Linux TCP/IP Netfilter
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- Apache virtualhost not working behind firewall.
- From: Chip Upsal <Chip@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [RELEASE] Ipsysctl-tutorial 1.0.2
- From: Oskar Andreasson <blueflux@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [RELEASE] Iptables tutorial 1.1.16
- From: Oskar Andreasson <blueflux@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- NAT of Cisco Voice-Over-IP with Skinny protocol and CallManager
- From: "Michael J. Tubby B.Sc. \(Hons\) G8TIC" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: kazaa
- From: Rowan Reid <rreid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: aljuhani <aljuhani@xxxxxxxxx>
- From: "stephen galowski" <sgalow@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: QOS
- From: Maciej Soltysiak <solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: QOS
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fw: Say 'I Like You' To ur friend
- From: kumar<kumar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: QOS
- From: "Dharmendra.T" <dharmu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- kazaa
- From: Paulo Andre <pandre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Paulo Andre <pandre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- A bug with using limit match - nobody knows???
- From: "markooff" <markooff@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to delete a piece of rule in iptables?
- From: "Narendra Prabhu. B" <naren@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall Error
- From: Ben Russo <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Help...
- From: manish <manishsoft@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help...
- From: Maciej Soltysiak <solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Help...
- From: manish <manishsoft@xxxxxxxxx>
- question about NAT
- From: Bill Dossett <bd@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to delete a piece of rule in iptables?
- From: "ITM CS Ruslan O. Nesterov" <ruslan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables accounting problem
- From: Rob Sterenborg <r.sterenborg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to delete a piece of rule in iptables?
- From: Marcello Scacchetti <marcello.scacchetti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables accounting problem
- From: "ITM CS Ruslan O. Nesterov" <ruslan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- how to delete a piece of rule in iptables?
- From: bobo <boboaq@xxxxxxx>
- FORWARD chain and local interfaces
- From: Carlos Carvalho <carlos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables mangle & iproute
- From: Arindam Haldar <arindamhaldar@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: QoS limitations ....
- From: Marcello Scacchetti <marcello.scacchetti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: packet analysis....
- From: "Nigel Clarke" <nigel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- extensions/libipt_NETLINK.c doesn't get built
- From: Marcel Pol <mpol@xxxxxxx>
- packet analysis....
- From: Arindam Haldar <arindamhaldar@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to forward packets to another gateway, if i'm one
- From: Marcello Scacchetti <marcello.scacchetti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to forward packets to another gateway, if i'm one
- From: Andrea Rossato <mailing_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to forward packets to another gateway, if i'm one
- From: Ben Russo <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: netfilter digest, Vol 1 #472 - 8 msgs
- From: Jerry Mercks <mercksjt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptable mangle and iproute..
- From: Arindam Haldar <ki_khobor@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Redhat 7.3 and IPTables 1.2.7a (was ICMP Destination Unreachable)
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Help! ip traffic accounting and bidirection with iptables ??
- From: Oskar Berggren <beo@xxxxxxxx>
- QoS limitations ....
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Redhat 7.3 and IPTables 1.2.7a (was ICMP Destination Unreachable)
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "iptables: Invalid argument" with kernel 2.4.20
- From: cees-bart <ceesb@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Redhat 7.3 and IPTables 1.2.7a (was ICMP Destination Unreachable)
- From: Rob Sterenborg <r.sterenborg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Redhat 7.3 and IPTables 1.2.7a (was ICMP Destination Unreachable)
- From: "freedom" <freedom10@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- A bug with using match limit
- From: "markooff" <markooff@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ulog-acctd 0.3.0 released
- From: Hilko Bengen <bengen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "iptables: Invalid argument" with kernel 2.4.20
- From: Anders Fugmann <afu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Help with ftp connection throttling
- From: "Mark Ryan" <markryan@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problem with UN-DNAT, source is same machine
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pls help a beginner linux admin - problem with packetfilter setup
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can somebody help me with setting up a server behind a sdsl router?
- From: Rahul Jadhav <rahul@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: problem with UN-DNAT, source is same machine
- From: "Ranjeet Shetye" <ranjeet.shetye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Loding rules
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "iptables: Invalid argument" with kernel 2.4.20
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can somebody help me with setting up a server behind a sdsl router?
- From: "Andrew J. Meader" <ameader@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- "iptables: Invalid argument" with kernel 2.4.20
- From: cees-bart <ceesb@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: "iptables: Invalid argument" with kernel 2.4.20
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Can somebody help me with setting up a server behind a sdsl router?
- From: "Jason Corekin" <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ACK packets being dropped from yahoo
- From: "Jon Wyatt" <samur2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: transparent squid & iptables
- From: Arindam Haldar <arindamhaldar@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Loding rules
- From: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxx>
- Re: Changing MAC Addresses
- From: "Andrew J. Meader" <ameader@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: transparent squid & iptables
- From: "Andrew J. Meader" <ameader@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ICMP Destination Unreachable
- From: Marcello Scacchetti <marcello.scacchetti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: tc and iptables
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Iptables Log - session Log
- From: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxx>
- Netfilter module falls out - what happens to pakets?
- From: "Freckmann, Christian" <C.Freckmann@xxxxxxxx>
- Help! ip traffic accounting and bidirection with iptables ??
- From: Toth Szabolcs <totya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Help...
- From: manish <manishsoft@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE : QoS using HTB and SFQ ...
- From: "Franck" <franck@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ECN target bug report
- From: Andrea Rossato <arossato@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [OT]netfilter documents font...
