Linux TCP/IP Netfilter
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- hazy table rules
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ICQ file transfer => sending!
- From: Eric Marchionni <mailing-lists@xxxxxx>
- Re: I can't resolve DNS name
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port redirect for localy generated request
- From: Thorsten Scherf <tscherf@xxxxxx>
- hazy table rules
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: SMTP HTTP port allow
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: IPTables State Tracking
- From: "Mark E. Donaldson" <markee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: port redirect for locally generated request
- From: "Mark E. Donaldson" <markee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I can't resolve DNS name
- From: cc <cc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPTables State Tracking
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Blocking Kazaa
- From: "Stephen J. McCracken" <sjmccracky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with the limit option
- From: "Len L." <len@xxxxxxxxx>
- From: Mattia Martinello <liste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: Jeffrey Laramie <JALaramie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Group on Iptables
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unexpected behaviour...?
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: Jeffrey Laramie <JALaramie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: Jeffrey Laramie <JALaramie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Group on Iptables
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Group on Iptables
- From: Gavin Hamill <gdh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- maybe out of topic
- From: jaws <jaws@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can IPTABLES be used to send alerts!
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- RE: Can IPTABLES be used to send alerts!
- From: Deshwal Chand <CDD@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can IPTABLES be used to send alerts!
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic going out wrong interface
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Blocking IM Services
- From: "Kevin Smith" <ksmith@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Bandwidth Monitoring
- From: "Sathi" <sathiyan@xxxxxxx>
- RE: SMTP HTTP port allow
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- what is the meaning of iptable's underflow point?
- From: "wangz" <easyit@xxxxxxx>
- How to block Kazaa with IPTables
- From: Chris Lowth <chris@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding Telnet to a Working Setup
- Re: disabling connection tracking
- From: Philip Craig <philipc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding Telnet to a Working Setup
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: disabling connection tracking
- From: k.tragant@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Managing P2P Traffic and performance
- From: "Bruno Borges" <brunob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Performanace fo the Iptables Server
- From: leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- RE: SMTP HTTP port allow
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: IPTables State Tracking
- From: James Mullens <mullensja@xxxxxxxx>
- I can't resolve DNS name
- From: "Daniel Arjona" <darjona@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IPTables State Tracking
- From: <Josh.Berry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- netfilter firewall w/ failover, Poor man's conntrack failover
- From: Nils Juergens <ju@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- port redirect for localy generated request
- From: "Sundaram Ramasamy" <sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: limit option test with icmp
- From: "Len L." <len@xxxxxxxxx>
- NAT everything
- From: Vilmos Branyik <vbranyik@xxxxxxxxx>
- Multicast routing question...
- From: "Guilherme Cox" <cox@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Adding Telnet to a Working Setup
- From: "Alyn Ashworth" <alyn@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: SMTP HTTP port allow
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Performanace fo the Iptables Server
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SMTP HTTP port allow
- From: Jeffrey Laramie <JALaramie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: SMTP HTTP port allow
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: disabling connection tracking
- From: Philip Craig <philipc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- limit option test with icmp
- From: "Len L." <len@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: "Michael J. Tubby B.Sc. \(Hons\) G8TIC" <mike.tubby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: Jeffrey Laramie <JALaramie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: Jeffrey Laramie <JALaramie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [LARTC] Performanace fo the Iptables Server
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [LARTC] Performanace fo the Iptables Server
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [LARTC] Performanace fo the Iptables Server
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can IPTABLES be used to send alerts!
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SMTP HTTP port allow
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can IPTABLES be used to send alerts!
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Group on Iptables
- From: "Masiero Giorgio, PD" <gmasiero@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can IPTABLES be used to send alerts!
- From: Rob Verduijn <rverduij@xxxxxx>
- Re: Can IPTABLES be used to send alerts!
- Re: IP Alias replacement
- From: Jason Joines <joines@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: allow ll for one thru firewall
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: SMTP HTTP port allow
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Can IPTABLES be used to send alerts!
- From: Deshwal Chand <CDD@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic going out wrong interface
- From: Julian Gomez <kluivert@xxxxxxxxx>
- allow ll for one thru firewall
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SMTP HTTP port allow
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unexpected behaviour...?
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RedHat 8.0 upgrade problem 1.2.8
- From: "Jason S. Friedman" <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Broken ftp through iptables
- From: <Josh.Berry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: Jeffrey Laramie <jalaramie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- RE: HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: External IP addresses on internal network
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Broken ftp through iptables
- From: Alistair Tonner <Alistair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
- From: "Daniel Arjona" <darjona@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: IP Alias replacement
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IP Alias replacement
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IP Alias replacement
- From: Jason Joines <joines@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SMTP Problems
- From: André Mendes <amendes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic going out wrong interface
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Broken ftp through iptables
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Broken ftp through iptables
- From: "Landon Chelf" <landonc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Broken ftp through iptables
- From: Julian Gomez <kluivert@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Broken ftp through iptables
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- External IP addresses on internal network
- From: Jeffrey Laramie <JALaramie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Broken ftp through iptables
- From: "Landon Chelf" <landonc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Broken ftp through iptables
- From: "Landon Chelf" <landonc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic going out wrong interface
- From: Julian Gomez <kluivert@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RedHat 8.0 upgrade problem 1.2.8
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- Re: RedHat 8.0 upgrade problem 1.2.8
- From: "Jason S. Friedman" <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Traffic going out wrong interface
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- resolving ftp servers
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables 'make' killed my box
- From: Julian Gomez <kluivert@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RedHat 8.0 upgrade problem 1.2.8
- From: "Stuart J. Browne" <stuart@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RedHat 8.0 upgrade problem 1.2.8
- From: "Jason S. Friedman" <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Who is using the talk conntrack/nat helper?
