PHP for Windows
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- Dynamic HTML table sort with PHP,
Vandegrift, Ken
- single sign on,
Martin Staiger
- Edit files WITHOUT down- and upload,
Martin Staiger
- WSDL Parsing Error Question,
Vandegrift, Ken
- Making sure everything is OK, Simon Renshaw
- Making sure that everything is OK, Simon Renshaw
- Transactions and PDO,
Vandegrift, Ken
- IIS and LDAP,
Dale D. Attree
Dale D. Attree
- <Possible follow-ups>
- LDAP, Dale D. Attree
- LDAP and IIS, Dale D. Attree
- SOAP newbie help, Vandegrift, Ken
- document.navigate(),
Alf Stockton
- php_pdo_mssql.dll, Dale D. Attree
- PHP and SQL Server 2005,
Dale D. Attree
- Apache to IIS,
Dale D. Attree
- Upgrading from 5.0.5 to 5.1.4,
Simon Renshaw
- Building with CYGWIN on Windows XP, David Lawson
- FATAL: emalloc(): Unable to allocate 90816 bytes,
- Executing External Application,
Brian Stakes
oci8 not showing underphpinfo,
Steven Stuart
pgsql SSL support in binary distribution, Peter Kuma
PHP and MS Excel,
Dale D. Attree
Oliver Quirke
Cannot start script from directory containing international characters., burning shadow
Finding a percentage,
Daniel Anderson
php displays nothing,
Alf Stockton
COM Features,
Leonardo Dutra
Apache 2.2 and PHP-5.1.4,
Configuration problem?,
Bill Angus
Last supported version for windows 95,
John Jairo Vega Angulo
PHP Upgrade, Alf Stockton
phpEditIni has moved, Jeremy C O'Connor
Latest version of phpEditIni available now, Jeremy C O'Connor
Latest version of phpEditIni, Jeremy C O'Connor
PHP 5.1.4 / FastCGI Error,
Mike Milano
PHP 5.1.4 not populating $_POST array on IIS6 reliably,
Network Admin
Announce: New browser based editor of the PHP.INI file., Jeremy C O'Connor
USB communication with PHP on Windows,
Dale D. Attree
helo in php, christian tischler
php.ini ODBC errors, cybermalandro cybermalandro
Handler for Apache 2.2,
Peter Laursen
Open Source Project,
Alf Stockton
Getting Started,
Travis Cooper
Database Invalid,
FreeType problem, Toke Herkild
calling/running a .jar from inside php, George Pitcher
Compiling PHP & eAccelerator using Visual Studio Express?, Dominic Ryan
php_gd2.dll not found,
Ari Davidow
shopping cart,
Pulling the content of a webpage using the file function., Jim MacDiarmid
Oracle & Stored Procedure, Alf Stockton
How to retrieve a result from a function using the OCI interface to ORACLE, Leonardo Javier Belén
Newbie, PHP Script not sending email in WinME and PWS,
Cam control,
Switching from Apache to IIS,
Alf Stockton
Problems IE+PHPDev and Protecte pages, Anton Heuschen
Problems with Database Singleton Class,
Vandegrift, Ken
Unable to load php_ldap.dll,
Mike Craig
php editors,
Re: Select list again.,
Alf Stockton
Select list again,
Alf Stockton
Accessing multiple KEY/ITEM pairs using array_walk_recursive, Anand
PHP 4.4.2 and MySQL 5?,
Jeff Chastain
PHP 4.4.2 Install on IIS6,
Jeff Chastain
Access javascript from php,
Alf Stockton
Faulting application Apache.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.2.3790.1830, fault address 0x000224b2 - Suspect COM object, Phillip Bayliss
PHP5 win32service extension 's file/IO problem, Ariz Jacinto
Multiple php.ini with IIS6 and ISAPI PHP4, pjn
Zend Optimizer Problem,
Mike Milano
Problems in connection to mysql, Alejandro C. Garrammone
Problems with instalation on Apache,
Alejandro C. Garrammone
