RPM Discussion
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- Re: how to disable rpmbuild from stripping the debug information from binaries?
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- how to disable rpmbuild from stripping the debug information from binaries?
- From: Dotan Barak <dotanba@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What does "%if 0%{?..." mean
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: What does "%if 0%{?..." mean
- From: Jonathan Ryshpan <jonrysh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What does "%if 0%{?..." mean
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- What does "%if 0%{?..." mean
- From: Jonathan Ryshpan <jonrysh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to version RPM's
- From: Tracy Reed <treed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Unsatisfied dependencies
- From: Florian Festi <ffesti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Unsatisfied dependencies
- From: "Zhang, Long (Roger)" <zhangl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A couple basic binary RPM questions
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Why are my binary files going into the bin/ folder
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Why are my binary files going into the bin/ folder
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Why are my binary files going into the bin/ folder
- From: "Paul Krauss" <pkrauss@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Why are my binary files going into the bin/ folder
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Why are my binary files going into the bin/ folder
- From: "Paul Krauss" <pkrauss@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A couple basic binary RPM questions
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- A couple basic binary RPM questions
- From: "Paul Krauss" <pkrauss@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: machine `x86_64-redhat' not recognized
- From: "J Santos" <jsantos5954@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: machine `x86_64-redhat' not recognized
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: machine `x86_64-redhat' not recognized
- From: "J Santos" <jsantos5954@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: machine `x86_64-redhat' not recognized
- From: Dotan Barak <dotanba@xxxxxxxxx>
- machine `x86_64-redhat' not recognized
- From: "J Santos" <jsantos5954@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to add a python script to an RPM in the right way?
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How to add a python script to an RPM in the right way?
- From: "Dotan Barak" <dotanba@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to add a python script to an RPM in the right way?
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How to add a python script to an RPM in the right way?
- From: "Dotan Barak" <dotanba@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to add a python script to an RPM in the right way?
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- How to add a python script to an RPM in the right way?
- From: "Dotan Barak" <dotanba@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: EVR comparison and how to sort them?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: EVR comparison and how to sort them?
- From: Farkas Levente <lfarkas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: EVR comparison and how to sort them?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- EVR comparison and how to sort them?
- From: Farkas Levente <lfarkas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Moderation test
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Moderation test
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm question
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Moderation test
- From: Florian Festi <ffesti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm question
- From: Tim Born <timborn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Moderation test
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Moderation test
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Is there is a way to verify an installed RPM from python?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Moderation test
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Moderation test
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Is there is a way to verify an installed RPM from python?
- From: Seth Vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Moderation test
- From: devzero2000 <devzero2000@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is there is a way to verify an installed RPM from python?
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Is there is a way to verify an installed RPM from python?
- From: "Dotan Barak" <dotanba@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm question
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm question
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm question
- From: Michael Barto <mbarto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm question
- From: John Frazier <jfrazierjr9@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem about upgrade multiple rpm package.
- From: qiuhd <qiuhd@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: php-xml-5.2.6 rpm
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Problem about upgrade multiple rpm package.
- From: devzero2000 <devzero2000@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: php-xml-5.2.6 rpm
- From: Pascal Brognez <pascal.brognez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem about upgrade multiple rpm package.
- From: qiuhd <qiuhd@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: php-xml-5.2.6 rpm
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: php-xml-5.2.6 rpm
- From: Pascal Brognez <pascal.brognez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: php-xml-5.2.6 rpm
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- php-xml-5.2.6 rpm
- From: Pascal Brognez <pascal.brognez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: trying to unpack multiple sources
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: trying to unpack multiple sources
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: trying to unpack multiple sources
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
- Re: trying to unpack multiple sources
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: trying to unpack multiple sources
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: trying to unpack multiple sources
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: trying to unpack multiple sources
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: trying to unpack multiple sources
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- trying to unpack multiple sources
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Segmentation fault when try run rpm to install init.d scripts
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
- Segmentation fault when try run rpm to install init.d scripts
- From: bpathakis@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Segmentation fault when try run rpm to install init.d scripts
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@xxxxxxx>
- Segmentation fault when try run rpm to install init.d scripts
- From: bpathakis@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: remove an installed rpm during rpm -i
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: find-requires doesn't seem to run during rpmbuild
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: find-requires doesn't seem to run during build
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: remove an installed rpm during rpm -i
- From: yersinia <yersinia.spiros@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: remove an installed rpm during rpm -i
- From: Tim Born <timborn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: remove an installed rpm during rpm -i
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: find-requires doesn't seem to run during rpmbuild
- From: Chris Burel <chrisburel@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Buildroot being ignored
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Buildroot being ignored
- From: devzero2000 <devzero2000@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: remove an installed rpm during rpm -i
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Buildroot being ignored
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Building rpm, x86_64 and i386 architecture, rpm --upgrade
- From: Mikolaj Kucharski <mikolaj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Buildroot being ignored
- From: "Xavier Toth" <txtoth@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: remove an installed rpm during rpm -i
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: remove an installed rpm during rpm -i
- From: devzero2000 <devzero2000@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: remove an installed rpm during rpm -i
- From: Michael Barto <mbarto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: remove an installed rpm during rpm -i
- From: Seth Vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: remove an installed rpm during rpm -i
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- remove an installed rpm during rpm -i
- From: Barry R Cisna <brcisna@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- find-requires doesn't seem to run during build
- From: "Chris Burel" <chrisburel@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re:Is there is any way to non root user can able to install rpm
- From: 赵俊岭 <zhaojunling_2000@xxxxxxx>
- Is there is any way to non root user can able to install rpm
- From: "Velusamy, Baskar" <Baskar.Velusamy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Is there is any wat to non root user can able to install rpm ?
