The IESG has noted the recent discussions on this document. It is my intent as the sponsoring AD to let the discussion continue so that we can reach a reasonable conclusion, ask the authors to submit a new revision, and then perform a brief new last call around those changes to ensure that we didn?t miss anything.
Hi Jari -
Thanks to Ray's note, I'm a bit more sanguine about the legal aspects of this process. Which finally led me to consider why I was still feeling unease. Basically, I'm still thinking there are issues with allowing one member of the IETF (the ombudsman) to dictate to another with respect to their behavior within the IETF up to and including exclusion. There are probably issues as well with situations where the "offender" is a member of the same organization as the ombudsman or a member of a direct competitor for that matter.
Then there's the issue that the ombudsmen winnowed from the IETF would be amateurs.
So instead - let's not do it that way. Instead, let's out source it and hire professionals.
- The Ombudsmen shall be human resources management qualified employees
of the IETF Secretariat or the ISOC board of trustees or collectively a
third party human resource management or arbitration organization
contracted for by the IETF Secretariat or ISOC board of trustees to
fulfill the role of Ombudsmen. The IETF chair, IESG and IAB shall
have no input into the selection or retention of the specific Ombudsmen
but may be involved in the selection of the contract
I would probably go with contracting for human resource services over direct employees as I don't expect our needs to be that great.
Later, Mike