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unexpected behaviour...?
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Who is using the talk conntrack/nat helper?
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables 'make' killed my box
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- FTP, Kazaa, Internet, ICQ and access the IMAP server of Netscape with my netscape client
- From: "Daniel Arjona" <darjona@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- FTP, Kazaa, Internet, ICQ and access the IMAP server of Netscape with my Netscape Client
- From: "Daniel Arjona" <darjona@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: OT: iptables-like firewall for windows?
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables 'make' killed my box
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables 'make' killed my box
- From: Jamie Pratt <jamie@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables 'make' killed my box
- From: Scott Gaertner <scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables 'make' killed my box
- From: Scott Gaertner <scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about Real Audio
- From: Tom Marshall <tommy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (OT) Tunnel
- From: Gavin Hamill <gdh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (OT) Tunnel
- From: "Sebastian" <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: per connection...
- From: Gavin Hamill <gdh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: NetFilter rules break when freeswan is enabled
- From: Marcelo Medici <gaucho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: default policy
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- per connection...
- From: Krystian <optimusprime@xxxxx>
- RE: dns replies (udp) blocked but why ?
- From: Tom Van Overbeke <tvanoverbeke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: dns replies (udp) blocked but why ?
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- clearing last installation
- From: Mihamina Rakotomandimby <mrakotom@xxxxxxx>
- dns replies (udp) blocked but why ?
- From: Tom Van Overbeke <tvanoverbeke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- disabling connection tracking
- From: "Kurt Tragant " <k.tragant@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: OT: iptables-like firewall for windows?
- From: Maciej Soltysiak <solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: default policy
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- default policy
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Strange Occurrences
- From: "Ilo" <sneak@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Blocking file type by iptables?
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking file type by iptables?
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking file type by iptables?
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: NetFilter rules break when freeswan is enabled
- From: "Mark E. Donaldson" <markee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Blocking file type by iptables?
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Blocking file type by iptables?
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Blocking file type by iptables?
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables with iplimit option
- From: "Cornu Nicolas" <n.cornu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Blocking file type by iptables?
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables with iplimit option
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables with iplimit option
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Who is using the talk conntrack/nat helper?
- From: Harald Welte <laforge@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables with iplimit option
- From: "Noname Noname" <spphu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- unexpected behaviour...?
- From: Christof Nyffenegger <cnyf@xxxxxxxx>
- question about Real Audio
- From: "Slawomir Orlowski" <orlowscy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Logging back!
- From: Fabrice MARIE <fabrice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: 2 LANs in SERVER + 2 xDSL (pppOe) accounts. MASQUERADE both lans!
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Blocking Kazaa
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking Kazaa
- From: Stephen Smoogen <smoogen@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NetFilter rules break when freeswan is enabled
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Logging back!
- From: "Ray Anderson" <rsa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- NetFilter rules break when freeswan is enabled
- From: Marcelo Medici <gaucho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Forward to a Cache Server
- From: "Charan" <charanbeer.s@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: patch: ipt_string
- From: "Jon Pol" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: patch: ipt_string
- From: "Jon Pol" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: patch: ipt_string
- From: Julián María Müller Frizza <julian_muller@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 2 LANs in SERVER + 2 xDSL (pppOe) accounts. MASQUERADE both lans!
- From: Julián María Müller Frizza <julian_muller@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- patch: ipt_string
- From: "Jon Pol" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: OT: iptables-like firewall for windows?
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: OT: iptables-like firewall for windows?
- From: Matt Hellman <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: uninstall/re-install iptables
- From: cc <cc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: OT: iptables-like firewall for windows?
- From: cc <cc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables-like firewall for windows?
- From: "Mark E. Donaldson" <markee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: OT: iptables-like firewall for windows?
- From: Shawn <core@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: OT: iptables-like firewall for windows?
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking Kazaa
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking Kazaa
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- any success with VRRPd
- From: "James Miller" <jimm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- uninstall/re-install iptables
- From: Mihamina Rakotomandimby <mrakotom@xxxxxxx>
- Re: OT: iptables-like firewall for windows?