- From: "Velusamy, Baskar" <Baskar.Velusamy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Frustration making an RPM package
- From: mbarto at logiqwest.com (Michael Barto)
- Frustration making an RPM package
- From: job317 at mailvault.com (Job 317)
- Frustration making an RPM package
- From: job317 at mailvault.com (Job 317)
- Frustration making an RPM package
- From: Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov (Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov)
- Frustration making an RPM package
- From: job317 at mailvault.com (Job 317)
- How can I change the target of an RPM install?
- From: MrUmunhum at popdial.com (William Estrada)
- Frustration making an RPM package
- From: Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov (Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov)
- How can I change the target of an RPM install?
- From: devzero2000 at rpm5.org (devzero2000)
- rpm says missing lib but it's already rpm installed
- From: devzero2000 at rpm5.org (devzero2000)
- rpm says missing lib but it's already rpm installed
- From: martin.koller at etm.at (Martin Koller)
- How can I change the target of an RPM install?
- From: MrUmunhum at popdial.com (William Estrada)
- How do I install an entire directory under /var with rpm
- From: Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov (Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov)
- How do I install an entire directory under /var with rpm
- From: mbarto at logiqwest.com (Michael Barto)
- How do I install an entire directory under /var with rpm
- From: Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov (Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov)
- How do I install an entire directory under /var with rpm
- From: mbarto at logiqwest.com (Michael Barto)
- How do I install an entire directory under /var with rpm
- From: Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov (Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov)
- How do I install an entire directory under /var with rpm
- From: mbarto at logiqwest.com (Michael Barto)
- The installation of openldap fails.
- From: pascal.brognez at univ-lille1.fr (Pascal Brognez)
- Changing user at install time
- From: general at cartersanders.com (Carter Sanders)
- Rebuild RPM with .rpm and .spec
- From: richardj112 at gmail.com (Richard J)
- I *need* a way to ignore dependencies in my rpm spec file.
- From: mpeters at mac.com (Michael A. Peters)
- I *need* a way to ignore dependencies in my rpm spec file.
- From: pmatilai at laiskiainen.org (Panu Matilainen)
- Issues while packaging java app with rpmbuild...
- From: pmatilai at laiskiainen.org (Panu Matilainen)
- Rebuild RPM with .rpm and .spec
- From: devzero2000 at rpm5.org (devzero2000)
- Rebuild RPM with .rpm and .spec
- From: valery_reznic at yahoo.com (Valery Reznic)
- Rebuild RPM with .rpm and .spec
- From: richardj112 at gmail.com (Richard J)
- I *need* a way to ignore dependencies in my rpm spec file.
- From: jennyp at lanl.gov (Jennis Pruett)
- Issues while packaging java app with rpmbuild...
- From: ann_basso1 at yahoo.com (Ann Basso)
- Attention: rpm-list moves
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Spec file question
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Spec file question
- From: "Frost, Jere" <jere.frost@xxxxxx>
- Leaving a file behind
- From: R P Herrold <herrold@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild questions
- From: "Dave Pawson" <dave.pawson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild questions
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- rpmbuild questions
- From: "Dave Pawson" <dave.pawson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Leaving a file behind
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Leaving a file behind
- From: R P Herrold <herrold@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Leaving a file behind
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- RE: signing RPMs without a passphrase?
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: signing RPMs without a passphrase?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: signing RPMs without a passphrase?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: signing RPMs without a passphrase?
- From: Lev Lvovsky <lists2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: signing RPMs without a passphrase?
- From: Lev Lvovsky <lists2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: signing RPMs without a passphrase?
- From: "Jay Yarbrough" <jyarbrough@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: signing RPMs without a passphrase?
- From: Lev Lvovsky <lists2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re:
- From: Per Arnold Blaasmo <Per-Arnold.Blaasmo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: signing RPMs without a passphrase?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: signing RPMs without a passphrase?
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- signing RPMs without a passphrase?
- From: Lev Lvovsky <lists2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Issues when updating running apps?
- From: Adrián Márques <amarques@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Issues when updating running apps?
- From: Adrián Márques <amarques@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Issues when updating running apps?
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Issues when updating running apps?
- From: Adrián Márques <amarques@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Peter Wang will be out of office from Sep 29 to Oct 5, urgent contact 13911309718
- From: Feng Li Wang <wangfl@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: which installation path for your local application (Was Re: Files listed twice question)
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Re: which installation path for your local application (Was Re: Files listed twice question)
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Chinnakka K Batakurki is out of the office.
- From: Chinnakka K Batakurki <chinnakka.batakurki@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: which installation path for your local application (Was Re: Files listed twice question)
- From: Adrian Marques <amarques@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- which installation path for your local application (Was Re: Files listed twice question)
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Files listed twice question
- From: Adrian Marques <amarques@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Didactic spec file suggestions?
