Deleting iptable-extended rule

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I am using iptables-1.2.7a. I have extended iptables
to do a coustom matching operation. The extension
works fine when I use it while adding new rules,
something like
iptables -A INPUT -m coustom --ip-id -j DROP. 

I am able to delete the rule using the rule number,
but I am not able to remove it using the rule specifed
above but with -D option, something like
iptables -D INPUT -m coustom --ip-id -j DROP

The error I get is:
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that

I tried to debug it and found that iptables fails at

mptr = matchmask + sizeof(STRUCT_ENTRY);
	if (IPT_MATCH_ITERATE(a, match_different, a->elems,
b->elems, &mptr))
	  return 0;

in is_same() found in file libiptc/libip4tc.c

Any ideas why this might be happening??


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