- From: Bryan Hundven <bryanhundven@xxxxxxxxx>
- Trying to get a Subnet NATted
- From: "Kevin L. Collins" <kcollins@xxxxxx>
- tc and iptables
- From: nimit <nimit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- problem with UN-DNAT, source is same machine
- From: Frank Wallingford <frank.wallingford@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Couple IPQ questions
- From: "Ryan / Tilzs" <tilzs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- NAT and logging options
- From: Simone Sestini <simone.sestini@xxxxxxxxxx>
- how to forward packets to another gateway, if i'm one
- From: Saulius Menkevicius <razzmatazz@xxxxxxx>
- A bug with using match limit
- From: "markooff" <markooff@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Iptables Log - session Log
- From: Jens Kühlberg <jn_k@xxxxxx>
- pls help a beginner linux admin - problem with packetfilter setup
- From: "eugenio" <eugenius@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ICMP Destination Unreachable
- From: "Kameron" <freedom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- FTP trouble at the iptables firewall of the Redhat Linux.
- From: Rai Ou <ourai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- transparent squid & iptables
- From: "Abylai Ospan" <aospan@xxxxxxxx>
- Loding rules
- Firewall Error
- From: "Paul & Tisha Sinclair" <ptams@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Unauthorized Activity Detection using IPTables
- From: Vagner Machado <VAMachado@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Time Patch on 1.2.6a
- From: Torsten Puls <toto@xxxxxxxxx>
- Changing MAC Addresses
- From: Sam Johnston <samj@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: QoS using HTB and SFQ ...
- From: Jordi Bruguera <jordi@xxxxxx>
- Re: ACK packets being dropped from yahoo
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to direct packets to my server. DOES THIS LOOK RIGHT?
- From: Zoilo <zoilo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Loop Detection
- From: Thomas Heinz <creatix@xxxxxxxxx>
- ACK packets being dropped from yahoo
- From: "Jon Wyatt" <samur2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Loop Detection
- From: Thomas Heinz <creatix@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to direct packets to my server. DOES THIS LOOK RIGHT?
- From: "Joel Linuxdude" <linuxlists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to direct packets to my server. DOES THIS LOOK RIGHT?
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: i has a problem with the kernel 2.4.19 and 2.4.20 and iptable
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- searching documents for bridging
- From: "Afshin Lamei" <linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- i has a problem with the kernel 2.4.19 and 2.4.20 and iptable
- From: "Administrador de Red" <admin@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: XMAS and NMAP scanning.... With default rules dropping all packets
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Time Patch on 1.2.6a
- From: "Huw Dixon" <huwdixon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Time Patch on 1.2.6a
- From: Torsten Puls <lists@xxxxxxxxx>
- XMAS and NMAP scanning.... With default rules dropping all packets
- From: "Didier Hung Wan Luk" <DidierH@xxxxxxxx>
- MARK matching
- From: Rocco Stanzione <iptables@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Time Patch on 1.2.6a
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Time Patch on 1.2.6a
- From: "Huw Dixon" <huwdixon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Time Patch on 1.2.6a
- From: Fabrice MARIE <fabrice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Time Patch on 1.2.6a
- From: "Huw Dixon" <huwdixon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: natting specific ports
- From: "Ranjeet Shetye" <ranjeet.shetye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: natting specific ports
- From: "Ranjeet Shetye" <ranjeet.shetye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: natting specific ports
- From: "Ranjeet Shetye" <ranjeet.shetye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- natting specific ports
- From: "Simpson, Doug" <DSimpson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Does IPTables have a 1:1 port-forwarding capability for a DNAT port-range ?
- From: "Ranjeet Shetye" <ranjeet.shetye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Unauthorized Activity Detection using IPTables
- From: "Ranjeet Shetye" <ranjeet.shetye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Unauthorized Activity Detection using IPTables
- From: Maciej Soltysiak <solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Disappearing DNS packets
- From: Steve Snodgrass <ssnodgra@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Unauthorized Activity Detection using IPTables
- From: "Amit Kumar Gupta" <amitkumar.gupta@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Does IPTables have a 1:1 port-forwarding capability for a DNATport-range ?
- From: Andrea Rossato <mailing_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Query.... redirecting traffic
- From: Sander Sneekes <sander@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Query.... redirecting traffic
- From: "Paul Gibson" <paul.gibson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Query.... redirecting traffic
- From: "Paul Gibson" <paul.gibson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 2 internet link problem (forwarding help i think?)
- From: "louie miranda" <lmiranda@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: bandwidth
- From: Blizzards <blizzards@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: non-standard FTP ports and connection tracking (redux)
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Does IPTables have a 1:1 port-forwarding capability for a DNAT port-range ?
- From: "Ranjeet Shetye" <ranjeet.shetye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Does IPTables have a 1:1 port-forwarding capability for a DNAT port-range ?
- From: "Ranjeet Shetye" <ranjeet.shetye@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: bandwidth
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Penetration testing.
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Port Forwarding issue
- From: "Andrew Magnus" <xanadian9@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Justin Kay <jkay@xxxxxxxxxx>
- bandwidth
- From: "Andrew J. Meader" <ameader@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DROP Fin Scan
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- multilink using Cable and ADSL.
- From: "tinozaure" <tinozaure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Filter by IP address problems
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DROP Fin Scan
- From: Blizzards <blizzards@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Penetration testing.
- From: Maciej Soltysiak <solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DROP Fin Scan
- From: Dade <mailing@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Filter by IP address problems
- From: Damon Brinkley <damon@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problems with IRC code
- From: "Michael A. Nunes" <p@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: QoS using HTB and SFQ ...
- From: Tom Eastep <teastep@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Filter by IP address problems
- From: Damon Brinkley <damon@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Inserting rules is extremly slow :((
- From: Paulo Andre <pandre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: hostname forwarding
- From: bernard <bernard@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Inserting rules is extremly slow :((
- From: Filip Sneppe <filip.sneppe@xxxxxxxxx>
- IPtables Problem
- From: "Amit Kumar Gupta" <amitkumar.gupta@xxxxxxxxx>
- service meter port
- From: netfilter <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Inserting rules is extremly slow :((
- Re: QoS using HTB and SFQ ...
