nived g wrote:
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 4:46 AM, seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
On Thu, 2008-04-10 at 23:20 +0200, Jos Vos wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 11:09:41PM +0200, Toralf Lund wrote:
> > You can enter any program/command in the %pre and %post
sections of the
> > spec, including ones that ask for user input. These sections are
> > essentially scripts that get executed before and after the
files are
> > installed, respectively. If the %pre script(let) exits with a
> > (non-0) status, the rpm won't actually be installed.
I've tried doing that and it didn't work. I ran a script to get some
input from user at %pre, but its not prompting for input during
install time.
Well, even though rpm doesn't go out of the way to prevent interactive
execution, you can perhaps not expect the standard input to be connected
to your terminal like in a normal interactive shell, so you may have to
use a command that gets its input in some other way. Something like
zenity --warning --text "Do you really want to open a dialog in an rpm
should if you have and an X display (and the program...)
Also, you could try "read < /dev/tty" or similar.
- T
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