Hi friends
Today I install the kernel 2.4.20 for linux red hat, and
when i want to finish, i execute /etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables
status, for see the status of iptables, bu what sorprase!!
the iptables showing me the next error.
well at the end because at the begin it is show the
parameters normal(table).
iptables :libptc/libip4tc.c:384 do check assertion h->info
valid-hooks==(1<< 0 1<<3) failed
/etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables line 170: 955 abortado(abort)
iptables -t mangle --list
the when i go to the start or stop the iptables show the
following error
modprobe can't locate module iptables
iptable v1.2.3 can't initialize iptables mangle
table does not exist do you need to insmod?
perhpas iptables or you kernel need to be upgraded?
someone can I help me?.
I fell very bad for this.
sincerely Thomas
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