- From: Shawn <core@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking Kazaa
- From: Jean-Rene Cormier <jean-rene.cormier@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [netfilter-core] Re: [ANNOUNCE] systems downtime
- From: Harald Welte <laforge@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [netfilter-core] Re: [ANNOUNCE] systems downtime
- From: Maciej Soltysiak <solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: OT: iptables-like firewall for windows?
- From: Tony Clayton <tony-netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [netfilter-core] Re: [ANNOUNCE] systems downtime
- From: Rusty Russell <rusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [ANNOUNCE] systems downtime
- From: "Herbert G. Fischer" <herbert@xxxxxxxxx>
- OT: iptables-like firewall for windows?
- From: Jason Joines <joines@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: what is the relationship between Netfilter & iptables.
- From: Nils Juergens <ju@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] systems downtime
- From: Harald Welte <laforge@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Messages to console
- From: "Carlos Delfino Carvalho Pinheiro" <suporte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can someone help me to configure my DMZ?
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- Re: bug? blocked packets get shadowed to internal network
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- Re: connection and bandwidth monitoring program
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- redirection and nat
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Port forward
- From: "Rimas" <rmocius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Messages to console
- From: "Anderson, Ray" <rsa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Blocking Kazaa
- From: Jean-Rene Cormier <jean-rene.cormier@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Messages to console
- From: André Valente <a.valente@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: NAT + Web based authentication ?
- From: "Sneppe Filip" <Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx>
- IPTABLES Difficulties
- From: "Anthony R. Vallario" <avallari@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fixes for libiptc
- DMZ with iptables
- From: "Mike T." <mkakazu@xxxxxxx>
- Can someone help me to configure my DMZ?
- From: "Wagner" <wagnergc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Prioritizing Quake packets
- From: "Kent Wang" <kwang@xxxxxxxxx>
- Can someone please explain to a newbie?
- From: "Stephen J. McCracken" <smccrack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- bug? blocked packets get shadowed to internal network
- From: Juergen Stohr <stohr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- netfilter6: REJECT target? (fwd)
- From: Pekka Savola <pekkas@xxxxxxxxxx>
- bug? blocked packets get shadowed to internal network
- From: Juergen Stohr <stohr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables + RELATED
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- >13MB netfilter forward CRASH
- From: Kevin Quinn <quinn@xxxxxxxx>
- unresolved symbols and depmod
- From: Mika Rantonen <Mika.Rantonen@xxxxxx>
- Default-Route Problem
- From: <oliver.fink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re[2]: iplimit module refuses to work
- From: justin <justin@xxxxxxxx>
- From: "George" <george@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Browsers & Blocked IPs
- From: "jrs _" <jrsx13@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- pptp-conntrack-nat problem
- From: "Herry Wild" <herry.wild@xxxxxxxxx>
- Wrong patch in Netfilter Security Advisory: Conntrack list_del() DoS ?
- From: Jean Wolter <jean.wolter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: discard TCP SYN
- From: "Michael" <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- user traffic accounting with owner match
- From: mutombo <mutombomania@xxxxxx>
- connection and bandwidth monitoring program
- From: Olivier Mayeres <Olivier.Mayeres@xxxxxxx>
- what is the relationship between Netfilter & iptables.
- From: "Kyoungyong Lee" <leeky@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: redirect port 80 to another port > 1024 on same machine
- From: "John Arthur" <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: redirect port 80 to another port > 1024 on same machine
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Messages to console
- From: Frank Smith <fsmith@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- redirect port 80 to another port > 1024 on same machine
- From: "david brant" <dbrant@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Messages to console
- From: "Len L." <len@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: Frank Smith <fsmith@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: "Wallwork, Nathan" <nwallwo@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: is this ip spoofing?
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Redirect of DNS requests
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ipt_tcpmss_target: bad length
- From: Philip Craig <philipc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Redirect of DNS requests
- From: Trevor Morrison <trevor@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: NAT + Web based authentication ?
- From: Ashraf Zia <ashrafszia@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: NAT + Web based authentication ?
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- NAT + Web based authentication ?
- From: Ashraf Zia <ashrafszia@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: IPTABLES Difficulties
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IPTABLES Difficulties
- From: "Anthony R. Vallario" <avallario@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: h323
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Multi NIC Gateway and HostAP Box
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Prioritizing Quake packets
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Writing a netfilter module..
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ipt_tcpmss_target: bad length
- From: "Laurens van Alphen" <subscriptions@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Round Robin Load Balancing
- From: "Javier Govea" <jgovea@xxxxxxxx>
- Prioritizing Quake packets
- From: "Kent Wang" <kwang@xxxxxxxxx>
- Writing a netfilter module..
- From: "Kyoungyong Lee" <leeky@xxxxxxxxx>
- conntrack or nat per interface for duplicate IPs
- From: Jim Carter <jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- is this ip spoofing?
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Gianpietro Previtali is out of the office.
- From: gianpietro.previtali@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Multi NIC Gateway and HostAP Box
- From: "Landon Chelf" <landonc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: External only Nat?
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- External only Nat?
- From: kevinc@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: h323
- From: Scott van Looy <scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: h323
- From: "Sundaram Ramasamy" <sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Need help have some questions...
