Re: Interesting problems

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Hi Peteris,

>   - there is a computer PII 266, now with 192mb ram, it's running
>     custom linux distribution with 1 user process - getty, as I log
>     in, a bash is spawned.
>     Only ESTABLISHED,RELATED outbound connections are allowed, NEW and
>     INVALID inbound are REJECTed.
>     All the traffic is routed via this computer - 8Mbit link
>     constant, - lots of users more than 300 - everyone does something
>     different.
>     I set up max. 20000 conntrack entries unfortunately
>     after a day there already are already 15000 connection tracking entires
>     and the load of the computer each 5 minutes jumps up to 2 then goes
>     down to 0.3 and jumps to 2 again etc., 15 minute avg load keeps at
>     0.7. But unfortunately entries are growing and growing, more ram
>     is used, computer load grows and suddenly any traffic routed via
>     this computer is killed, nothing flows through.
>     Kernel shouts that conntrack table is full but a
>     `wc -l /proc/net/ip_conntrack' shows around 20000 entries.
>     A reboot helps.

This does not surprise me at all. You have a very old computer handling an 
enormous amount of traffic and you complain that it's slow? =)

For reference, we have a 350MHz Cyrix machine handling iptables with
stateful inspection for a medium-loaded 2Mb line with maybe 50 users/boxes
behind it, and it has about 3000 connections right now and a load of 0.04.  
50% of CPU time is used by the System, indicating netfilter.  Perhaps your
users are very busy?

When `wc -l /proc/net/ip_conntrack' shows around 20000 entries, and you 
have set the max to 20000, then no more connections can be added and the 
kernel prints the warning you saw.

>     The question is what could i do to avoid the growthy of connection
>     tracking entries? I guess the entries taking up space are already
>     established tcp connections which were not properly terminated, so
>     they are there to timeout.

Terminate some of your users, or tell them not to use the Internet so 
much! But a better solution would be to get a real powerful box or not use 
stateful inspection (or maybe run nf-hipac or BSD's ipf instead of 
iptables, as apparently both are faster).

Cheers, Chris.
   ___ __     _
 / __// / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson -- UNIX Firewall Lead Developer |
/ (_ / ,\/ _/ /_ \ | |
\ _//_/_/_//_/___/ | 21 Signet Court, Cambridge, UK. 01223 576516 |

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