RE: Test.php loads, but nothing in Browser

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Yes, the closing tag is optional and PHP tends to ignore additional
whitespace.  HOWEVER, if you put white space in the middle of a token
(i.e. "? >" or "phpin fo();"), PHP will die. 


-----Original Message-----
From: M. Sokolewicz [mailto:tularis@xxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 3:06 AM
To: Howard
Cc: php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Test.php loads, but nothing in Browser

actually, the closing tag is optional in php; it's not required(!) and
PHP also doesn't mind a ton of whitespaces, it ignores them

I would also suggest checking your display_errors value in your php.ini,
make sure it's On.

- tul

Howard wrote:

> Error Reporting is set as you show.
> I changed the script to what you show, and it still doesn't work.
> Apache recognizes PHP but for some reason doesn't run scripts. I even 
> tried the "Hello World" script in an html file.
> More likely than not you have notices/warnings turned off in your 
> php.ini file.  Check
> error_reporting = E_ALL
> set.  The problem with your test.php script is probably that you do 
> not have a proper closing tag.  You said your script is:
> <? phpinfo( ) ; ? >
> when it should look more like:
> <? phpinfo(); ?>
> The main difference here is the "? >" vs. the correct tag of "?>".
> -jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Howard [mailto:howard1291@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:54 PM
> To: php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Test.php loads, but nothing in Browser
> Here is the setup. MS XP Pro. Apache 2.0.55, PHP 5.1.2.
> I downloaded the zipped archive and extracted to c:\php.
> Using Manual Installation Method.
> Apache Monitor is running and going to localhost does show the Apache 
> Logo and information. Also in Apache montior at the bottom here is 
> what is displayed
> Apache/2.0.55(Win32) PHP/5.1.2.
> I wrote in Notepad the script <? phpinfo( ) ; ? >, and saved the page 
> as test.php. I placed it in the Apache/htdocs directory as instructed.

> When loaded througha Browser it is my understanding that I should be 
> able to see info on my version on PHP.
> Well it loads with no error. But there is nothing in the Browser
> MS IE 6.
> Any ideas?? Or can someone help going over the settings.
> Thanks
> Howard

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