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Files listed twice question
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Issues when updating running apps?
- From: Adrián Márques <amarques@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files listed twice question
- From: Adrián Márques <amarques@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files listed twice question
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files listed twice question
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Didactic spec file suggestions?
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Files listed twice question
- From: Adrián Márques <amarques@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Didactic spec file suggestions?
- From: Adrián Márques <amarques@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Files listed twice question
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Files listed twice question
- From: Adrián Márques <amarques@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 'gpg-pubkeys out of the rpmdb'
- From: R P Herrold <herrold@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependencies on other hosts in a distributed application?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Dependencies on other hosts in a distributed application?
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- RE: Dependencies on other hosts in a distributed application?
- From: "Jason Pyeron" <jpyeron@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependencies on other hosts in a distributed application?
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Dependencies on other hosts in a distributed application?
- From: Mike Meyer <mwm-keyword-rpm.43b295@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency problem when "post" runs command from the rpm
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency problem when "post" runs command from the rpm
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency problem when "post" runs command from the rpm
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency problem when "post" runs command from the rpm
- From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency problem when "post" runs command from the rpm
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency problem when "post" runs command from the rpm
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency problem when "post" runs command from the rpm
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dependency problem when "post" runs command from the rpm
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Dependency problem when "post" runs command from the rpm
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: File listed twice
- From: Mikael Fridh <mikael.fridh@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: File listed twice
- From: "Jeffrey Sherwin" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: File listed twice
- From: Mikael Fridh <mikael.fridh@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: File listed twice
- From: "Jeffrey Sherwin" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: File listed twice
- From: Bob Proulx <bob@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: File listed twice
- From: "Jeffrey Sherwin" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: File listed twice
- From: "Jeffrey Sherwin" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: File listed twice
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: File listed twice
- From: "Jeffrey Sherwin" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: File listed twice
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: File listed twice
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: File listed twice
- From: "Jeffrey Sherwin" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: File listed twice
- From: "Jeffrey Sherwin" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: File listed twice
- From: Bob Proulx <bob@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: File listed twice
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- File listed twice
- From: "Jeffrey Sherwin" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Installing MySQL via RPM on RHEL4 glibc errors
- From: Josh <serjosh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Installing MySQL via RPM on RHEL4 glibc errors
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Installing MySQL via RPM on RHEL4 glibc errors
- From: Josh <serjosh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: env variable is not defined when running rpmbuild --rebuild
- From: "Erez Zilber" <erezzi.list@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: env variable is not defined when running rpmbuild --rebuild
- From: Bob Proulx <bob@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild tries to cd into $RPM_PACKAGE_NAME-$RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION
- From: "Erez Zilber" <erezzi.list@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild tries to cd into $RPM_PACKAGE_NAME-$RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- rpmbuild tries to cd into $RPM_PACKAGE_NAME-$RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION
- From: "Erez Zilber" <erezzi.list@xxxxxxxxx>
- env variable is not defined when running rpmbuild --rebuild
- From: "Erez Zilber" <erezzi.list@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Disappearing symlinks in RPM transaction
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Disappearing symlinks in RPM transaction
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Disappearing symlinks in RPM transaction
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Disappearing symlinks in RPM transaction
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: Re:RPM Build Problem: installed but unpackaged .pyo and .pyc files
- From: Beth Stetzler <beth.stetzler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Build Problem: installed but unpackaged .pyo and .pyc files
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Build Problem: installed but unpackaged .pyo and .pyc files
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM Build Problem: installed but unpackaged .pyo and .pyc files
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- RPM Build Problem: installed but unpackaged .pyo and .pyc files
- From: Beth Stetzler <beth.stetzler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Relocation broken on 4.3.3-18 ?
- From: Marty Ridgeway <mridge50@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Relocation broken on 4.3.3-18 ?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Relocation broken on 4.3.3-18 ?
- From: Marty Ridgeway <mridge50@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: file conflicts.
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- how to use %license?
- From: "Zhang, Xing Z" <xing.z.zhang@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Maximum file limit for rpmbuild
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Maximum file limit for rpmbuild
- From: Marty Ridgeway <mridge50@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Maximum file limit for rpmbuild
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- file conflicts.
- From: "Nadav Hashimshony" <nadavh@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Maximum file limit for rpmbuild
- From: Marty Ridgeway <mridge50@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Maximum file limit for rpmbuild
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Maximum file limit for rpmbuild
- From: Marty Ridgeway <mridge50@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: finding orphaned files
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: finding orphaned files
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Maximum file limit for rpmbuild
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Maximum file limit for rpmbuild
- From: Marty Ridgeway <mridge50@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: finding orphaned files
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Maximum file limit for rpmbuild
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Maximum file limit for rpmbuild
- From: Marty Ridgeway <mridge50@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re-jigged Intel mobile Linux stack dumps Ubuntu for the RPM supports
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About installing applications
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: how to install rpm onto Solaris 10?
- From: "Yukun Song" <yukon.song@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- About installing applications
- From: "Oybek Nuriddinov" <oybekfedora@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to install rpm onto Solaris 10?
