> > you really should search google and/or the archives. > > > > Found this in thread of first result for "rpmbuild getOutputFrom": > > > > http://osdir.com/ml/linux.redhat.rpm.general/2002-10/msg00342.html > > I know this gets frustrating to you when users chime in but I did in > fact google my issue and the answers were sparse and confusing. For > example, I did read that exact thread but I don't understand why the > file check would fail at all. I don't want to remove a possible valid > check but rather fix my package if I've made a mistake. wasn't frustrated, just thought it was enough information. The issue seemed to stem from not utilizing %{buildroot}, which was backed up by the next issue, and addressed in my response on that thread. > > > Also, the rpmbuild procedure seems to copy the files to their > destinaion > > > folders during the build process (e.g. "binary" actually ends up in > the > > > /usr/bin folder on the build machine when I run "rpmbuild -vv > -bb"). > > > > > > Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong here? > > > > Try reading through the previous thread entitled "How do I install an > > entire directory under /var with rpm" > > I'll try to find this. this should help: http://lists.rpm.org/pipermail/rpm-list/2008-November/thread.html -greg