On Sep 22, 2008, at 7:44 PM, Mike Meyer wrote:
I find myself responsible for managing an ecosystem of rpms for our
custom application. One of the interesting sticking points is what we
call the "db" rpm. Most of the other rpms won't run correctly unless
that rpm is installed. The catch is, it's got to be installed on the
database node(s) of the application, not the application nodes that
the other rpms are being installed on.
I haven't seen anything to indicate that the rpm format can handle
such a dependency. Have I overlooked something? Anybody got *any*
ideas on how such a thing might be handled?
rpm5 has something called a "probe dependency", basically
a boolean valued function call that returns SATISFIED/UNSATISFIED
depending on the run-time environment. An additional compiled in
probe for the condition "package is installed on database node"
is likely no more complicated than attempting a connection to a
URI that includes hostname and port.
rpm5 also expands macros while checking dependencies, that's
sufficient to fire an external script that returns 0 == satisfied !0
== unsatisfied.
But you are unlikely to be using rpm5. Oh well ...
73 de Jeff
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