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: finding orphaned files
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: how to install rpm onto Solaris 10?
- From: "Yukun Song" <yukon.song@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: how to install rpm onto Solaris 10?
- From: "Yukun Song" <yukon.song@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to install rpm onto Solaris 10?
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- how to install rpm onto Solaris 10?
- From: "Yukun Song" <yukon.song@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: finding orphaned files
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: finding orphaned files
- From: Carter Sanders <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: finding orphaned files
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: %setup
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- %setup
- From: "Richard Shade" <rshade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: finding orphaned files
- From: Carter Sanders <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: handling removal of shared file
- From: Carter Sanders <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About translating man pages.
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: handling removal of shared file
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- About translating man pages.
- From: "Oybek Nuriddinov" <oybekfedora@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm-list Digest, Vol 53, Issue 5
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm-list Digest, Vol 53, Issue 5
- From: "jijun gao" <gaojijun.bit@xxxxxxxxx>
- handling removal of shared file
- From: "Victoria Muntean" <vikimun@xxxxxxxxx>
- finding orphaned files
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: How to 'Require' a version on a certain branch
- From: Julian Cowley <julian@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to 'Require' a version on a certain branch
- From: Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to 'Require' a version on a certain branch
- From: Julian Cowley <julian@xxxxxxxx>
- dependencies contingent on other packages
- From: Michael Brewer-Davis <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query Regarding RPM
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query Regarding RPM
- From: Chinnakka K Batakurki <chinnakka.batakurki@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building optimized and non-optimized versions of the same rpm
- From: Carter Sanders <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building optimized and non-optimized versions of the same rpm
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building optimized and non-optimized versions of the same rpm
- From: Carter Sanders <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building optimized and non-optimized versions of the same rpm
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Building optimized and non-optimized versions of the same rpm
- From: Carter Sanders <general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpmbuild problem
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Query Regarding RPM
- From: Chinnakka K Batakurki <chinnakka.batakurki@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: does 'rpm -qa' yield a tsort of packages?
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query Regarding RPM
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query Regarding RPM
- From: Chinnakka K Batakurki <chinnakka.batakurki@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query Regarding RPM
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query Regarding RPM
- From: Chinnakka K Batakurki <chinnakka.batakurki@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: does 'rpm -qa' yield a tsort of packages?
- From: Nigel Metheringham <nigel.metheringham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: does 'rpm -qa' yield a tsort of packages?
- From: Vladimir Mihai Pacuraru <vladimir.pacuraru@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query Regarding RPM
- From: "manjunath k" <kmanjunat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Query Regarding RPM
- From: Chinnakka K Batakurki <chinnakka.batakurki@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpmbuild problem
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- does 'rpm -qa' yield a tsort of packages?
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpmbuild problem
- From: diego bowen <diegobowen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Rpmbuild problem
- From: "Ferris, John" <john.ferris@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm --verify, timestamp differences
- From: Robin Bowes <robin-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm --verify, timestamp differences
- From: Robin Bowes <robin-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm --verify, timestamp differences
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm --verify, timestamp differences
- From: Robin Bowes <robin-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing a second gcc on the same machine
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing a second gcc on the same machine
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing a second gcc on the same machine
- From: "Mark Ryden" <markryde@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing a second gcc on the same machine
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing a second gcc on the same machine
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing a second gcc on the same machine
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %config vs %config(noreplace)
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: installing a second gcc on the same machine
- From: "James Olin Oden" <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
- installing a second gcc on the same machine
- From: "Mark Ryden" <markryde@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %config vs %config(noreplace)
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- %config vs %config(noreplace)
- From: "Pali Singh" <psingh@xxxxxx>
- Re: warning: user XXX does not exist - using root
- From: PK <superprad@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: warning: user XXX does not exist - using root
- From: "Johri, Mayank \(GTS\)" <mayank_johri@xxxxxx>
- warning: user XXX does not exist - using root
- From: PK <superprad@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building db2 v9.5 rpm from payload files
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: RPM on Windows
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Macro %so has illegal name - why?
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Removing directories/files in RPM erase
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Macro %so has illegal name - why?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Making a slight modification and replacing an rpm with the same version - is it possible ?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM on Windows
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Macro %so has illegal name - why?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Removing directories/files in RPM erase
- From: Lars Vagt <lvagt@xxxxxx>
- RE: Removing directories/files in RPM erase
- From: "Hajducko, Steven" <steven.hajducko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Macro %so has illegal name - why?
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Macro %so has illegal name - why?
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Removing directories/files in RPM erase
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Removing directories/files in RPM erase
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Removing directories/files in RPM erase
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Removing directories/files in RPM erase
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Removing directories/files in RPM erase
- From: "Hajducko, Steven" <steven.hajducko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Making a slight modification and replacing an rpm with the same version - is it possible ?
- From: "Ian Brown" <ianbrn@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Making a slight modification and replacing an rpm with the same version - is it possible ?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Making a slight modification and replacing an rpm with the same version - is it possible ?