- From: Guillaume Morin <guillaume@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: QoS using HTB and SFQ ...
- From: Andrea Rossato <mailing_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Rasmus Reinholdt Nielsen <rasmus@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Penetration testing.
- From: mailinglists@xxxxxxxxx
- Re: Iptables and various domains
- From: Blizzards <blizzards@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Iptables and various domains
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Iptables and various domains
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Penetration testing.
- From: Paulo Andre <pandre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: "Reckhard, Tobias" <tobias.reckhard@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Penetration testing.
- From: Blizzards <blizzards@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: non-standard FTP ports and connection tracking (redux)
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- QoS using HTB and SFQ ...
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- getting IP-address of a packet using libipq ?
- From: "naren@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <naren@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Iptables and various domains
- From: Rasmus Reinholdt Nielsen <rasmus@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Iptables and various domains
- From: "E-GIM Security" <security@xxxxxxxx>
- Iptables and various domains
- From: "E-GIM Security" <security@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: "Reckhard, Tobias" <tobias.reckhard@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: "Reckhard, Tobias" <tobias.reckhard@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: hostname forwarding
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: hostname forwarding
- From: Blizzards <blizzards@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: hostname forwarding
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: "louie miranda" <lmiranda@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Filter by IP address problems
- From: Stewart Thompson <stewart.thompson@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Filter by IP address problems
- From: Marcello Scacchetti <marcello.scacchetti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ipsec & nat
- From: Marcello Scacchetti <marcello.scacchetti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall help
- From: Marcello Scacchetti <marcello.scacchetti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall help
- From: Paul Frieden <pfrieden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Firewall help
- From: "DeWet van Rooyen" <dewet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firewall help
- From: Tom Eastep <teastep@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Filter by IP address problems
- From: Damon Brinkley <damon@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Firewall help
- From: Louie <bishop@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- what's this in my ip_conntrack
- From: "james.Q.L" <shijialeeee@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Modifying Source Ip on input/prerouting
- From: Andrea Rossato <mailing_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Modifying Source Ip on input/prerouting
- From: Stephane Jourdois <netfilter@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: hostname forwarding
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: hostname forwarding
- From: Patrick Maartense <patrick@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: disallow normal users from bind()-ing to ports
- From: David Garamond <davegaramond@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- hostname forwarding
- From: bernard <bernard@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Modifying Source Ip on input/prerouting
- From: Andrea Rossato <mailing_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to get a user's IDLE time?
- From: hanxin <hanxin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Error compiling iptables-1.2.7a
- From: Rob Sterenborg <r.sterenborg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Modifying Source Ip on input/prerouting
- From: Stephane Jourdois <netfilter@xxxxxxxxx>
- Translating Ziegler Book ipchains Rules
- From: Tim Evans <tkevans@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Translating Ziegler Book ipchains Rules
- From: "Reckhard, Tobias" <tobias.reckhard@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Andrea Rossato <mailing_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ip_conntrack_http?
- From: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: "Reckhard, Tobias" <tobias.reckhard@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem. (oops!)
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: "Reckhard, Tobias" <tobias.reckhard@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Tangent to: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- disallow normal users from bind()-ing to ports
- From: David Garamond <davegaramond@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: "louie miranda" <lmiranda@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ipsec & nat
- From: "Simpson, Doug" <DSimpson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables and Poptop
- From: Justin Kay <jkay@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Port Forwarding only works outside?
- From: "Brad Morgan" <B-Morgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Port Forwarding only works outside?
- From: Andrea Rossato <mailing_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Port Forwarding only works outside?
- From: Todd Hartman <thartman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Port Forwarding only works outside?
- From: Todd Hartman <thartman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Port Forwarding only works outside?
- From: Sander Sneekes <sander@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Port Forwarding only works outside?
- From: Todd Hartman <thartman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: non-standard FTP ports and connection tracking (redux)
- From: Alexandros Papadopoulos <apapadop@xxxxxxx>
- Re: MSN
- From: "C. Henry" <isphp@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ip_conntrack_http?
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ip_conntrack_http?
- From: Chris Shepherd <chriss@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IP Accounting and performance
- From: Gerald Galster <Gerry@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie question
- From: Bart <b-m@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: "louie miranda" <lmiranda@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: "louie miranda" <lmiranda@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Paulo Andre <pandre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: non-standard FTP ports and connection tracking (redux)
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: non-standard FTP ports and connection tracking (redux)
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: non-standard FTP ports and connection tracking (redux)
- From: Alexandros Papadopoulos <apapadop@xxxxxxx>
- portfw on iptables 2.4 kernel problem.
- From: "louie miranda" <lmiranda@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Trying to get a Subnet NATted
- From: Rob Sterenborg <r.sterenborg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to change a packet's arriving interface? -j ROUTE?
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Strange behaviour
- From: Arindam Haldar <arindamhaldar@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Trying to get a Subnet NATted
- From: "Matthew Hellman" <mhellman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: non-standard FTP ports and connection tracking (redux)
- From: Alexandros Papadopoulos <apapadop@xxxxxxx>
- Re: how to use ipt_limit.o?
- From: "Peter" <chenlf@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to change a packet's arriving interface? -j ROUTE?
- From: Jason Liao <maillist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: non-standard FTP ports and connection tracking
- From: "Kim Leandersson" <kim.leandersson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: non-standard FTP ports and connection tracking
- From: Alexandros Papadopoulos <apapadop@xxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ip_conntrack_http?
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- non-standard FTP ports and connection tracking
- From: Alexandros Papadopoulos <apapadop@xxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables and Poptop
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxx
- Multiple IPs on a server - Interesting problem
- From: "Bobi Ruzinov" <bobirose40@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ip_conntrack_http?
