Re: HAlinux,ipsec and proxies..

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On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 04:48:03PM +1000, George Vieira wrote:

> I have 2 firewalls which are soon to be running HAlinux. Both external interfaces are eth1 on both machines and running a and for each firewall for HAlinux.
> When HAlinux starts up, the scripts add the external IP to the main firewall (FWa) using iproute2 so eth1 will always be the external device/IP...
>         HA-Linux
>   v-- --v
> ----------   ----------
> |  FWa   |   |   FWb  |
> ----------   ----------
> The 2 firewalls use the same config files/firewall for the iptables script to work, firewallb looks at eth1 using a script and gets the last IP added to the interface as we don't want it to firewall based on the 10.10.10.X addresses assigned for HAlinux...
> The script below grabs the correct IP of from firewalla and firewallb (when fallover occurs). And all rules work with the "-d $EXTIP" being used..
> getipfromdevice()
> {
>         DEV="$1"
>         DEVIP=`ip addr show dev $DEV | grep "inet" |tail -1 |awk {'print $2'} | cut -f1 -d "/"`
>         echo "$DEVIP"
> }
> EXTDEV=eth1
> EXTIP=getipfromdevice $EXTDEV
> Now my main problem..
> IPSEC has to be told which interface to use for the VPN.
> I use "interface=eth1" and it grabs 10.10.10.X which isn't correct and you can't tell ipsec to use another IP on the interface(AFAIK).
> I found ipsec works with "interface=eth1:1" but then the firewall scripts are a muck.. I prefer not to use aliasing if possible...
> any other ideas or best solution??

Can you not have the 10. addresses be on another logical interface (like a vlan)
and the public ext IP on eth1 itself? That way your IP on eth1 does not
interfere with the HA IP on, say, vlan20.


> Thanks,
> George Vieira.

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