strange caracters,
christian tischler
Restarting PHP on IIS,
cscript error: 'PHP_UNICODE_SHARED' is undefined,
Mike Milano
Getting windows username into php/mysql,
Alex Blundell
PHP Compiling on WinXP, El Bekko
Two dynamic select lists,
Alf Stockton
Handle a serial communication on COM1,
select now
CubeCart Experience on Windows/IIS?, Jeff Chastain
PHP & mssql date/time fields, Alf Stockton
PHBLIB, PHPDEV Win32, FastTemplate Page Refresh Issue, Anton Heuschen
Bikram Suri
PHP 4.4.x and TIDY, phpWalter
Global variables,
Alf Stockton
SNMP Windows - control TCP protocol, wood-gd
include txt in html,
Alf Stockton
LDAP newb gets errors against 2003 AD,
Aaron Kenney
Installing GPG,
Mark Steudel
Re: Fsockopen with ssl takes 8.4 seconds to return on Windows,
George Cherian
variable in an array?,
John Ellingsworth
DOM/XML -> PHP 5.0.3 HowTo?,
S.F. Alim
Getting more information to pass to PHP, Aaron Kenney
not receiving any message from this list...,
Aaron Kenney
NEWB: get username that is currently logged in to Windows workstation.,
Aaron Kenney
problems with session vars,
Ing. Tomás Liendo
PHP 5.1.2 ISAPI and Mysql, Greg Thomas
exe run through shell_exec can't delete/rename a file, Serge Wautier
Using the Mail function without an SMTP?,
Daniel Anderson
Re: php_win32service.dll - constants defined multiple times?, Frank M. Kromann
php_win32service.dll - constants defined multiple times?, Nathan Bessette
System integration Step 2,
PHP with https and ftps streams enabled and Apache on Win 2003 server, dpgirago
Problem with 'imagecreatefromjpeg',
Ted Lorenz
System integration,
Strange access violation,
Upload files problem,
Ing. Tomás Liendo
PDO with prepared statements,
Travis Raybold
Can't install,
Ing. Tomás Liendo
SESSIONS and include(),
Fredrik Tillman
RE: PHP 5 - MySQL extensions : MYSQL_CONNECT fails to complete, Armando
PHP 5 - MySQL extensions : MYSQL_CONNECT fails to complete,
G. Eggold
Returning binary data - HOW?, Dave Brown
mssql_connect sometimes returns FALSE,
Robert Wheadon
mssql_connect somtimes returns NULL, Robert Wheadon
Cant write file to server,
Michael Adams
unexplicable crash?, Egon Hilgenstieler
IIS6 error page for PHP errors?, Travis Raybold
Question about directory & file operations,
Getting a "unique identifier" for a file,
Test.php loads, but nothing in Browser,
FW: exec php.exe in windows,
Dave Kennedy
RE: [PHP] odd behavior SOLVED - MORE & IMPORTANT, Jay Blanchard
RE: [PHP] odd behavior SOLVED, Jay Blanchard
XAMPP (PHP 5.1.1) on Windows and Tidy - crashes, Jason Harrop
INI path issues, Jay Blanchard
Page-style data display system,
Daniel Anderson
any good suggestion on books,
If code not working?,
Christopher Malton
phpinfo() acting strange,
olivier . maurice
php called from cmd or browser? pros and cons?,
compiling own extension for php-5.1.1,
Marco Glatz
COM Dlls Not Unbinding From Process, Alex Turner
PHP include problem,
Ken Yarbrough
Include problem,
Ken Yarbrough
exec() problem,
Fábio Ottolini
PHP windows installer - additional arguments despite silent install?,
Sascha Meyer
Can anyone recommend a hosting company, Marty
How to check if a mutex locked, Vladimir Iahnenco
Problems with COM Outlook Win XP Office 2003,
Zack Vernon
cant connect to mssql,
Joakim Ling
Running debuggers and profilers on your IIS box, Mark Steudel
PHP Calling Packaged Oracle Stored Procedure, Alf Stockton
