I know this question came up many times, I just cannot solve it. I spent a lot of time searching list archives and the web, just found nothing that could help.
I have an ftp server with a private ip address, ftp listening on port 21. I want to DNAT a real address port 21 to it.
+--------------+ | real ip host | +--------------+ real address: 555.666.777.888 | | internet | | +--------------+ real addresses: 111.222.333.444, 111.222.333.445 | firewall | +--------------+ internal address: | | local network ( | | +--------------+ address: | ftp server | +--------------+
I have the following rules (the simplest possible):
iptables -F iptables -F INPUT iptables -F OUTPUT iptables -F FORWARD iptables -F -t mangle iptables -F -t nat iptables -X iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d 111.222.333.445 --destination-port 80 -j DNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d 111.222.333.445 --destination-port 21 -j DNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j SNAT -d ! -s --to-source 111.222.333.445
that is all (apart some other redirections but with other addresses/ports, no rules on input/output/forwarding, I will make restrictions when it works)
http and other "simple" protocols are working. ftp from the ftp server works fine to the internet, both active and passive mode (address in PORT command is translated from local to external ip).
active ftp from outside works fine (simple dnat and snat). but passive ftp from outside to the ftp server does not work.
user@xxxxxxx:~ $ telnet 111.222.333.445 telnet from external machine: Trying 1111.222.333.445... Connected to 111.222.333.445. Escape character is '^]'. 220 ProFTPD 1.2.8 Server (FTP server) [**] USER username 331 Password required for apartman. PASS password 230 User apartman logged in. PASV 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,7,7,12,128,76). quit 221 Goodbye. Connection closed by foreign host. user@xxxxxxx:~ $
first problem is that the address of the port the server is waiting the connection on is not changed in 227 to a real address and port on the firewall. when I ftp from the ftp server to an external host, the address and port in the PORT command is updated as it should be (that is there some tracking).
my kernel is 2.4.20, without any special ipfilter patch.
firewall:~# lsmod Module Size Used by Not tainted ip_nat_ftp 3152 0 (unused) ip_conntrack_ftp 4176 1 firewall:~#
if I add logging targets to the beginning of the chains:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s 555.666.777.888 -m helper --helper ftp -j LOG --log-level 7 --log-prefix "fw-input exhost ct: "
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d 555.666.777.888 -m helper --helper ftp -j LOG --log-level 7 --log-prefix "fw-output exhost ct: "
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s 555.666.777.888 -m helper --helper ftp -j LOG --log-level 7 --log-prefix "fw-nat-pre exhost ct: "
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -d 555.666.777.888 -m helper --helper ftp -j LOG --log-level 7 --log-prefix "fw-nat-post exhost ct: "
there is a log for both active and passive ftp initiated from the ftp server (that is it tracks both passive and active ftp if I am not wrong).
if I access the ftp server from the outside, there is no log at all (there is no tracking).
thanks in advance for any help,