Afternoon all,
I'm not sure if this is the best forum for this question as it is not
necessarily directly related to Netfilter, but I can't think of anywhere
else I might find anyone capable of answering it, so here goes.
I have a bunch of xboxes running linux which all have the same MAC
address: 00:00:00:00:00:00. This causes obvious problems when more than
1 machine is on any one segment. I'm led to believe I can work around
the problem by putting something like:
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:50:f2:ab:cd:ef up
fairly early in the boot process (specifically, I've chosen the pre-up
directive in /etc/network/interfaces as they're running Debian).
When I do this I'm able to see the MAC<->IP mapping in the ARP table of
another machine, but it doesn't respond. I figure that something
somewhere is remembering the old MAC address and dropping anything that
doesn't match, although I don't know enough about low level networking
in linux to be sure.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.