Greetings All, I need to get something that I think is probably quite simple from the firewall - but I don't have a clue how to exactly accomplish this. If you can help, please do! I have a circuit board (hooked up to a box running netfilter/iptables) which counts and displays the data sent to it via the parallel port. The object is to display, in real-time, the packets on each interface that are accepted and denied on a packet by packet basis. I trust netfilter and I don't want to interfere with its operation in any way and try to duplicate it's logic anywhere and it looks like the userspace options might force me to do this to get what I need, but I don't really know if it will or even if this is an option. I am not eager to actually queue packets myself - since I am sure to not be nearly as efficient. I found a project called ulogd that seems like it _could_ be a solution for me but I know nothing about it, including if I can get ACCEPT and DENY, by interface, by packet, buffered from it. It seemed to me that I can jump to tables for ACCEPT1 - ACCEPTn and the same for DENY1 - DENYn for each of the interfaces and use the log function in some way - but using the log for each packet seems nightmarish to me. It occurs to me that there might be something I can do with the /proc files. It also seems to me that any program I write that gets the info from the firewall might have to do a sleep to await the logic in the board to process and so I might have to buffer the information from the firewall to avoid slowing it down or do some kind of round-robin sort of stack as long as the stack is larger than the potential input flood. It may be that I do not need to actually keep track of every single solitary ACCEPT but I surely need every DENY. I learn best by example, and I can not find any examples of this anywhere - but I know people do monitoring. I have been in the Docs and I have looked in the archives of this list (but they are not searchable). If you can help me understand what I need to do - please help! Jeff