Re: rpmbuild goes crazy writing duplicate files in /cd/usr/.... "Identical binaries are copied, not linked"...

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2008/5/13 devzero2000 <pinto.elia@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hmm. you use %makeinstall or make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} ?
> What happen if you do rpmbuild -bi <spec> ?
> Do you think it is a macro problem ? try to put %debug as first declaration
> in your spec .

Thanks for trying to help.  I tried %debug, but got this:

error: line 1: Unknown tag: %debug

The source code I'm trying to build is found here:

and the spec file I'm trying is attached to this message.

I've been reading the output of the build and I am simply baffled why
it suddenly inserts cd at the beginning of the install dir.

Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas
Name:             jags
Version:          1.0.2 
Release:          1%{dist}pj
Summary:          Just another Gibbs Sampler
License:          GNU GPL
## Distribution:     Vine Linux
## Vendor:           Project Vine
Group:            Applications/Engineering
Source:           JAGS-%{version}.tar.gz
Packager:         Paul Johnson <pauljohn@xxxxxx> 
BuildRoot:        %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root

BuildRequires:    lapack, libRmath-devel   
Requires:         lapack, libRmath
Requires(post):   ldconfig
Requires(postun): ldconfig

JAGS is Just Another Gibbs Sampler.  It is a program for analysis of
Bayesian hierarchical models using Gibbs sampling not wholly unlike
BUGS.  JAGS was written with three aims in mind:
 * To have an engine for the BUGS language that runs on Unix
 * To be extensible, allowing users to write their own functions, distributions and samplers.
 * To be a plaftorm for experimentation with ideas in Bayesian modelling


%setup -n JAGS-%{version}



make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}

%{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT


%post -p /sbin/ldconfig


%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig


* Mon May 12 2007 Paul Johnson <pauljohn@xxxxxx>
- new for 1.0.2
* Tue Feb 21 2006 Susumu Tanimura <stanimura-ngs@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Initial package

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