RPM Discussion
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- Getting rid of implicit Requires:,
Tarjei Knapstad
- %triggerpostun fires all the time,
- packaging the file system for Solaris and rpm 4.4.9,
David Halik
- rpmbuild internals,
Philip Prindeville
- rpm 4.4.9 missing neon support in Solaris 9 - build issue?,
David Halik
- Calling into the shell,
Philip Prindeville
- Tutorial on using RPM,
Philip Prindeville
- New directive for %files section (%exclude),
Philip Prindeville
- Failed to install rpm package return value 139., Song, Gene
- RHN | Displaying messages during deployment, shinjan sen
- exit statement | %pre and %post, Lis Maria
- Rohitashva is your Yaar! :),
- Appreciate advice on %if %foo || %bar syntax,
- %{expand:...} documentation,
Jos Vos
- Getting 3rd party RPM's via an OS installer?,
Dan Stromberg - Datallegro
- Building from Subversion instead of tarball,
Kenneth Porter
- %post script weirdness,
Kory Hansen
- Peter Wang is out of office from Aug 6 to Aug 10, Feng Li Wang
- Parameter passing between %pre and %post section,
Lis Maria
Steven Osborn
removing a single rpm when there are 2,
Ian Brown
A Very Basic RPM Doubt,
Lis Maria
Question for comment on a remark from a professional builder about rpms,
Tony Earnshaw
Making Suggestions for dependency resolution,
Michael Dengler
SPEC File help, Requires not working as expected,
Joshua M. Miller
%files section of SPEC file,
Joshua M. Miller
Vendor created RPM naming.,
Ace Nimrod
Packaging java apps in rpm,
Michael Dengler
how to write a Requires: for an imported rpm?,
Zac Elston
How to list rollbacks without up2date,
John Rouillard
Using make to build rpms,
Michael Dengler
rpm -q <package> shows multiple packages,
Alex @ Avantel Systems
Failed Dependency,
Lis Maria
help loading additional macros from file,
Tim Mooney
RPM package creation from already installed files?,
Kevin Cosgrove
Using Perl in .spec or help converting to BASH, Aaron Lippold
weird file package relationship,
Hiren Patel
RPM Development as non-root,
Michael Dengler
Feng Li Wang/China/IBM is out of office, Feng Li Wang
cleaning up %install section,
Aaron Lippold
problems building conntrack and its dependencies from RPM,
Adam Monsen
refactored packages cause conflict/dependency issue,
Xavier Toth
... binary RPM question ...,
Novick, Randy
How to test RPM scriptlets,
Michael Dengler
Where is %build's cd to build subdir setup come from?,
Toralf Lund
proposed rpm 4.4.2 diffs for ARM, Lennert Buytenhek
Error while installing RPM,
Rayapudi Sandeep-mgb376
tony . chamberlain
two questions,
tony . chamberlain
tony . chamberlain
preun/postun argument when multiple instances,
Sebastien BLAISOT
rpmtsRun can uninstall packages?, Pang Dawei
dreaming of a FAQ,
Leland Ray
rpmvercmp in java, Amit Gaur
Questions on RPM,
Rayapudi Sandeep-mgb376
RPM error : Can't create transaction lock on /,
Packaging PHP Extensions,
Jason Frisvold
Building rpm for /usr/local/bin/python,
RPM --resign | option to mention the passphrase,
Lis Maria
%clean in rpm-4.4.7+,
Tim Mooney
How to take user input while in preinstall directive while installing RPM,
Kumar, Manish
RPM | Uvh command | Doubt,
Lis Maria
spec file for multiple distributions.,
Martin Hamant
Automatic signing of RPM packages,
Bob Huisman
RE: Rpm-list Digest, Vol 39, Issue 1,
Wyse, Chris
HOWTO: spec files for kernel modules?,
Paul Johnson
Supported Linux Versions,
Wyse, Chris
Reference Help,
Tahir Saleh
Removing RPMS inside another RPM?,
Wes Rogers
/var 100% used error,
Atul Ankola
How to prevent rpmbuild from building %package subpackages?,
Richard Michael
creating links,
Joshua M. Miller
Trouble with RPM and %{_sysconfdir}.,
Paul Johnson
db error,
Marcus Habermehl (BMH1980)
su | post section,
Lis Maria
--fileconflicts as default,
Marcus Habermehl (BMH1980)
Howto use %exclude with %doc files,
using rpmmacros to automatically update release,
Sebastien BLAISOT
Can't build rpm 4.4.8,
Marcus Habermehl (BMH1980)
scriplet failed error, Tahir Saleh
Running the same code for 2 subpackages,
Erez Zilber
rpm and SElinux attributes,
Valery Reznic
source RPM install segfaults,
Aggelos Manousarides
How to specify the install order of "Required: RPMS",
J-P Human
%attr | Doubt,
Lis Maria
Fetching and building dependencies automatically,
Brian Candler
RPMs, Specs and some noob questions,
Lis Maria
rpm database issue?,
is there anything called autoplay rpm, Tahir Saleh
making a self depending rpm.,
zac elston
Re: How can I know whether an installed rpm is 64 or 32 bit on x86_64 machine ? newbie, bimal pandit
How can I know whether an installed rpm is 64 or 32 bit on x86_64 machine ? newbie,
Mark Ryden
diff b/w making an rpm with a spec file and doing it manually,
Tahir Saleh
RPM | Without Source ?,
Lis Maria
Frank Cusack
showing %ghost files with rpm -q,
Frank Cusack
Red Hat EL, wont boot when connected to network,
David Poole
RPM Logs,
Lis Maria
where does RPM install packages,
Tahir Saleh
ro-mounted file partitions and rpms,
Tony Earnshaw
rpm -U odd behavior,
Could not get rpm to install,
Tahir Saleh
Creation of extra directory within BUILD,
Tahir Saleh
rpm logs?,
Dominick Petracca
wrapping a 3rd party installer within an RPM package?,
Praveenkumar Ponnusamy
Format of %changelog line,
Jos Vos
Can RPM handle "patch" RPM files ?,
Martin Koller
RPM rollback capability removed from RHEL4?,
Sandor W. Sklar
Setting Env Variables | RPM,
Lis Maria
Trying to change installed files permissions during %post,
Erez Zilber
librpm linking issues,
R. Tyler Ballance
Binary-only RPMs?,
R. Tyler Ballance
why all x86 build arch is i386?, Nerazzurri
I18N question,
Jeszenszky Peter
Controlling "Source RPM:" field,
user defined macros in RPMS ?,
Lis Maria
grep in spec file causes rpmbuild to abort with bad exit status,
problems with installed but not packaged files,
Don Raikes
Invalid lock on rpmdb?,
Morgan Read
RPM list archive search,
Kevin Cosgrove
Creating subpackages dynamically,
Erez Zilber
how to turn off building of debug packages?,
Kevin Cosgrove
rpmbuild generates strange results on RHEL5,
Erez Zilber
problems compiling rpm on solaris,
Edward Quick
HELP | RPM install,
Lis Maria
rpm dependency missing, Don Raikes
Sendmail-8.13 for RedHat ES-3.0,
Vance Baker
Marcus Habermehl (BMH1980)
rpm will only install with --noscripts flag,
Edward Quick
quick FAQ,
Joe Landman
Can't import GPG key into RPM database,
Felix Schwarz
rpmbuild and whitespace in path names,
Felix Schwarz
Marcus Habermehl (BMH1980)
Fw: RPM -- plans, goals, etc., Matthias Saou
Can't build rpm package for Python 2.5,
Marcus Habermehl (BMH1980)
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