- From: "Ian Brown" <ianbrn@xxxxxxxxx>
- RPM on Windows
- From: Vladimir Mihai Pacuraru <vladimir.pacuraru@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM on Windows
- From: "Jason Pyeron" <jpyeron@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM on Windows
- From: "Dave Peterson" <dave_peterson@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM on Windows
- From: "Jason Pyeron" <jpyeron@xxxxxxxx>
- RPM on Windows
- From: "Dave Peterson" <dave_peterson@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: where can we download RedHat rpm's
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: where can we download RedHat rpm's
- From: "sunhux G" <sunhux@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: where can we download RedHat rpm's
- From: rpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: where can we download RedHat rpm's
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: where can we download RedHat rpm's
- From: "Kani Raj" <kanirajk@xxxxxxxxx>
- where can we download RedHat rpm's
- From: "sunhux G" <sunhux@xxxxxxxxx>
- Building db2 v9.5 rpm from payload files
- From: Greg_Swift@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: rpmbuild goes crazy writing duplicate files in /cd/usr/.... "Identical binaries are copied, not linked"...
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild goes crazy writing duplicate files in /cd/usr/.... "Identical binaries are copied, not linked"...
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild goes crazy writing duplicate files in /cd/usr/.... "Identical binaries are copied, not linked"...
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild goes crazy writing duplicate files in /cd/usr/.... "Identical binaries are copied, not linked"...
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpmbuild goes crazy writing duplicate files in /cd/usr/.... "Identical binaries are copied, not linked"...
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm gives warning: can't get exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm gives warning: can't get exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages
- From: "sunhux G" <sunhux@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm gives warning: can't get exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm gives warning: can't get exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages
- From: "sunhux G" <sunhux@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: files getting overwritten
- From: Zac Elston <Zac.Elston@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: files getting overwritten
- From: Zac Elston <Zac.Elston@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmdb-redhat, rpmdb-Centos, etc..
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM constructed name - how to control?
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM constructed name - how to control?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmdb-redhat, rpmdb-Centos, etc..
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpmdb-redhat, rpmdb-Centos, etc..
- From: "Aaron Hanson" <a.hanson@xxxxxx>
- RPM constructed name - how to control?
- From: "Hajducko, Steven" <steven.hajducko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unpacking of archive failed...MD5 sum mismatch
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: files getting overwritten
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unpacking of archive failed...MD5 sum mismatch
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unpacking of archive failed...MD5 sum mismatch
- From: John Newbigin <jnewbigin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unpacking of archive failed...MD5 sum mismatch
- From: John Newbigin <jnewbigin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: files getting overwritten
- From: "Richard Shade" <rshade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: files getting overwritten
- From: "Dan Mahoney, System Admin" <danm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: files getting overwritten
- From: Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- files getting overwritten
- From: Zac Elston <Zac.Elston@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unpacking of archive failed...MD5 sum mismatch
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unpacking of archive failed...MD5 sum mismatch
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unpacking of archive failed...MD5 sum mismatch
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- unpacking of archive failed...MD5 sum mismatch
- From: John Newbigin <jnewbigin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: Tony Earnshaw, 29/02/40 - 29/04/08
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: canonical way to detect platform/distribution
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: problem comparing capability version strings
- From: "Dave Peterson" <dave_peterson@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Best way to handle modified startup scripts
- From: "Dan Mahoney, System Admin" <danm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to update a RHEL5 Satellite Server repo
- From: chrisb1961@xxxxxxxxxxx
- RE: How to update a RHEL5 Satellite Server repo
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- How to update a RHEL5 Satellite Server repo
- From: chrisb1961@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: canonical way to detect platform/distribution
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: canonical way to detect platform/distribution
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: canonical way to detect platform/distribution
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problem comparing capability version strings
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Two binaries into two subpackages, but with same name
- From: Ian Wienand <ianw@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do I change the tmppath
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do I change the tmppath
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do I change the tmppath
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do I change the tmppath
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do I change the tmppath
- From: Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- canonical way to detect platform/distribution
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- How do I change the tmppath
- From: Linux <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: building rpm for 64 bit m/c
- From: "Suresh Sonawane" <SureshS@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: building rpm for 64 bit m/c
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- building rpm for 64 bit m/c
- From: "Suresh Sonawane" <SureshS@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm user input
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm user input
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm user input
- From: "nived g" <nivedg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm user input
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm user input
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: rpm user input
- From: "Brian J. Murrell" <Brian.Murrell@xxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm user input
- From: Toralf Lund <toralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problem comparing capability version strings
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- problem comparing capability version strings
- From: "Dave Peterson" <dave_peterson@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: pathnames, etc. as required capabilities
- From: "Dave Peterson" <dave_peterson@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pathnames, etc. as required capabilities
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pathnames, etc. as required capabilities
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pathnames, etc. as required capabilities
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- pathnames, etc. as required capabilities
- From: "Dave Peterson" <dave_peterson@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- 'Requires' directive in spec file ignored?