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: BroadCast, Multicast and Unicast..
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Exposing an internal server through an iptables firewall
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Need help have some questions...
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- BroadCast, Multicast and Unicast..
- From: "sarky" <sarky@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Commercial 24x7x365 support for iptables
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can someone please explain to a newbie?
- From: "Stephen J. McCracken" <sjmccracky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a doubt about INPUT rule
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Exposing an internal server through an iptables firewall
- From: <Josh.Berry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Exposing an internal server through an iptables firewall
- From: "Daniel L. Miller" <dmiller@xxxxxxxxx>
- Commercial 24x7x365 support for iptables?
- From: "Wallwork, Nathan" <nwallwo@xxxxxxx>
- Can someone please explain to a newbie?
- From: "Stephen J. McCracken" <sjmccracky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a doubt about INPUT rule
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: can someone check this simple firewall?
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables with real ips
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: bug? blocked packets get shadowed to internal network
- From: Juergen Stohr <juergen.stohr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables question
- From: Glenn Hancock <ghancock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: bug? blocked packets get shadowed to internal network
- From: Juergen Stohr <juergen.stohr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables+ulogd+mysql
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: bug? blocked packets get shadowed to internal network
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- bug? blocked packets get shadowed to internal network
- From: Juergen Stohr <juergen.stohr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: can someone check this simple firewall?
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables question
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: can someone check this simple firewall?
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables question
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: udp port 135
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables+ulogd+mysql
- From: "Vishwanatn T. K." <tkvishy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: udp port 135
- From: Maciej Soltysiak <solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: udp port 135
- From: cc <cc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: udp port 135
- From: Maciej Soltysiak <solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Matching misc TCP header fields
- From: Maciej Soltysiak <solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: udp port 135
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Matching misc TCP header fields
- From: Elver Loho <kernelpenguin@xxxxxx>
- udp port 135
- From: cc <cc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- port 80 redirection
- From: cc <cc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables question
- From: Glenn Hancock <ghancock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: do not reply
- From: Glenn Hancock <ghancock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- do not reply
- From: Glenn Hancock <ghancock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: can someone check this simple firewall?
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- IPTABLES and Freeswan.
- From: Federico Gonzalez <fgonzalez@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to allow Real Player
- From: Tom Marshall <tommy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How not to track connections?
- From: Rick Morris <rmorris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: can someone check this simple firewall?
- From: Gavin Hamill <gdh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- can someone check this simple firewall?
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Routing problem
- From: "GG Noris" <gigi@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Iptables problem
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Iptables problem
- From: Glenn Hancock <ghancock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables and ULOG
- From: Simone Sestini <simone.sestini@xxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables+ulogd+mysql
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- IPtables, QUEUE target and connection-tracking...
- Re: iptables and the RELATED option
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: daisy chaining firewalls causes connection tracking problems ?
- From: Tom Van Overbeke <tvanoverbeke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: small mails is ok, but big e-mails not go!!!!!!
- From: "Carlos Delfino Carvalho Pinheiro" <suporte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables and the RELATED option
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iprange patch failed
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a doubt about INPUT rule
- From: "anantharaman.iyer" <ananth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a doubt about INPUT rule
- From: "anantharaman.iyer" <ananth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a doubt about INPUT rule
- From: "anantharaman.iyer" <ananth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: --set-counters help
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: please advise on this rule
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a doubt about INPUT rule
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a small quick and dirty solution
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: please advise on this rule
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- --set-counters help
- From: 박지연 <fdd@xxxxxxxxx>
- a doubt about INPUT rule
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to allow Real Player
- From: "Brad Morgan" <B-Morgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Planning a firewall
- From: "Michael K" <micke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables and the RELATED option
- From: Rob Verduijn <rverduij@xxxxxx>
- Re: iptables and the RELATED option
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables and the RELATED option
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: please advise on this rule
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- please advise on this rule
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: loadbalancing for firewall
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: traffic usage report
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- P-o-M and H323
- From: DALive Editor <dalive@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: daisy chaining firewalls causes connection tracking problems ?
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- daisy chaining firewalls causes connection tracking problems ?
- From: Tom Van Overbeke <tvanoverbeke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: loadbalancing for firewall
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: small mails is ok, but big e-mails not go!!!!!!
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dropping Malicious Packets in -t mangle
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a small quick and dirty solution
- From: "anantharaman.iyer" <ananth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: a small quick and dirty solution
- From: "anantharaman.iyer" <ananth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: h323
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- loadbalancing for firewall
- From: Jérôme GAUTHIER <JGAUTHIER@xxxxxxxx>
- small mails is ok, but big e-mails not go!!!!!!