- From: Chris Shepherd <chriss@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: Aaron Clausen <maureen-taocow@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables and Poptop
- From: Justin Kay <jkay@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ECN target bug report
- From: Andrea Rossato <mailing_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problems with IRC "module"
- From: "Michael A. Nunes" <p@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: intermittent and unreliable behaviour with iptables scripts
- From: Doug Watson <doug@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IP Accounting and performance
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error building iptables from cvs
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- error building iptables from cvs
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: hi..
- From: Arindam Haldar <arindamhaldar@xxxxxxxx>
- PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] nf-hipac v0.1 released
- From: nf-hipac Team <nf@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 2.5 kernel and patch-o-matic
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.5 kernel and patch-o-matic
- From:
- RE: PPTP+NAT+MASQ anyone?
- From: Rob Sterenborg <r.sterenborg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: hi..
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- hi..
- From: Arindam Haldar <arindamhaldar@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables logging exhibites lines on current virtual console
- From: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxx>
- Re: Strange netfilter/iproute behav.
- From: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxx>
- Re: ECN target bug report
- From: Andrea Rossato <mailing_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: how to use ipt_limit.o?
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to use ipt_limit.o?
- From: "Peter" <chenlf@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to use ipt_limit.o?
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IP Accounting and performance
- From: "Leonardo Rodrigues ( listas )" <leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to use ipt_limit.o?
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to use ipt_limit.o?
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to change a packet's arriving interface? -j ROUTE?
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Trying to get a Subnet NATted
- From: "Kevin L. Collins" <kcollins@xxxxxx>
- iptables logging exhibites lines on current virtual console
- From: "Luis Fernando C. Talora" <talora-listas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Trying to get a Subnet NATted
- From: "Matthew Hellman" <mhellman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- how to use ipt_limit.o?
- From: "Peter" <chenlf@xxxxxxxx>
- FW: Trying to get a Subnet NATted
- From: "Kevin L. Collins" <kcollins@xxxxxx>
- Re: Forward all traffic to another Public address
- From: "Linux" <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Newbie question
- From: "Glen Spidal" <glens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IP Accounting and performance
- From: Michael <mutk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Masquerade or SNAT?
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- a way to forward packets to another gateway?
- From: Saulius Menkevicius <razzmatazz@xxxxxxx>
- Re: tcp forwarding with a local source isn't working
- From: "Tarek W." <ticallion@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IP Accounting and performance
- From: Gerald Galster <Gerry@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: monitor masq. packets
- From: "Tarek W." <ticallion@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- tcp forwarding with a local source isn't working
- From: Frank Wallingford <frank.wallingford@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: monitor masq. packets
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Kernel options and loadable modules
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Kernel options and loadable modules
- From: "Afshin Lamei" <linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Masquerade or SNAT?
- From: "Afshin Lamei" <linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Forward all traffic to another Public address
- From: "Linux" <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Strange netfilter/iproute behav.
- From: Richard Mueller <mueller@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: monitor masq. packets
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- RE: monitor masq. packets
- From: "Nigel Clarke" <nigel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: monitor masq. packets
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ECN target bug report
- From: Andrea Rossato <mailing_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port forwarding
- From: "Andrew Smith" <nfml@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: port forwarding
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: monitor masq. packets
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Propert IPTABLES Configuration
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port forwarding
- From: "Andrew Smith" <nfml@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: port forwarding
- From: Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port forwarding
- From: "Andrew Smith" <nfml@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Propert IPTABLES Configuration
- From: Bob Sully <rcs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Propert IPTABLES Configuration
- From: "james.Q.L" <shijialeeee@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: error with the Outlook Express and iptables with the nat and packet filtering
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Propert IPTABLES Configuration
- From: Rob <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: monitor masq. packets
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- monitor masq. packets
- From: "zmooth" <zmooth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I continued with the problem NAT and Filtering packet
- From: Maxim Berlin <mak@xxxxxxxxx>
- ECN and ipitables: a political issue
- From: Andrea Rossato <mailing_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- I continued with the problem NAT and Filtering packet
- From: "Administrador de Red" <admin@xxxxxxxx>
- How to change a packet's arriving interface? -j ROUTE?
- From: Jason Liao <maillist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: log - kernel BUG at transaction.c
- From: James Morris <jmorris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: log - kernel BUG at transaction.c
- From: Matias Bjorling / Silverwolf <mb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re[3]: log - kernel BUG at transaction.c
- From: "b.fx" <b.fx@xxxxxxx>
- Re[2]: log - kernel BUG at transaction.c
- From: "b.fx" <b.fx@xxxxxxx>
- Re[2]: log - kernel BUG at transaction.c
- From: "b.fx" <b.fx@xxxxxxx>
- Re: log - kernel BUG at transaction.c
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: log - kernel BUG at transaction.c
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- From: Blizzards <blizzards@xxxxxxxxx>
- log - kernel BUG at transaction.c
- From: "b.fx" <b.fx@xxxxxxx>
- ..multiple vpn/ipsec/pptp tunnels, bottlenecks?
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- RE: Deleting iptable-extended rule
- From: "hard__ware" <hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- error with the Outlook Express and iptables with the nat andpacket filtering
- From: "Administrador de Red" <admin@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Deleting iptable-extended rule
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [SECURITY] Local Netfilter / IPTables IP Queue PID Wrap Flaw
- From: James Morris <jmorris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- port forwarding
- From: Maxim Berlin <mak@xxxxxxxxx>
- problem with "-m owner" in kernel 2.4.20
- From: Torben Nielsen <m@xxxxxx>
- From: Ilguiz Latypov <ilguiz@xxxxxx>
- RE: DirectX 8.1 and NAT
- From: Stefan_Walther@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: problem with "-m owner" in kernel 2.4.20
- From: "Leonardo Rodrigues ( listas )" <leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Deleting iptable-extended rule
- From: lists brk <brk_lists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Secuirty sites
- From: Sven Schuster <schuster.sven@xxxxxx>
- Re: Secuirty sites
- From: Brian Ellis <bellis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Secuirty sites
- From: Wasim Bashir <wasim.bashir@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: connection problem
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: connection problem
- From: Paulo Andre <pandre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FIN without SYN - was (no subject)
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Adharsh Praveen R <adarsh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Blizzards <blizzards@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: connection problem
- From: "Nigel Clarke" <nigel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Filip Sneppe <filip.sneppe@xxxxxxxxx>
- UDP and IPIP forwarding
- From: "WT" <wtang@xxxxxxx>
- From: Blizzards <blizzards@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to build a simple router?