- From: Brian Reichert <reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: trying to put "--define 'macro value'" in a variable
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- trying to put "--define 'macro value'" in a variable
- From: "Brian J. Murrell" <Brian.Murrell@xxxxxxx>
- Re: requires can be based on OS
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- requires can be based on OS
- From: "satish madrage" <svmdcv@xxxxxxxxx>
- Dealing with rpms from multiple architectures when executing rpm -Uvh
- From: "Linux Subscriptions" <linux.subscriptions@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: spec file, with multiple architectures
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: spec file, with multiple architectures
- From: "Richard Shade" <rshade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: spec file, with multiple architectures
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- spec file, with multiple architectures
- From: "Richard Shade" <rshade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE : Problem with the limited size of the RPM buffer containing the macro parsing results
- From: <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with the limited size of the RPM buffer containing the macro parsing results
- From: <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm user input
- From: "nived g" <nivedg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to affix packager label to package
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to affix packager label to package
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to affix packager label to package
- From: Drew Bertola <drew@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Extending AutoRequires for mod_perl, etc.
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Extending AutoRequires for mod_perl, etc.
- From: Richard Siddall <cobalt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: custom RPM build
- From: Leigh Peterson <warpig369@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Naive question: boolean dependency
- From: Vladimir Mihai Pacuraru <vlad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Naive question: boolean dependency
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Naive question: boolean dependency
- From: Vladimir Mihai Pacuraru <vlad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: custom RPM build
- From: Dario Alcocer <alcocer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Making an RPM out of a commercial package
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Is there a built-in macro giving the summary for a specific sub-package ?
- From: <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- custom RPM build
- From: Leigh Peterson <warpig369@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question on spec file "%kmdl"
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question on spec file "%kmdl"
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question on spec file "%kmdl"
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm-list Digest, Vol 48, Issue 6
- From: Andy <freetoroam7@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Making an RPM out of a commercial package
- From: Robert Heller <heller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Making an RPM out of a commercial package
- From: soup nazi <freetoroam7@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question on spec file "%kmdl"
- From: Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question on spec file "%kmdl"
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question on spec file "%kmdl"
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonni@xxxxxxxxx>
- question on spec file "%kmdl"
- From: rpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Naive question: boolean dependency
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- RPM-5.0.2 is released
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Naive question: boolean dependency
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Naive question: boolean dependency
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Naive question: boolean dependency
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Naive question: boolean dependency
- From: "jagdish ahir" <jagdishbahir@xxxxxxxxx>
- Naive question: boolean dependency
- From: devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New to RPMs - Dependencies in my own rpm
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New to RPMs - Dependencies in my own rpm
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- New to RPMs - Dependencies in my own rpm
- From: Linux <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Create two different rpms in the same spec file
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Create two different rpms in the same spec file
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: Create two different rpms in the same spec file
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Create two different rpms in the same spec file
- From: Doron Shoham <dorons@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm, install, and umask
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm, install, and umask
- From: dadembro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: rpm on solaris 10
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE : RE : %clean section not processed
- From: <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm on solaris 10
- RE : How to disable running installation scriptlets during build time
- From: <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to disable running installation scriptlets during build time
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RE : %clean section not processed
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RE : RE : %clean section not processed
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- RE : RE : %clean section not processed
- From: <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Create two different rpms in the same spec file
- From: Doron Shoham <dorons@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RE : %clean section not processed
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- How to disable running installation scriptlets during build time
- From: <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE : %clean section not processed
- From: <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %clean section not processed
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: %clean section not processed
- From: "manjunath k" <kmanjunat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: %clean section not processed
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- %clean section not processed
- From: <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RE : Failed dependencies on /usr
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE : Failed dependencies on /usr
- From: "ELASRI Patrice SOFRECOM" <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Failed dependencies on /usr
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Failed dependencies on /usr
- From: "ELASRI Patrice SOFRECOM" <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: rpm fails depedency even when they're met
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm fails depedency even when they're met
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm fails depedency even when they're met
- From: Isabelle Poueriet <isabelleccny@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm-5.0 released
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: rpm fails depedency even when they're met
- From: "Mahapatro, Amrita (GTI)" <Amrita_Mahapatro@xxxxxx>
- Re: rpm-5.0 released
- From: Tom Diehl <tdiehl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm fails depedency even when they're met
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm fails depedency even when they're met
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpm fails depedency even when they're met
- From: Isabelle Poueriet <isabelleccny@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: puzzled, gives file but does not make files/directories
- From: "ed" <ed@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm-5.0 released
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm-5.0 released
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm-5.0 released
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm-5.0 released
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonni@xxxxxxxxx>
- rpm-5.0 released
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: puzzled, gives file but does not make files/directories
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: puzzled, gives file but does not make files/directories
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- puzzled, gives file but does not make files/directories
- From: "ed" <ed@xxxxxxxxxx>
- SOLVED: rpmbuild -ba builds source but not binary RPM
- From: Josh Miller <joshua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- buildroot requirement? (formerly Re: rpmbuild -ba builds source but not binary RPM)
- From: Josh Miller <joshua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild -ba builds source but not binary RPM
- From: Josh Miller <joshua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild -ba builds source but not binary RPM
- From: Josh Miller <joshua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild -ba builds source but not binary RPM
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- rpmbuild -ba builds source but not binary RPM
- From: Josh Miller <joshua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I/O warning with every rpm install
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fwd: OK, I had to do it again (disk transplant from a i586 to a i686)...
- From: Robert Heller <heller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fwd: OK, I had to do it again (disk transplant from a i586 to a i686)...
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- I/O warning with every rpm install
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: OK, I had to do it again (disk transplant from a i586 to a i686)...