- From: "Carlos Delfino Carvalho Pinheiro" <suporte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- a small quick and dirty solution
- From: Payal Rathod <payal-iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- traffic usage report
- From: "Lawrence - D" <ingsiong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: ping to internet address
- From: "Mark E. Donaldson" <markee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ping to internet address
- From: "Lawrence - D" <ingsiong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- connlimit patch
- From: <Josh.Berry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: simple newbie question
- From: Rob Verduijn <rverduij@xxxxxx>
- Re: h323
- From: DALive Editor <dalive@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 39_ip_conntrack-proc Patch
- From: <Josh.Berry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables and ads
- From: woksy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: iplimit module refuses to work
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re[3]: iplimit module refuses to work
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking access to UDP port 53 (DNS) - Solution
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re[3]: iplimit module refuses to work
- Re: iplimit module refuses to work
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- h323
- From: "Morrison, Trevor (Trevor)" <tmorrison@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Blocking access to UDP port 53 (DNS) - Solution
- From: "Len L." <len@xxxxxxxxx>
- iplimit module refuses to work
- Re: Blocking access to UDP port 53 (DNS)
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Blocking access to UDP port 53 (DNS)
- From: <Josh.Berry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Blocking access to UDP port 53 (DNS)
- From: "Len L." <len@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables and ads
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables and ads
- From: Andre Lorenz <andre@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables and ads
- From: woksy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- RE: howto bind Mac to ip address
- From: "Sebastian" <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: howto bind Mac to ip address
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: howto bind Mac to ip address
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: howto bind Mac to ip address
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: howto bind Mac to ip address
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- port 80 redirection
- RE: [iptables] howto bind Mac to ip address
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Round Robin Load Balancing
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [iptables] howto bind Mac to ip address
- From: "Paul Cousins" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: Re: nat logging
- From: Simone Sestini <simone.sestini@xxxxxxxxxx>
- howto bind Mac to ip address
- From: "Tariq Anwer" <alien@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nat logging
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- nat logging
- From: Simone Sestini <simone.sestini@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Round Robin Load Balancing
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: performance(pps) check?
- From: Ray Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- performance(pps) check?
- From: "SB CH" <chulmin2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Kiady Rakotoson/FRAN/Carrefour est absent(e).
- From: "Kiady Rakotoson" <Kiady_Rakotoson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Round Robin Load Balancing
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Round Robin Load Balancing
- From: "Javier Govea" <jgovea@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Round Robin Load Balancing
- From: "Javier Govea" <jgovea@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: simple newbie question
- Re: simple newbie question
- From: Whit Blauvelt <whit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- simple newbie question
- From: Mario Meríngolo <mmeringolo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- gaim servers and ports ?
- From: Rob Verduijn <rverduij@xxxxxx>
- FW: ICQ file transfers
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: -m string
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: -m string
- From: <Josh.Berry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ftp nat, snat PORT translation ok, dnat PASV translation fail
- From: "bognár, attila" <attila.bognar@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: logging and pinging localhost
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: (newbie) SNAT woes
- From: "Martin Djernaes" <martin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- -m string
- From: Edmund <cc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (newbie) SNAT woes
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HAlinux,ipsec and proxies..
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: HAlinux,ipsec and proxies..
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: (newbie) SNAT woes
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: ICQ file transfers
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ICQ file transfers
- From: Leonardo Rodrigues Magalhães <leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: "Juliano Murlick" <jmurlick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- logging and pinging localhost
- From: Rob Verduijn <rverduij@xxxxxx>
- From: "Juliano Murlick" <jmurlick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HAlinux,ipsec and proxies..
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (newbie) SNAT woes
- From: "Martin Djernaes" <martin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT from an IP address that does not exist to another that exists
- From: Whit Blauvelt <whit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT from an IP address that does not exist to another that exists
- From: "Carlo Florendo" <carlo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- HAlinux,ipsec and proxies..
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: discard TCP SYN
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nfs
- From: Ulises Hernandez Pino <ulises@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I ask IPTABLES to drop a packet based upon its content
- From: Alistair Tonner <Alistair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- IDS with snort or..?
