Re: installing a second gcc on the same machine

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2008/6/11 devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>:
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 4:40 PM, James Olin Oden <james.oden@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Mark Ryden <markryde@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>  I want to be able to build a kernel module of FC6 on an FC9 machine,
>> I build the module on the FC9 machine against an FC6 kernel tree.
>> However, when I insmod it, I get an error: it expects it to be built
>> agains the gcc version of FC6.
>> I want to keep the gcc of FC9.
>> I tried to install the fc6 gcc rpm, with -force, but this seems to
>> overwrite the previous version.
>> My question is: is there a way to install two gcc rpms on the same
>> machine?
> You can use -i, --badreloc and --relocate (see rpm's man page).  With
> the proper use of these you'll get the other gcc rpm installed off
> in some other directory like /opt/gcc-fc6.
> No, gcc on FC or RHEL is not relocatable, so --relocate doesn't work (as it
> is written in the rpm's man page).
> In this case the best option is to build an "compact-gcc-x.y.z" on FC9,
> where x.y.z are  the  gcc release of FC6:
> look at  an  example SRPMS of compact-gcc in FC  or  RHEL4.
That is what --badreloc is for....the question of whether a package is
built to be relocatable, and whether it will work when its relocated
is two entirely different questions (and to what degree will it work
or not work, and will that degree meet your needs are some other


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