rpm is attempting to open the path literally. truss will likely verify
that indeed, the url is being passed to open(2) as if it were a
relative file name.
Creating the URL as a local file is another way to verify.
73 de Jeff
A quick truss cut out:
open64("ftp://rpm.rutgers.edu/foo.rpm", O_RDONLY) Err#2 ENOENT
If you want to see more of the truss output let me know, but yeah, I think
you're on to it and essentially rpm doesn't understand that it's not a
local file. By the way, our current rpm 4.1 Solaris 9 production systems
do take ftp and http files without any issue, so the change must have
taken place afterwards (not that it narrows it down at all ;). Judging by
what Tim said you should see the same issue on Solaris 10.
Thank you very much for looking into this Jeff.
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