- From: "Michael K" <micke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: discard TCP SYN
- From: "Michael K" <micke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: real-time monitor question
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: real-time monitor question
- From: "Jeffrey D. Brower" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I ask IPTABLES to drop a packet based upon its content
- From: Whit Blauvelt <whit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: discard TCP SYN
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: discard TCP SYN
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- discard TCP SYN
- From: "Michael K" <micke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re[2]: Interesting problems
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I ask IPTABLES to drop a packet based upon its content
- From: Eric Leblond <eric@xxxxxxxxx>
- How can I ask IPTABLES to drop a packet based upon its content
- From: Deshwal Chand <CDD@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: real-time monitor question
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Unresolved symbols in ip_tables_nat after recompiling kernel
- From: "Sven Marx" <svenmarx@xxxxxx>
- Re: pktstat and netfilter
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pktstat and netfilter
- From: Edmund <cc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Question: ipq_read() returning "Received message truncated"
- From: "Chun Fung, John Yuen" <zeroz000@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New user and MRTG error help
- From: Jean-Christian Imbeault <jc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: New user and MRTG error help
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New user and MRTG error help
- From: Paul Baxter <ppabaxte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Re[2]: Interesting problems
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re[2]: Interesting problems
- From: Peteris Krumins <newsgroups@xxxxx>
- Re: real-time monitor question
- From: "Jeffrey D. Brower" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: real-time monitor question
- From: "Jeffrey D. Brower" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: firewall product based on netfilter
- From: "Daniel F. Chief Security Engineer -" <danielf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPTABLES Nightmare - Save Me
- From: DALive Editor <dalive@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: firewall product based on netfilter
- From: Eric Leblond <eric@xxxxxxxxx>
- arp_table
- From: <Josh.Berry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- firewall product based on netfilter
- From: "Afshin Lamei" <linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Interesting problems
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Interesting problems
- From: <tsh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nfs
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Interesting problems
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: real-time monitor question
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall software
- From: "Lawrence - D" <ingsiong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nfs
- From: Rob Verduijn <rverduij@xxxxxx>
- RE: Firewall software
- From: Tom Van Overbeke <tvanoverbeke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- pptp-conntrack-nat problem
- From: "Herry Wild" <herry.wild@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall software
- From: pammann@xxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Ammann)
- Re: pktstat and netfilter
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Firewall software
- From: "Lawrence - D" <ingsiong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: nfs
- From: Sven Riedel <sr@xxxxxxxx>
- pktstat and netfilter
- From: Edmund <cc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- nfs
- From: Rob Verduijn <rverduij@xxxxxx>
- Re: IPTABLES Nightmare - Save Me
- From: Eric Leblond <eric@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: real-time monitor question
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: real-time monitor question
- From: "Jeffrey D. Brower" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPTABLES Nightmare - Save Me
- From: Daniel Chemko <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SNAT "invalid argument"
- From: Whit Blauvelt <whit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IPTABLES Nightmare - Save Me
- From: DALive Editor <dalive@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SNAT "invalid argument"
- From: Whit Blauvelt <whit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem reading an URL with Java through IPTables/Squid proxy
- From: "Heiko Fischer" <electropunk@xxxxxx>
- RE: Problem reading an URL with Java through IPTables/Squid proxy
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IPTables PSD Patch Problem
- From: <Josh.Berry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SNAT "invalid argument"
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Interesting problems
- From: Peteris Krumins <newsgroups@xxxxx>
- IPTables PSD Patch Problem
- From: <Josh.Berry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SNAT "invalid argument"
- From: Whit Blauvelt <whit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SNAT "invalid argument"
- From: "David Busby" <busby@xxxxxxxx>
- SNAT "invalid argument"
- From: Whit Blauvelt <whit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Where (???)
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Where (???)
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re[2]: Where (???)
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Where (???)
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Where (???)
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re[2]: Where (???)
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Where (???)
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re[2]: Where (???)
- From: Jesús García Crespo (aka Sevein) <correo@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Where (???)
- From: Jesús García Crespo (aka Sevein) <correo@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Where (???)
- From: flaq <flaq@xxxxxxxx>
- real-time monitor question
- From: "Jeffrey D. Brower" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem reading an URL with Java through IPTables/Squid proxy
- From: "Heiko" <electropunk@xxxxxx>
- Where (???)
- From: Jesús García Crespo (aka Sevein) <correo@xxxxxxxxxx>
- DNAT on iptables
- From: "Natarajan E" <nataraj_e@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: logging problem
- From: Ralf Spenneberg <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- logging problem
- From: "Afshin Lamei" <linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie: why is this packet being dropped/logged?
- From: Jean-Christian Imbeault <jc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie: why is this packet being dropped/logged?
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: New not syn (again...)
- From: Tom Van Overbeke <tvanoverbeke@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie: why is this packet being dropped/logged?
- From: Jean-Christian Imbeault <jc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie: why is this packet being dropped/logged?
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie: why is this packet being dropped/logged?
- From: Jean-Christian Imbeault <jc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Masquerade stopped working?!?!
- Re: Newbie: why is this packet being dropped/logged?
- From: Jean-Christian Imbeault <jc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Newbie: why is this packet being dropped/logged?
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Newbie: why is this packet being dropped/logged?
- From: Jean-Christian Imbeault <jc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: linux firewall/IPTABLES Vs Mediaring VOip
- From: Tom Diehl <tdiehl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- linux firewall/IPTABLES Vs Mediaring VOip
- From: "Lawrence - D" <ingsiong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: forwarding based on hostname
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re[2]: SNMP and IPTABLES
- From: netfilter_user <netfilter_user@xxxxx>
- Re: forwarding based on hostname
- From: Daniel Chemko <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: forwarding based on hostname
- From: "Ian McBeth" <imcbeth@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: forwarding based on hostname
- From: Daniel Chemko <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- forwarding based on hostname
- From: "Ian McBeth" <imcbeth@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Masquerade stopped working?!?!
- Re: Masquerade stopped working?!?!
- From: Alistair Tonner <Alistair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Masquerade stopped working?!?!
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Masquerade stopped working?!?!