- From: Erdal Mutlu <emutlu@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to build a simple router?
- From: bjorn@xxxxxxxxx (Bjørn Ruberg)
- how to build a simple router?
- From: "Afshin Lamei" <linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: mailinglists@xxxxxxxxx
- connection problem
- From: Paulo Andre <pandre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Too many ARP entries and Re: sendto: No buffer space available
- From: Paul Frieden <pfrieden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Performance of netfilter
- From: "Wouter Coppens" <wouter.coppens@xxxxxxxxxx>
- miscellaneous questions (iptables v1.2.6a)
- From: "K.A.Rochstad" <karochstad@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to bind 2 WAN 1 LAN ?
- From: George Vieira <GeorgeV@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New iptables "cookbook"
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [SECURITY] Local Netfilter / IPTables IP Queue PID Wrap Flaw
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- Forward all traffic to another Public address
- From: "Linux" <linuxrobotsstayaway@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Think I want to use libipq
- From: Phillip.Watts@xxxxxxxxx
- How to change a packet's arriving interface
- From: Jason Liao <maillist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: drop at FWD chain, why ?
- From: "james.Q.L" <shijialeeee@xxxxxxxx>
- my firewall
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables management problem
- From: Rowan Reid <rreid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New iptables "cookbook"
- From: Sherman Boyd <meekrob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables management problem
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables 1.2.7a management problem
- From: "Sundaram Ramasamy" <sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: drop at FWD chain, why ?
- From: Joel Newkirk <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables management problem
- From: "Afshin Lamei" <linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables 1.2.7a management problem
- From: "Afshin Lamei" <linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Too many ARP entries and Re: sendto: No buffer space available
- From: Ard van Breemen <ard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPTables Feature set and performance.
- From: Roberto Nibali <ratz@xxxxxx>
- FW: Performance of netfilter
- From: "Wouter Coppens" <wouter.coppens@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- about the number of dropped packets
- From: "fxian_2003" <fxian_2003@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [SECURITY] Local Netfilter / IPTables IP Queue PID Wrap Flaw
- From: Maciej Soltysiak <solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- drop at FWD chain, why ?
- From: "james.Q.L" <shijialeeee@xxxxxxxx>
- Cisco Logging THOUGH iptables firewall to seperate syslog machine
- From: "Don Woodruff" <donw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DirectX 8.1 and NAT
- From: "Raj Wurttemberg" <rajw@xxxxxx>
- RE: DirectX 8.1 and NAT
- From: Rowan Reid <rreid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DirectX 8.1 and NAT
- From: "Mark Fortuna" <mfortuna@xxxxxxxxx>
- IPTABLES config problem.
- From: Rob <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DirectX 8.1 and NAT
- From: Sherman Boyd <meekrob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- New iptables "cookbook"
- From: Sherman Boyd <meekrob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- DirectX 8.1 and NAT
- From: "Andrew Magnus" <xanadian9@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SSH dnat
- From: "Andrew Magnus" <xanadian9@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- accidentally deleted iptables-restore
- From: rgriffin12 <rgriffin12@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Too many ARP entries and Re: sendto: No buffer space available
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [SECURITY] Local Netfilter / IPTables IP Queue PID Wrap Flaw
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- From: Alexandre <asaugusto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- UDP forwarding and IPIP forwarding problem
- From: "WT" <wtangcc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic Shaping
- From: Metivier Yves <yves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: [Announce] PacketFlow firewall generator
- From: "Robert Wideman" <rwideman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Strange iptables behavior
- From: "Stiven Andre" <stiven_a@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- issues with iptables
- From: bob bob <jlpeow314@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic Shaping
- From: Jordi Bruguera <jordi@xxxxxx>
- RE: Red Hat 8
- From: Sam Pointer <sam.pointer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: transparent squid with internal sites as well
- From: Raymond Leach <Ray@work>
- Compiling problem with libipq
- From: Worik <worik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Traffic Shaping
- From: Art Reisman <astormchaser2002@xxxxxxxxx>
- multiple subnets/hosts with -s
- From: "Ja Wallaby" <jawallaby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- multi-homed responses to DNAT'd packets
- From: David Larson <digitaldavel@xxxxxxxxx>
- DNAT problem
- From: Geoff Silver <geoff@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ecn_tcp_remove enabling problem
- From: Stefan Urbat <stefan.urbat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re:Netbios routing ? WAS : how to interconnect two private network
- From: "Nick" <nicholas@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: transparent squid with internal sites as well
- From: Raymond Leach <Ray@work>
- Re: transparent squid with internal sites as well
- From: Raymond Leach <Ray@work>
- Re[2]: Too many ARP entries and Re: sendto: No buffer space available
- From: andre.correa@xxxxxxxxx
- Re: pptp-conntrack-nat ?
- From: Harald Welte <laforge@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Samba blocked?
- From: "Robert Wideman" <rwideman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Red Hat 8
- From: "Elgene C. Castaneda" <elg3ne@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SSH dnat
- From: "Jeroen van Leeuwen" <omzig@xxxxxxxxx>
- Connectivity
- From: Paulo Andre <pandre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Forward UDP Broadcasts?
