Issues while packaging java app with rpmbuild...

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I am trying to package a java application into an RPM. I have gone through several tutorials and I am also able to make an RPM but there are some issue with it that I am unable to figure out.
Basically, the java app consists of a couple of jars, a property file, and a shell script to trigger the app. jars are generated by ant.
Now, even after reading so much about rpm spec files, I am totally confused about the following things - 
1. Where should I put my jars and other files? rpm/SOURCES or rpm/BUILD? Since my jars are already ready (created by ant) I don't want to do anything in "build" section. There is nothing to build. Right?
2. What should I do in "Install" section? I would like to have the user install the application (i.e. the jars) in /home/username/javaapps/myapp. Should I actually install (i.e. just create this directory structure /home/annb/javaapps/myapp) or should I create this dir structure under Install?
3. what should go in the files section? As I understand, all the files that I want in the rpm should be listed here. But I am totally lost about from where should I pick the files? From BUILD or from INSTALL? 
4. This is what I have in my spec file. (Shown below). When it creates an rpm, the rpm contains the hardcoded directoty structure i.e. /home/annb/...
Please help. I am really tired of this now.
%define _prefix???????? /home/robert/javaapps
%define name????? PCMonitor
%define summary?? PC Monitor
%define version?? 1
%define release?? 1
%define license?? GPL
%define group???? Development/Languages
%define source???
%define url??????
%define vendor??? None
%define packager? Ann B

Name:????? %{name}
Version:?? %{version}
Release:?? %{release}
Packager:? %{packager}
Vendor:??? %{vendor}
License:?? %{license}
Summary:?? %{summary}
Group:???? %{group}
Source:??? %{source}
URL:?????? %{url}
Prefix:??? %{_prefix}
BuildArchitectures: noarch

PC Monitor
cp -r %{_topdir}/SOURCES/*? %{_topdir}/BUILD/pcmonitor
cp -r %{_topdir}/BUILD/*? %{_prefix}/pcmonitor


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