- Re: Invalid httpd logs with port forwarding
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Invalid httpd logs with port forwarding
- From: Dominic Duval <dd@xxxxxxxx>
- Invalid httpd logs with port forwarding
- From: Dominic Duval <dd@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: Masquerade stopped working?!?!
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Masquerade stopped working?!?!
- Re: New not syn (again...)
- From: Tom Marshall <tommy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: SNAT for a firewall machine
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SNAT for a firewall machine
- From: Ulises Hernandez Pino <ulises@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: srgqwerty <srgqwerty@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IMQ ingress & SNAT
- From: flaq <flaq@xxxxxxxx>
- [SECURITY] Netfilter Security Advisory: Conntrack list_del() DoS
- From: Netfilter Core Team <coreteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [SECURITY] Netfilter Security Advisory: NAT Remote DOS (SACK mangle)
- From: Netfilter Core Team <coreteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: netfilter_user <netfilter_user@xxxxx>
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: netfilter_user <netfilter_user@xxxxx>
- RE: Netfilter - High Availability/Redundancy
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: connection and bandwidth monitoring program
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- POP3/SMTP redirect (?)
- From: "Rodney Green" <rgreen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: connection and bandwidth monitoring program
- From: Tomasz Korycki <engine2@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Fwd: Newbie question about iptables an gateway boxes]
- From: Bill Chappell <bill.chappell@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie question about iptables an gateway boxes
- From: "David Busby" <busby@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPTables & Squid
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- Newbie question about iptables an gateway boxes
- From: Paul Baxter <ppabaxte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPTables & Squid
- From: "Daniel Camacho" <dcamacho@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: New not syn (again...)
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port-based filtering of ESP packets with in-kernel IPsec?
- From: Dax Kelson <dax@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPTables articles links
- From: David Coulson <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT from an IP address that does not exist to another thatexists
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Netfilter - High Availability/Redundancy
- From: "Aldo S. Lagana" <alagana@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: connection and bandwidth monitoring program
- From: "Aldo S. Lagana" <alagana@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SSL Question
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SSL Question
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ipchains-to-iptables conversion ?
- From: "William A. Mahaffey III" <wam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- IPQ kudos
- From: Chris King <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Can iptables NAT do this?
- From: "Danny Ma" <drp666c@xxxxxxxxx>
- connection and bandwidth monitoring program
- From: Olivier Mayeres <Olivier.Mayeres@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port-based filtering of ESP packets with in-kernel IPsec?
- From: Dax Kelson <dax@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port-based filtering of ESP packets with in-kernel IPsec?
- From: Henrik Nordstrom <hno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- u32 pom errors
- From: Illes Marton <illes@xxxxx>
- Re: port-based filtering of ESP packets with in-kernel IPsec?
- From: Andreas Jellinghaus <aj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DNAT from an IP address that does not exist to another that exists
- From: "Carlo Florendo" <carlo@xxxxxxxx>
- Netfilter - High Availability/Redundancy
- From: "Jason Yap" <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SSL Question
- From: nakisawame <nakisawame@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPTables articles links
- From: Harald Welte <laforge@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Yahoo messenger confusion
- From: pejman moghadam <pmoghadam@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: firewall startup script
- From: Felix Bauer <felixathome@xxxxxxx>
- ip range
- From: laurent@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- New not syn (again...)
- From: Gavin Hamill <gdh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: firewall startup script
- From: Ruprecht Helms <rhelms@xxxxxxx>
- firewall startup script
- From: Felix Bauer <felixathome@xxxxxxx>
- RE: Reject Mac-Address
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Reject Mac-Address
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPTables & Squid
- From: Philip Craig <philipc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Reject Mac-Address
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: source mac address
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Snuffing out hackers
- From: Pascal Italiaander <pc-secure@xxxxxxx>
- Reject Mac-Address
- From: Leonardo Pires <leonardo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: IPTables articles links
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IPTables articles links
- From: David Coulson <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DirectX 8 games and iptables
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Email Extractor.
- From: "sarky" <sarky@xxxxxxxxxx>
- IPTables & Squid
- From: Daniel Camacho <dcamacho@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re[2]: Possible huge iptables memory leakage
- From: Peteris Krumins <newsgroups@xxxxx>
- Re[2]: Possible huge iptables memory leakage
- From: Peteris Krumins <newsgroups@xxxxx>
- iptables icmp protocol match bug.