php_zip - how to get zipped file date/time, Vladimir Iahnenco
Access violation,
Fawaz Shareef
PHP not returning variables!,
Matt Firth
Custom PHP extensions not woring on windows 2003 server,
David Felton
Changes to php.ini file have no effect,
Charlie Wong
HTML event handling,
Panos Laganakos
PHP 5.1 no longer connect to MySQL 5.0.15 using php_mysql.dll?, S. Kang
PHP 5.1 can't connect to MySQL 5.0.15, S. Kang
Parse errors not showing up in the browser,
Wayne Khan
Wanna Join me for an open source PHP Project?,
bala chandar
about PECL and PHP 5.1, Romain Bourdon
kumar kumar
Oracle tnsnames.ora, Alf Stockton
Oracle php OCILogon problem, Alf Stockton
Windows multi-threading possible?, Bodis Akos
Decryption with AES support, kumar kumar
Printing in windows,
Fernando Ocampo Ramón
Manipulating images,
Marcos R. Cardoso
PHP retrieve Client machine name,
Alf Stockton
any fairly large production sites on IIS/PHP out there?,
Travis Raybold
Apache on Win2k errors,
Alf Stockton
Double quotes and HTML,
Wayne Khan
Intercept image request,
Eric Frost
Command mode question,
PECL PDO on WIN32. Problems with PDO_PARAM* constants, Leonardo Javier Belén
php & VoIP, buxalex@xxxxxxxxx
Exec problem (using Winzip - command line),
Chuck Anderson
mssql tcp,
Joakim Ling
Re: php-windows Digest 11 Nov 2005 18:34:21 -0000 Issue 2820, Dinu Ionut
Can't use secure file wrappers, Chuck Anderson
Handling objects (again),
Marcos R. Cardoso
Install trouble - PHP & MS SQL,
Jim McDonald
Question--How to handle security issue when uploading file, Xiaozhi Liu
Multiple php.ini files with IIS5 under Win2000,
Ben Lobo
JC Botha
file stream reading,
kumar kumar
PHP 5.0 and MySQL Support,
G. Eggold
Pls Help Needed I am new toPHP, kumar kumar
list files in directory, JC Botha
list files in a directory,
JC Botha
PHP web based administrator... Pyrite,
Zac Barton
RE: Problem with script execution time,
Paul J. Smith
mysqli extension installation,
output data to a text box,
Panos Laganakos
Re: How to user mssql_connect to connect to a sql server other than on port 1433?, Frank M. Kromann
Problem with PHP 4 + CURL to HTTPS, Albert Lo
How to user mssql_connect to connect to a sql server other than on port 1433?,
compiling php5 on win32, Luka
??? Process priority ???, Bernhard Rieder
Re: [PHP] PDF printing under windows.,
Mysql support in PHP 5.0.5,
Beau Newcomb
INI Path problems,
Jay Blanchard
Re: Loading mysql module for php5 and apache2, Karl Orbell
Win2k3 - IIS 6.0 - PHP5 - EXEC Function - Stopping/starting a Service,
Create A Format Toolbar,
kaizer boab
Websphere HTTPS command line connection ok, PHP exec connection ok, but PHP-CURL library (curl_exec) error, Javi Signes
Strange CGI Timeout, only when using IE,
dan conner
Is this a PHP bug?,
Ross Honniball
Newbie, Schalk
Re: [PHP] Removing Items from an Array,
How to advise a script to always execute or be included?,
Ross Honniball
PDF question,
cannot use $mysqli->set_charset (undefined method),
Julien Ricard - Condenet
php5<->com terribly wrong ?,
Martin Staiger
Which DLL takes care of mail function?, Ville Mattila
php_zip PHP 5.05 extension issue,
Vladimir Iahnenco
newbie XML question, cybermalandro cybermalandro
Visibility of the root in an APACHE setting,
Tony Aldemir
unresolved _core_globals_id question,
Alexey A. Rybak
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