RPMs, Specs and some noob questions

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Greetings to all,

I am kinda noob in this rpm issue, so please bear with me a little.
We have a project, which is to be deployed at some clients. We are considering using rpms for better version control. However, there are some issues that prevent a clean rpm use. As it is now, we have a 'sh' folder, where there are shell scripts for working with the program, and the 'src' folder, where all the source files are. Inside 'src' there is one 'cfg' folder, where each client will have to make a couple of changes (related with their personal codes and indexes) before building, which is done by a shell script we made named build.sh, which basically goes into each folder in the 'src' one and runs the make command for each. Besides the change in that config file, there are also a few changes required before building, related to Jboss, and other essential files.
Now, by biggest questions are:
-Is there a way for the user to input the changes to be made in the files previous to the rpm package building the source files?
-If so, if the script aborts due to some error, will the rpm also abort?
-If not, is using rpm basically as a tar.gz file (meaning it just unpacks the source files and the user has to make the cfg changes and build it) the best option (meaning the simpest/easiest) to have version control with future patches? -If you make a simple spec file, which basically just unpacks the tar.gz file and doesn't config or build anything, where does it unpack to?

RPMs seem like the best way to keep version control, especially because it's such a widespread protocol. But if you think there is a better way to do it, I would appreciate the input. The biggest problem I see with rpm usage in our case would be future patches, where after running the rpm (if we use it basically as a tar.gz file) the client would have to change the config file again and build it once more.

I'm sorry for the basic questions, but I've searched the net and couldn't find anything really enlightening. I've seen lots of examples and samples, and some are either too complex, or totally unrelated. My biggest problem creating a spec file was that all the sites I've seen assume we're using make/.configure and make install separately, which we're not, since it's all done by our single build.sh script. Also, I couldn't understand the %files part. Are we supposed to list all the files to be inserted in the rpm (all the source and script files), or the ones that are installed? In the first case it's about 100, and it wouldn't be nice to specify them one by one (besides making future changes harder to keep track of, with new files being inserted and old files being removed), in the second case it would be about 20, in which case it wouldn't be a big deal.

Once again, sorry for all these questions, but I really am a noob in rpm building, and we have some urgency in this. If you need more information on the project, just let me know. I'll tell you as much as I can, without revealing my company and project specifically (not that I have any problem with that, but it's the company's policy, as usual ;) )

Thank you in advance for your time,
Nuno Cabrinha

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