RE: Packaging java apps in rpm

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Hi All,

Two questions:

1. Has anyone tried packaging java jar files in rpm. Are there any special consideration? 
Suggestion: take a look at what is doing for ideas.
They've packaged a whole boatload of them and have worked out
the issues. 

2. I already have a (inherited) system that builds c applications from source. It is somewhat circuitious in the way it gathers src, links...etc. I would rather not disturb the build but instead just capture the built binaries and package them as rpm. Is this possible ?
after my make completes, put the built binaries into the buildroot and run rpmbuild skipping the %build section.
Yeah, you can do that.  As long as your "make install" puts everything in the
right place (meaning a clean tree such as would be installed by the %install
section), you can point your %files section there and essentially leave the
other sections of the specfile empty. In general it's nicer if the specfile
captures the secret sauce such that you can make a source rpm for easy
rebuilding, but only you know your system and how ugly it would be to do that.
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