- From: "Monkey" <Monkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: "niall murphy" <niallmur@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Tc & Suse Linux
- From: Andreas Wright <learnvoip@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Multible Links with Transparent Cache
- From: Rasmus Reinholdt Nielsen <rasmus@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Multible Links with Transparent Cache
- From: Rasmus Reinholdt Nielsen <rasmus@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to interconnect two private network
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [SECURITY] Local Netfilter / IPTables IP Queue PID Wrap Flaw
- From: James Morris <jmorris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Too many ARP entries and Re: sendto: No buffer space available
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Multible Links with Transparent Cache
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Too many ARP entries and Re: sendto: No buffer space available
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Using PRIO qdisc
- From: Andreas Wright <learnvoip@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [SECURITY] Local Netfilter / IPTables IP Queue PID Wrap Flaw
- From: James Morris <jmorris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Multible Links with Transparent Cache
- From: "hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: IPTables Logging Problem.
- From: mailinglists@xxxxxxxxx
- IPTables Logging Problem.
- From: "Amit Kumar Gupta" <amitkumar.gupta@xxxxxxxxx>
- how to interconnect two private network
- From: "GUILHEM Michel (34)" <michel.guilhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Connectivity
- From: Paulo Andre <pandre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting Closer But Still Having Problems
- From: "Dharmendra.T" <dharmu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port 137 entries
- From: "Dharmendra.T" <dharmu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to limit access to only a few hosts in the internet?
- From: "Dharmendra.T" <dharmu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiling problem with libipq
- From: James Morris <jmorris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Compiling problem with libipq
- From: Worik <worik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPTables Feature set and performance.
- From: Michael <mutk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IPTables Feature set and performance.
- From: "hard__ware" <hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Too many ARP entries and Re: sendto: No buffer space available
- From: andre.correa@xxxxxxxxx
- IPTables Feature set and performance.
- From: ccmike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Security Operations Group
- From: cbaker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- From: Aaron Clausen <maureen-taocow@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: QoS
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re[2]: sendto: No buffer space available
- From: andre.correa@xxxxxxxxx
- QoS
- From: Andreas Wright <learnvoip@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sendto: No buffer space available
- From: Bob Keyes <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- sendto: No buffer space available
- From: andre.correa@xxxxxxxxx
- Identify eDonkey Packets
- From: "Martin Paulat" <martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- problem making iptables run at startup
- From: "Afshin Lamei" <linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: MSN Messenger ...
- From: "Nigel Clarke" <nigel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- MSN Messenger ...
- From: Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Load Balance using SNAT or nth?
- From: "hard__ware" <hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- IPTABLES trouble
- From: Rob <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Load Balance using SNAT or nth?
- Getting rid of the masses of ip_conntrack messages
- From: "hard__ware" <hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problem reach the internal.
- From: "james.Q.L" <shijialeeee@xxxxxxxx>
- Getting rid of the masses of ip_conntrack messages
- From: "hard__ware" <hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Getting rid of the masses of ip_conntrack messages
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- An Appoligy to Netfilter & its users
- From: "hard__ware" <hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ip_conntrack and the mark target
- From: ticallion@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Tarek W.)
- Re: Getting rid of the masses of ip_conntrack messages
- From: Othmar Pasteka <pasteka@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: Getting rid of the masses of ip_conntrack messages
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx>
- How to write NAT rules for FTP,IRC and other application layer protocols ?
- From: "hard__ware" <hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SSH dnat
- From: Arnt Karlsen <arnt@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Getting rid of the masses of ip_conntrack messages
- From: Othmar Pasteka <pasteka@xxxxxxxx>
- Getting rid of the masses of ip_conntrack messages
- From: hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx (hard__ware)
- SSH dnat
- From: hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx (hard__ware)
- SNAT static vs. dynamic ip = pppoe
- From: hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx (hard__ware)
- SSH dnat
- From: ambor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ambor)
- How to write NAT rules for FTP,IRC and other application layer protocols ?
- From: orca_cs@xxxxxxxxxxx (Orca J.)
- Red Hat 8
- From: tdiehl@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Tom Diehl)
- Getting rid of the masses of ip_conntrack messages
- From: pasteka@xxxxxxxx (Othmar Pasteka)
- Red Hat 8
- From: bishop@xxxxxxxxxxx (Louie)
- SNAT static vs. dynamic ip = pppoe
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- SNAT static vs. dynamic ip = pppoe
- From: twr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tim Rodriguez)
- How to write NAT rules for FTP,IRC ?
- From: orca_cs@xxxxxxxxxxx (Orca J.)
- Security Operations Group
- From: nigel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nigel Clarke)
- Netfilter firewall cluster
- From: nigel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nigel Clarke)
- problem reach the internal.
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- what is patch-o-matic?
- From: solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Maciej Soltysiak)
- problem reach the internal.
- From: afu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Anders Fugmann)
- what is patch-o-matic?
- From: fabrice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Fabrice MARIE)
- problem reach the internal.
- From: shijialeeee@xxxxxxxx (james.Q.L)
- what is patch-o-matic?
- From: linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx (Afshin Lamei)
- what it is the better masquerade or SNAT
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Brandon Broyles)
- problem reach the internal.
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- what it is the better masquerade or SNAT
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- problem reach the internal.
- From: afu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Anders Fugmann)
- problem reach the internal.
- From: shijialeeee@xxxxxxxx (james.Q.L)
- port 137 entries
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- ADSL setup?
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- How to limit access to only a few hosts in the internet?
- From: federico@xxxxxxxxxxx (Federico Canton)
- ADSL setup?