- From: Robert Heller <heller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Philosophical question: rpmbuild and user input
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Philosophical question: rpmbuild and user input
- From: Richard Siddall <cobalt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building rpms with make
- From: Richard Siddall <cobalt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building rpms with make
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building rpms with make
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building rpms with make
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building rpms with make
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building rpms with make
- From: Richard Siddall <cobalt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building rpms with make
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building rpms with make
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building rpms with make
- From: Richard Siddall <cobalt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm as non root user
- From: Adam Miller <amiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm as non root user
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm as non root user
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- rpm as non root user
- From: Adam Miller <amiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building rpms with make
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Building rpms with make
- From: Richard Siddall <cobalt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WARNING: 'check-rpaths' detected a broken RPATH and will cause 'rpmbuild' to fail
- From: PoWah Wong <wong_powah@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: using rpmbuild with cvs sources
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: using rpmbuild with cvs sources
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- using rpmbuild with cvs sources
- From: Bruce Pennypacker <bruce.pennypacker@xxxxxxxxx>
- WARNING: 'check-rpaths' detected a broken RPATH and will cause 'rpmbuild' to fail
- From: PoWah Wong <wong_powah@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: preserving file attributes from make install in rpm spec file
- From: "Bob Beers" <bob.beers@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preserving file attributes from make install in rpm spec file
- From: "Bob Beers" <bob.beers@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preserving file attributes from make install in rpm spec file
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preserving file attributes from make install in rpm spec file
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preserving file attributes from make install in rpm spec file
- From: "Bob Beers" <bob.beers@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preserving file attributes from make install in rpm spec file
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: preserving file attributes from make install in rpm spec file
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- preserving file attributes from make install in rpm spec file
- From: "Bob Beers" <bob.beers@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Extract source URLs from RPM spec files
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Extract source URLs from RPM spec files
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Extract source URLs from RPM spec files
- From: Mildred <mildred593@xxxxxxxxx>
- find-debuginfo.sh not being packaged, but complained about
- From: Mike Meyer <mwm-keyword-rpm.43b295@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Frustrated trying to build beecrypt & rpm on a Debian system whereI'm not root
- From: Mike Meyer <mwm-keyword-rpm.43b295@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Frustrated trying to build beecrypt & rpm on a Debian system whereI'm not root
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Frustrated trying to build beecrypt & rpm on a Debian system whereI'm not root
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Frustrated trying to build beecrypt & rpm on a Debian system whereI'm not root
- From: Mike Meyer <mwm-keyword-rpm.43b295@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Frustrated trying to build beecrypt & rpm on a Debian system whereI'm not root
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Frustrated trying to build beecrypt & rpm on a Debian system whereI'm not root
- From: Mike Meyer <mwm-keyword-rpm.43b295@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Frustrated trying to build beecrypt & rpm on a Debian system whereI'm not root
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Frustrated trying to build beecrypt & rpm on a Debian system whereI'm not root
- From: Mike Meyer <mwm-keyword-rpm.43b295@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Frustrated trying to build beecrypt & rpm on a Debian system whereI'm not root
- From: "Johri, Mayank (GTI)" <mayank_johri@xxxxxx>
- RE: Frustrated trying to build beecrypt & rpm on a Debian system whereI'm not root
- From: "Johri, Mayank (GTI)" <mayank_johri@xxxxxx>
- Frustrated trying to build beecrypt & rpm on a Debian system where I'm not root
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Extending AutoRequires for mod_perl, etc.
- From: diego bowen <diegobowen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Extending AutoRequires for mod_perl, etc.
- From: Richard Siddall <cobalt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RPM - Preventing uninstall and file conflicts.
- From: "Hajducko, Steven" <steven.hajducko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM - Preventing uninstall and file conflicts.
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM - Preventing uninstall and file conflicts.
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM - Preventing uninstall and file conflicts.
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- RE: RPM - Preventing uninstall and file conflicts.
- From: "Hajducko, Steven" <steven.hajducko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RPM - Preventing uninstall and file conflicts.
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: RPM - Preventing uninstall and file conflicts.
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- RPM - Preventing uninstall and file conflicts.
- From: "Hajducko, Steven" <steven.hajducko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm setting owner to build user
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to disable brp-python-bytecompile
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm setting owner to build user
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- How to disable brp-python-bytecompile
- From: Mike Meyer <mwm-keyword-rpm.43b295@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm setting owner to build user
- From: Dan Ciarniello <dciarniello@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm setting owner to build user
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Rpm setting owner to build user
- From: Dan Ciarniello <dciarniello@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Rpm-list Digest, Vol 45, Issue 5
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonni@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Rpm-list Digest, Vol 45, Issue 5
- From: "Mike Duran" <mduran@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: passing a variable to a spec file from rpmbuild command line
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to determine the file list for a spec file
- From: "Fulko Hew" <fulko.hew@xxxxxxxxx>
- passing a variable to a spec file from rpmbuild command line
- From: rpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Would like to submit patch to openldap SPEC to create ppolicy module
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Would like to submit patch to openldap SPEC to create ppolicy module
- From: James Saint-Rossy <james.t.saint-rossy@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm 4.4.9 missing neon support in Solaris 9 - build issue?
