I'm trying to install an RPM I've built on Redhat onto a Solaris 8 (Sparc)
box, and the only way I can get it to install anything is if I issue it with
the --noscripts flag eg:
rpm --nodeps --ignoreos --ignorearch --noscripts --install
It's the same when I run rpm --erase. If I don't include --noscripts,
nothing gets installed/uninstalled
This is the verbose output when I try to install without the --noscripts
rpm --nodeps --ignoreos --ignorearch --install -vvv
D: counting packages to install
D: found 1 packages
D: looking for packages to download
D: retrieved 0 packages
D: New Header signature
D: Signature size: 180
D: Signature pad : 4
D: sigsize : 184
D: Header + Archive: 32059
D: expected size : 32059
D: opening db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Packages create mode=0x102
D: locked db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Packages
D: found 0 source and 1 binary packages
D: installing binary packages
D: getting list of mounted filesystems
D: opening db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Name create mode=0x102
D: opening db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Basenames create mode=0x102
D: opening db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Group create mode=0x102
D: opening db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Requirename create
D: opening db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Providename create
D: opening db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Conflictname create
D: opening db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Triggername create
D: opening db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Depends create mode=0x102
D: New Header signature
D: Signature size: 180
D: Signature pad : 4
D: sigsize : 184
D: Header + Archive: 32059
D: expected size : 32059
D: package: apache-instance-ohdev04-1-1 files test = 0
D: file: /etc/rc.d/init.d/ohdev04-apache action: create
D: file: /etc/rc.d/init.d/ohdev04-tomcat action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04 action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/.apache-tomcatctl action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/.install action: create
D: file:
/oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/.install/apache-instance-ohdev04.spec action:
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/.install/post-install action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/.install/pre-uninstall action:
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/.install/set-appconf action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/.install/set-bootscripts action:
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/.install/set-cron action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/.install/set-permissions action:
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/.install/set-sudoers action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/apache-bootscript action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/apache-tomcatctl action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/apache_log_cleanup.sh action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/apachectl action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/catalina.sh action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/setclasspath.sh action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/setenv.sh action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/shutdown.sh action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/startup.sh action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/tomcat-bootscript action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/bin/tomcatctl action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/cgi-bin action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/conf action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/conf/ohdev04.conf action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/conf/server.xml action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/conf/ssl action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/conf/ssl.conf action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/conf/ssl/ohdev04.baplc.com.crt action:
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/conf/ssl/ohdev04.baplc.com.csr action:
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/conf/ssl/ohdev04.baplc.com.key action:
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/conf/ssl/passphrase action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/conf/tomcat-users.xml action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/conf/web.xml action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/httpdocs action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/logs action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/temp action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/webapps action: create
D: file: /oh/apache/ohdev04/work action: create
D: file: /oh/logs/apache/ohdev04 action: create
D: running preinstall script (if any)
D: closed db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Depends
D: closed db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Triggername
D: closed db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Conflictname
D: closed db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Providename
D: closed db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Requirename
D: closed db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Group
D: closed db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Basenames
D: closed db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Name
D: closed db index /opt/sfw/lib/rpm/Packages
The preinstall script looks ok:
rpm -qp --scripts apache-instance-ohdev04-1-1.i386.rpm
preinstall script (through /bin/sh):
# Add the "apache" user & group
/usr/sbin/groupadd ohadmin \
2> /dev/null || :
/usr/sbin/useradd -c "File owner for oh" -g ohadmin ohadmin \
2> /dev/null || :
/usr/sbin/groupadd ohapache \
2> /dev/null || :
/usr/sbin/useradd -c "Apache for oh" -g ohapache ohapache \
2> /dev/null || :
postinstall script (through /bin/sh):
preuninstall script (through /bin/sh):
So I'm at a bit of a loss to what could be causing the problem. If anyone
can help, I'd really appreciate it.
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