- From: twr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tim Rodriguez)
- port 137 entries
- From: martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Martin Marques)
- what it is the better masquerade or SNAT
- From: admin@xxxxxxxx (Administrador de Red)
- Getting Closer But Still Having Problems
- From: maureen-taocow@xxxxxxxxxxx (Aaron Clausen)
- problem reach the internal.
- From: shijialeeee@xxxxxxxx (james.Q.L)
- Getting Closer But Still Having Problems
- From: maureen-taocow@xxxxxxxxxxx (Aaron Clausen)
- find useful documents
- From: rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx (Rob Sterenborg)
- find useful documents, the complete one !
- From: linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx (Afshin Lamei)
- find useful documents
- From: vladas@xxxxxxx (Vladas Keparoutis)
- find useful documents
- From: linux_st@xxxxxxxxxxx (Afshin Lamei)
- host/network '***.**.**.*' not found
- From: rasmus@xxxxxxxxx (Rasmus Reinholdt Nielsen)
- NAT and FTP problem
- From: emutlu@xxxxxxxx (Erdal Mutlu)
- host/network '***.**.**.*' not found
- From: at@xxxxxxx (Taniform Asongwe)
- what rule I should has for permit access to mail server
- From: admin@xxxxxxxx (Administrador de Red)
- A Box got Hacked !
- From: hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx (hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- Problem Compiling iptables 1.2.7a
- From: hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx (hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- -m limit strange behavior
- From: petronio@xxxxxxxxxxx (Federico Petronio)
- Problem Compiling iptables 1.2.7a
- From: maureen-taocow@xxxxxxxxxxx (Aaron Clausen)
- Neighbour table overflow
- From: ratz@xxxxxx (Roberto Nibali)
- How to install connection tracking NAT module for FTP or other application else
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- can't initialize iptables table `'
- From: sam.pointer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sam Pointer)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: faide@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Florent AIDE)
- How to install connection tracking NAT module for FTP or other application else
- From: orca_cs@xxxxxxxxxxx (Orca J.)
- another iptables question
- From: shijialeeee@xxxxxxxx (james.Q.L)
- Does NAT modify sequence number in packet ?
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- Why UDP packet loss in the stack
- From: andreiscmeel@xxxxxxxxxxx (andre achternaam)
- Does NAT modify sequence number in packet ?
- From: orca_cs@xxxxxxxxxxx (Orca J.)
- Is there something wrong with patch-o-matic?
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Brandon Broyles)
- Traffic Shaping
- From: teastep@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tom Eastep)
- Is there something wrong with patch-o-matic?
- From: fabrice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Fabrice MARIE)
- Traffic Shaping
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- another iptables question
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- bad interpreter
- From: thierry.itty@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Thierry ITTY)
- can't initialize iptables table `'
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Problems compiling Kernel after patching and upgrading to iptables 1.27a
- From: jficarra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jim Ficarra)
- another iptables question
- From: shijialeeee@xxxxxxxx (james.Q.L)
- Samba Blocked? (repost)
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Egli)
- can't initialize iptables table `'
- From: ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ben Russo)
- ssh behind a firewall
- From: p_pavlos@xxxxxxxxxxx (Pavlos Parissis)
- Traffic Shaping
- From: jumurlick@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Juliano Murlick)
- can't initialize iptables table `'
- From: sam.pointer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sam Pointer)
- can't initialize iptables table `'
- From: ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ben Russo)
- First masqueraded Connection Error
- From: mls@xxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Ruecker)
- bad interpreter
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- bad interpreter
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- bad interpreter
- From: at@xxxxxxx (Taniform Asongwe)
- can't initialize iptables table `'
- From: sam.pointer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sam Pointer)
- Basic Question on PREROUTING.
- From: arindamhaldar@xxxxxxxx (Arindam Haldar)
- Samba Blocked? (repost)
- From: mutk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael)
- transparent squid with internal sites as well
- From: bain@xxxxxxxxxx (Henti Smith)
- transparent squid with internal sites as well
- From: bain@xxxxxxxxxx (Henti Smith)
- transparent squid with internal sites as well
- From: bain@xxxxxxxxxx (Henti Smith)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: wdenobre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Wayne de Nobrega)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: tobias.reckhard@xxxxxxxxxxx (Reckhard, Tobias)
- To REDIRECT, DNAT or something else CBAKER
- From: linuxlists@xxxxxxxxxxx (Joel Linuxdude)
- Samba Blocked? (repost)
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Neighbour table overflow
- From: arnt@xxxxxxx (Arnt Karlsen)
- Samba blocked?
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Egli)
- Samba blocked?
- From: mutk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael)
- Samba blocked?
- From: mutk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael)
- Samba blocked?
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Egli)
- Samba blocked?
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Egli)
- Samba Blocked? (repost)
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Egli)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: nigel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nigel Clarke)
- Samba blocked?
- From: mutk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- Samba Blocked? (repost)
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- iptables questions
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- iptables questions
- From: shijialeeee@xxxxxxxx (james li)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: rkrusty@xxxxxxxx (Ivan E. Moore II)
- more than 1 source ip
- From: stewart.thompson@xxxxxxx (Stewart Thompson)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ben Russo)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: nix@xxxxxxxxx (Nix N. Nix)
- can't initialize iptables table `'
- From: ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ben Russo)
- Samba Blocked? (repost)
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Egli)
- [Announce] PacketFlow firewall generator
- From: cbaker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (cbaker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- No such file or directory when using an asterisk
- From: p_pavlos@xxxxxxxxxxx (Pavlos Parissis)
- Still an IPTABLES newbie
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Egli)
- Samba blocked?