- From: David Halik <dhalik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why does "yelp" claim to be part of the (rpm) subsection?
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why does "yelp" claim to be part of the (rpm) subsection?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why does "yelp" claim to be part of the (rpm) subsection?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why does "yelp" claim to be part of the (rpm) subsection?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why does "yelp" claim to be part of the (rpm) subsection?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: why does "yelp" claim to be part of the (rpm) subsection?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- why does "yelp" claim to be part of the (rpm) subsection?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to determine the file list for a spec file
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- how to determine the file list for a spec file
- From: "Fulko Hew" <fulko.hew@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A way to use build and install packages of patches
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- A way to use build and install packages of patches
- From: "ELASRI Patrice SOFRECOM" <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpmlist
- From: "arindam das" <ard123_das123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: package manager for RHEL?
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: package manager for RHEL?
- From: seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: package manager for RHEL?
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: "Paul Johnson" <pauljohn32@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error: Macro % has illegal name (%define) ?
- From: Patrick <rpm-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error: Macro % has illegal name (%define) ?
- From: Marius Feraru <altblue@xxxxxxx>
- error: Macro % has illegal name (%define) ?
- From: Patrick <rpm-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: Olaf Zaplinski <o.zaplinski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: Olaf Zaplinski <o.zaplinski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: Olaf Zaplinski <o.zaplinski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Re: package manager for RHEL?
- From: "Mohd Irwan Jamaluddin" <mij@xxxxxxxxxx>
- package manager for RHEL?
- From: Olaf Zaplinski <o.zaplinski@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Installing during rebuild
- From: Leland Ray <elray544@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Installing during rebuild
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: Installing during rebuild
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Installing during rebuild
- From: "Wyse, Chris" <chris.wyse@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to build a patched binary rpm from a source rpm?
- From: Nigel Metheringham <nigel.metheringham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: how to build a patched binary rpm from a source rpm?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to build a patched binary rpm from a source rpm?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to build a patched binary rpm from a source rpm?
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to build a patched binary rpm from a source rpm?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: how to build a patched binary rpm from a source rpm?
- From: "Stanley, Jon" <Jon.Stanley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to build a patched binary rpm from a source rpm?
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- how to build a patched binary rpm from a source rpm?
- From: "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- xboard chess interface installation failed on fedora
- From: "gopal das" <mr.gopal.das@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Forcing a script to bomb, etc.
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Forcing a script to bomb, etc.
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Forcing a script to bomb, etc.
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Forcing a script to bomb, etc.
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Forcing a script to bomb, etc.
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Forcing a script to bomb, etc.
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bug ? rpm -qlp exits with status 0 on I/O error
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bug ? rpm -qlp exits with status 0 on I/O error
- From: Andre Majorel <aym-mpr@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bug ? rpm -qlp exits with status 0 on I/O error
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Bug ? rpm -qlp exits with status 0 on I/O error
- From: Andre Majorel <aym-mpr@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm 4.4.9 missing neon support in Solaris 9 - build issue?
- From: "Jeff Johnson" <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A way to get subpackage specific architecture tag
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: A way to use conditionnal blocks in the .rpmmacros file
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- A way to use conditionnal blocks in the .rpmmacros file
- From: "ELASRI Patrice SOFRECOM" <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- A way to get subpackage specific architecture tag
- From: "ELASRI Patrice SOFRECOM" <patrice.elasri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpmbuild -ta with nightly CVS snapshots
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: rpmbuild --rcfile does not recognize entries in rpmrc file
- From: Isabelle Poueriet <isabelleccny@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpmbuild --rcfile does not recognize entries in rpmrc file
- From: Michael Jennings <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpmbuild -ta with nightly CVS snapshots
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: rpm 4.4.9 missing neon support in Solaris 9 - build issue?
- From: David Halik <dhalik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpmbuild --rcfile does not recognize entries in rpmrc file
- From: Isabelle Poueriet <isabelleccny@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Using rpmbuild -ta with nightly CVS snapshots
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: How to run a tool stored in RPM package upon uninstallation?
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- How to run a tool stored in RPM package upon uninstallation?
- Using rpmbuild -ta with nightly CVS snapshots
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Supporting multiple Linux platforms
- From: Valery Reznic <valery_reznic@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Supporting multiple Linux platforms
- From: "Jorge M." <ccsdev@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Supporting multiple Linux platforms
- From: "Wichmann, Mats D" <mats.d.wichmann@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Supporting multiple Linux platforms
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxx (Bob Proulx)
- Re: Supporting multiple Linux platforms
- From: Leland Ray <elray544@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Supporting multiple Linux platforms
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Supporting multiple Linux platforms
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- Supporting multiple Linux platforms
- From: "Jorge M." <ccsdev@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: forcing BuildArch
- From: Tim Mooney <mooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: forcing BuildArch
- From: David Halik <dhalik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: forcing BuildArch
- From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq.jbj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: forcing BuildArch
- From: David Halik <dhalik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: forcing BuildArch
- From: Jos Vos <jos@xxxxxx>
- forcing BuildArch
- From: David Halik <dhalik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sendmail.cf.rpmnew, but no sendmail.mc.rpmnew?
- From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_subx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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