, and -a): rsync -6 -avz --progress rsync.ietf.org::rfc Checking into pmtu ... Has anyone done an IPv6 RSYNC ? -- Doug Royer - (http://K7DMR.us / http://DougRoyer.US) DouglasRoyer@xxxxxxxxx 714-989-6135
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