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Egli)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: nigel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nigel Clarke)
- Still an IPTABLES newbie
- From: Bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Bob Avery-Babel)
- IPTABLES vs Checkpoint
- From: wdenobre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Wayne de Nobrega)
- Neighbour table overflow
- From: ard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ard van Breemen)
- can't initialize iptables table `'
- From: sam.pointer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sam Pointer)
- [fwd] "IPsec-pass-through" with iptables? (from: ASkwar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- From: lists.ASkwar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alexander Skwar)
- To REDIRECT, DNAT or something else
- From: cbaker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (cbaker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- more than 1 source ip
- From: ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ben Russo)
- To REDIRECT, DNAT or something else
- From: ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ben Russo)
- ULOG with -m state
- From: ivac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Iva Cabric Cabric)
- ULOG with -m state
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- ULOG with -m state
- From: ivac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Iva Cabric Cabric)
- more than 1 source ip
- From: emutlu@xxxxxxxx (Erdal Mutlu)
- ULOG with -m state
- From: ivac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Iva Cabric Cabric)
- more than 1 source ip
- From: emutlu@xxxxxxxx (Erdal Mutlu)
- DCC receive works fine but not SEND
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxx (Tomas Edwardsson)
- more than 1 source ip
- From: raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Raymond Leach)
- more than 1 source ip
- From: wasim.bashir" <wasim.bashir@xxxxxxxxxxx (Wasim Bashir)
- router protection with iptables
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- DCC receive works fine but not SEND
- From: linuxlists@xxxxxxxxxxx (Joel Linuxdude)
- [Announce] PacketFlow firewall generator
- From: pfrieden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Frieden)
- blocking kazaa
- From: George_Jahchan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (George J. Jahchan, Eng.)
- DCC receive works fine but not SEND
- From: nix@xxxxxxxxx (Nix N. Nix)
- Iptables udp port 1598/99 help
- From: p.nikolic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Peter Nikolic)
- DCC receive works fine but not SEND
- From: linuxlists@xxxxxxxxxxx (Joel Linuxdude)
- Some go through, some don't...
- From: arnt@xxxxxxx (Arnt Karlsen)
- To REDIRECT, DNAT or something else
- From: linuxlists@xxxxxxxxxxx (Joel Linuxdude)
- list admin questions
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- IP_forward
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- upgrading iptables
- From: arnt@xxxxxxx (Arnt Karlsen)
- Some go through, some don't...
- From: engine2@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Tomasz Korycki)
- Linux with NAT
- From: AJ@xxxxxxxxxxxx (AJ Mayor)
- wget/ftp is not working from firewall machine!!! any help
- From: sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram Ramasamy)
- Running iptables on downgraded server (2.4.9 to 2.4.19)
- From: maureen-taocow@xxxxxxxxxxx (Aaron Clausen)
- IP_forward
- From: apapadop@xxxxxxx (Alexandros Papadopoulos)
- No such file or directory when using an asterisk
- From: rwideman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert Wideman)
- IP_forward
- From: bigman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (bigman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- ip_conntrack
- From: ard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ard van Breemen)
- -m helper --helper pptp ?
- From: gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Martin Josefsson)
- DNAT a range of ports to another range of portts
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Marking and Mangling for QoS
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Module working on 2 Hooks
- From: Nikolaos Fideropoulos" <n.fideropoulos@xxxxxxxx (Nikolaos Fideropoulos)
- Transparent Proxy
- From: cyril@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cyril COUPEL)
- DNAT a range of ports to another range of portts
- From: jrw@xxxxxx (jrw@xxxxxx)
- ip_conntrack
- From: warrenp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Warren P)
- upgrading iptables
- From: mailinglists@xxxxxxxxx (mailinglists@xxxxxxxxx)
- help about libipq
- From: shao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (xiao shao)
- transparent squid with internal sites as well
- From: raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Raymond Leach)
- oops
- From: twr@xxxxx (Tomasz Wrona)
- router protection with iptables
- From: rmocius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Remus)
- -m helper --helper pptp ?
- From: twr@xxxxx (Tomasz Wrona)
- -m helper --helper pptp ?
- From: Tomasz Wrona <tmp@xxxxxxxxxxx> (Tomasz Wrona)
- oops
- From: tmp@xxxxxxxxxxx (Tomasz Wrona)
- Marking and Mangling for QoS
- From: raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Raymond Leach)
- Marking and Mangling for QoS
- From: mcousin@xxxxxxxx (COUSIN Marc)
- transparent squid with internal sites as well
- From: bain@xxxxxxxxxx (Henti Smith)
- Patch-o-matic
- From: rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx (Rob Sterenborg)
- ULOG with -m state
- From: ivac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Iva Cabric Cabric)
- Interesting SNAT setup quesiton
- From: ashridah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Andrew Pilley)
- New to IP Tables
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Interesting SNAT setup quesiton
- From: ashridah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Andrew Pilley)
- New to IP Tables
- From: nix@xxxxxxxxx (Nix N. Nix)
- ULOG with -m state
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- How to set multi network ip forward ( prerouting )
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- DNAT error in access from lan
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Port forwarding problem
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Overriding REDIRECT for certain hosts (SQUID)
- From: filip.sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Filip Sneppe (Cronos))
- Iptables with IP Alias
- From: kies@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Luciano Ruete)
- Is there something wrong with patch-o-matic?
- From: electrode@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (electrode@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Is there something wrong with patch-o-matic?
- From: apapadop@xxxxxxx (Alexandros Papadopoulos)
- Is there something wrong with patch-o-matic?
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Brandon Broyles)
- ICMP question
- From: Netfilter Mailing List <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- Iptables (opening port ranges)
- From: Netfilter Mailing List <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- Netfilter 1.2.7a (debian), rule (DNAT) problems
- From: p_pavlos@xxxxxxxxxxx (Pavlos Parissis)
- Am I making a bone-headed mistake with patch-o-matic ?
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Brandon Broyles)
- Am I making a bone-headed mistake with patch-o-matic ?
- From: electrode@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (electrode@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Am I making a bone-headed mistake with patch-o-matic ?
- From: fabrice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Fabrice MARIE)
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