My apologies to anyone who tried to view the iptables cookbook in IE. I'm using AxKit to generate html from an xml document on the fly, IE doesn't seem to like this. I've generated a static HTML page here for IE users: Again thanks for looking, and please let me know what you think. Sherman Boyd Quoting Sherman Boyd <>: > Hi everyone, > > I'm writing an "iptables cookbook" a Gentoo Linux specific iptables tutorial. > > After working on this sucker late into the night I'm sure there are tons of > errors and inconsistencies, so if you are interested please read the doc and > send me an email pointing out it's flaws. (BTW I know the GFDL is under a > code > listing, that will be resolved before I publish the doc) > > You can find it here: > > > I'm looking for feedback on technical accuracy as well as style. Be > brutally > honest, you won't hurt my feelings, but please be brief. > > Thank you for your time, > > Sherman Boyd > > >