Hi, I was in the same boat as you but now have apache 2 working with mysql on windows. Someone posted a link to this site: http://mpcon.org/apacheguide/apache.php I unistalled everything and re-installed using the steps shown for apache, php, phpmyadmin and mysql. Now everything works although like you, I had to wade through loads of forums and newsgroups for age to find this one link. I aqlso had no error messages. Would of saved a lot of hassle if it was just mentioned in the php zip file. After installing everything I had to reboot xp. Then I got a php error message. If you get it, goto this page http://mpcon.org/apacheguide/phpmyadmin.php, look for the 'test' section. step 3 or 4 mentions copying a file from mysql to windows/system32. re-boot and everything will work!