Without going into to much detail... BDU from root bridge within spanning topology. Pathcost 0 Age 0 Max 0 Hello 2 Fdely 15 -- Nigel Clarke Forever Networks Network Security Engineer Consultant *********www.forever-networks.com************ -----Original Message----- From: netfilter-admin@lists.netfilter.org [mailto:netfilter-admin@lists.netfilter.org]On Behalf Of Arindam Haldar Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 9:41 AM To: NETFILTER Subject: packet analysis.... hi all, what the folowwing tcpdump messages mean ??... 802.1d--does this packet related to wireless ?? 23:11:47.946515 0:40:96:51:ef:74 1:80:c2:0:0:0 0026 60: 802.1d config 8000.00:40:96:51:ef:74.8001 root 8000.00:40:96:51:ef:74 pathcost 0 age 0 max 20 hello 2 fdelay 15 23:11:49.948042 0:40:96:51:ef:74 1:80:c2:0:0:0 0026 60: 802.1d config 8000.00:40:96:51:ef:74.8001 root 8000.00:40:96:51:ef:74 pathcost 0 age 0 max 20 hello 2 fdelay 15 thanking in advance... A.H