- From: Peteris Krumins <newsgroups@xxxxx>
- RE: Possible huge iptables memory leakage
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- source mac address
- From: "Juliano Murlick" <jmurlick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Round Robin Load Balancing
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Possible huge iptables memory leakage
- From: "Aldo S. Lagana" <alagana@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Possible huge iptables memory leakage
- From: Peteris Krumins <newsgroups@xxxxx>
- Re: DNAT confusion
- From: Oskar Andreasson <blueflux@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- IPQ kudos
- From: ChrisK <chrisk@xxxxxxxx>
- Can not redirect ssh
- From: "David Gutierrez" <david@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: help with wireless routing
- From: manish <manishsoft@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Round Robin Load Balancing
- From: "Javier Govea" <jgovea@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Dropping Malicious Packets in -t mangle
- From: Torsten Luettgert <t.luettgert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ftp
- From: Gary Metcalf <gtm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ftp
- From: Gary Metcalf <gtm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Getting packet owner via netlink
- From: "Olgierd Pieczul" <wojrus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DirectX 8 games and iptables
- From: "Willem-Jan Meijer" <meyer3@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DNAT confusion
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DNAT confusion
- From: cc <cc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables tutorial on DNAT
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables tutorial on DNAT
- From: cc <cc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Dropping Malicious Packets in -t mangle
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: neighbour table again
- From: "Dharmendra.T" <dharmu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: help with wireless routing
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- help with wireless routing
- From: Jason <arnjuka@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help Required
- From: "Carlo Florendo" <carlo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FTP Connection Tracking with FXP support.
- From: Adam Young <adam@xxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] netfilter T-Shirts available again
- From: Harald Welte <laforge@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port-based filtering of ESP packets with in-kernel IPsec?
- From: Rick Kennell <kennell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [iptables] Help Required
- From: "Paul Cousins" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port-based filtering of ESP packets with in-kernel IPsec?
- From: Harald Welte <laforge@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: RH9 question
- From: Matt Burleigh <matt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [iptables] Help Required
- From: "Paul Cousins" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port-based filtering of ESP packets with in-kernel IPsec?
- From: Harald Welte <laforge@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RH9 question
- From: Steve <smgarret@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: neighbour table again
- From: "Srikant S. K" <sriks82@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port-based filtering of ESP packets with in-kernel IPsec?
- From: Chris Wilson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Help Required
- From: "Sridhar Murthy" <sridhar@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: neighbour table again
- From: "Dharmendra.T" <dharmu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: neighbour table again
- From: "Vishwanatn T. K." <tkvishy@xxxxxxxxx>
- neighbour table again
- From: "Srikant S. K" <sriks82@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ..abusive spam, was: The Room
- From: "Allan" <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SNAT/DNAT + IP Alias problem?
- From: Fabio Bastiglia Oliva <fboliva@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- port-based filtering of ESP packets with in-kernel IPsec?
- From: Rick Kennell <kennell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT from an IP address that does not exist to another that exists
- From: "Carlo Florendo" <carlo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DNAT from an IP address that does not exist to another that exists
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DNAT from an IP address that does not exist to another that exists
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DNAT from an IP address that does not exist to another that exists
- From: "Carlo Florendo" <carlo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: SSL Question
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SSL Question
- From: nakisawame <nakisawame@xxxxxxxxx>
- ..abusive spam, was: The Room
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- RE: Adding listening ports
- From: "Sebastian" <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Adding listening ports
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Adding listening ports
- From: Richard Plana <rplana@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ssl forward / proxy question
- RE: The Room
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: The Room
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Round Robin Load Balancing
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Round Robin Load Balancing
- From: "Javier Govea" <jgovea@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp connection tracking (solved)
- From: Axel Heinrici <heinrici76@xxxxxx>
- Re: ftp connection tracking
- From: "Andrew J. Meader" <ameader@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: set RELATED?
- From: "Sebastian" <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: set RELATED?
- From: Ramin Dousti <ramin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp connection tracking
- From: Axel Heinrici <heinrici76@xxxxxx>
- upload form uplink and download different downlink
- From: "nilesh_cne" <nilesh_cne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Jordi Bruguera i Cortada <jordi@xxxxxx>
- Can't set MASQUERADE after apply p-o-m20030107
- From: "csm" <csm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- unexplained conntrack entries
- From: gabriel smolar <jarod125@xxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH] [TRIVIAL] Fix ipt_helper compilation. Was: Linux v2.6.0-test2
- From: florin@xxxxxxxxx (Florin Iucha)
- set RELATED?
- From: "George" <george@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: kazaa rulset
- From: Bill Chappell <bill.chappell@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp connection tracking
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ftp connection tracking
- From: Axel Heinrici <heinrici76@xxxxxx>
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: "Dharmendra.T" <dharmu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Ray Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Giulius <blizzards@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are IP ALIASES supported by iptables?
- From: Sven-Haegar Koch <haegar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: state --string
- From: Maciej Soltysiak <solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are IP ALIASES supported by iptables?
- From: "Szabo Nandor" <medve@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are IP ALIASES supported by iptables?
- From: "Louie Miranda" <louie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are IP ALIASES supported by iptables?
- From: Daniel Chemko <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Are IP ALIASES supported by iptables?
- From: "Louie Miranda" <louie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Are IP ALIASES supported by iptables?
- From: "HTB" <kerasakti@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: kazaa rulset
- From: Bill Chappell <chappell@xxxxxxxx>
- state --string
- From: Ralf Braga <ralf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: kazaa rulset
- From: Shawn <core@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: kazaa rulset
- From: "George Vieira" <georgev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Various questions
- From: Mogens Valentin <monz@xxxxxxxxx>
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