Hello Aldo, Thursday, July 31, 2003, 10:42:12 PM, you wrote: ASL> I run many different Linux systems ranging in physical memory from 128M to ASL> 5Gig (that's RAM!) both with and without iptables: Yes, i have running lots of systems, but the most interesting part is that i have a traffic accounting, shaping and real netfilter box. w/ 2.4.20 base, iptables 1.2.7a - it eats only 190 of 512 not ever more. ASL> The funny thing about Linux is - if you give it RAM - it will use it....I am ASL> sure someone more in tune with mem management will set me straight, but it ASL> seems that Linux will always grab up 90% of all physical memory after it has ASL> been running for a while... Only if some interactive (not necessary user interacive) applications are running. ASL> To make a short story long - unless you are tracking all connections (and ASL> there are many dynamic connections) I would not be too quick to blame ASL> iptables - I mean the amount of ram you are using in 30Meg - is this the ASL> 80's??? Not 80's, but i have to get my project running w/ less than 59MB ram. Yes, i am tracking connections - but its now night (23:30/11:30 pm), the computer w/ connection tracking has 600 conntrack entries (its 1200 less than it was 5 hours ago) but it uses 10 more megabytes of ram than then (5h ago) and still growing. I hope it's just Linux - eating as much ram as possible and then using. And it's not a memory leak.. P.Krumins