PHP Users
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subtitute of mysql_error(),
Patrik Hasibuan
Problem with filemtime,
Kevin Murphy
headers-excel file-bad data,
blackwater dev
Looking for PHP 5.0.1 for Mac OS X 10.3.9, Rahul Sitaram Johari
Re: Job Opportunity: PHP Developer,
Daniel Brown
US Salary Averages for Developers,
Daniel Brown
Unexpected values in an associative array,
Ken Tozier
Unexpected values in PHP array, Ken Tozier
Senior PHP Role, Matthew Yates
Array difficulty,
Carlton Whitehead
if inside an echo.,
Flash 8 UI controls, Man-wai Chang
Includes eating up my time,
Dave M G
Blooging Portal,
Christian Hänsel
audio recorder,
John Pillion
Reading registry values,
"Crash" Dummy
$HTTP_POST_FILES always produces empty value.,
Patrik Hasibuan
Changing URLs from Relative to Absolute,
Tom Chubb
Unit testing,
Emil Edeholt
Wordpress Theme Switcher plugin redirect modification,
Erik Gyepes
php not working anymore in IIS, Guus Ellenkamp
Bizarre array create error,
Ken Tozier
PHP Rating system,
Chris Carter
About XSL Transformation,
Kelvin Park
Re: About XSL Transformation, Andrew Ballard
Dealing with ImageMagick from PHP,
Eric Holt (PHP List)
PDO_SQLite Transactions,
M. Sokolewicz
Rules of Engagement,
Daniel Brown
Comment modes behavior in HTML and PHP,
ODF creation functions, Dotan Cohen
how to use imagestring() function with Chinese String,
Davis Chan
Profile / Debug w/o server modification?,
Instruct ICC
need insights on encrypting and uploading ASCII file using PHP,
PHP has encountered an access violation,
Eric Lommatsch
Solution for writing a function layer between pecl-memcache and PHP,
Sascha Braun - CEO @ Braun Networks
PDO with MS SQL Server - output parameters/return values not returned, Andrew Ballard
PHP and Java: accessing Java classes from PHP,
Multiple session,
Erfan Shirazi
New release of the WebMesh framework (API and MVC), Gustavo Gomes
import spreadsheet,
Angelo Zanetti
OOT - Ajax definitiondear all,,
Yeni Setiawan
HELP: Text editor that deals with BOM very well,
Ryan Lao
error reporting,
Bruce Cowin
Is it possible to stop an image from being cached?,
need help,pls,
esimaje juan toritseju
Createing a Test DB Object.,
Rob Adams
HTML Email Composing Problem.,
Tom Ray [Lists]
Hide the real URL,
elk dolk
How to get stored procedure return values via PDO?,
Richard Davey
Man-wai Chang
query not working properly,
Joey B
appendChild(), removeChild(),
Man-wai Chang
day in week,
Christian Hänsel
Malformed Email Date Header,
Chris Aitken
global variable does not exist anymore?,
Patrik Hasibuan
module loading problems,
Chris W
php5 as universal binary (Mac OsX), Chrisitan Speich
No is_date() function?,
Ken Tozier
Re: No is_date() function?, Satyam
Re: No is_date() function?, Jim Lucas
Re: No is_date() function?, Richard Lynch
The Official OT "Name Tedd's Grandson" Thread,
Daniel Brown
Suporte - DPRJ Sistemas
Re: Objects, Richard Lynch
temp files,
hierselect with ajax, Marco Sottana
Notice warnings and performance,
Erfan Shirazi
Откройте свой подход к бизнесу?, php
Find file version,
Matt Carlson
Calling php-cgi.exe,
Shawn McKenzie
Kelvin Park
How can I install GD support for a php rpm,
Davis Chan
Variable problem?,
Problem iterating over an array with foreach and a reference variable,
Chris Mika
Help needed with Curl,
Bosky, Dave
Smarty template for parent-child form,
Man-wai Chang
Object instance and session,
Stefano Esposito
COM object project, Jason McKnight
Изготовим любые резинотехнические изделия на заказ., php
header( 'refresh' ), form data, and IE,
Daniel Kasak
PHP/MYSQL/XML Conversion,
Kelvin Park
Strategy when working with designer(s)?,
Steve Finkelstein
Blackbird ESB released, Blackbird
Better way to store data in memory?,
Richard Davey
Problem compile 5.2.3 souce under SUSE 10.1,
Jeff Lanzarotta
PHP not working after Mac 10.3.9 install, Steve Marquez
can't open a file,
Ken Tozier
strange stripos behavior,
Bruce Cowin
Kevin Waterson
About XSLT/XML Pagination,
Kelvin Park
Bundled GD compiling?,
Hayden Livingston
PHP parent-child form, Man-wai Chang
How to skipping the range of values from each element of array??,
Kelvin Park
About Login Authentication,
Kelvin Park
problem with install php 5.2.3 on apache 2.2.4 in windows xp sp2,
arvin lee
filter input; escape output; Email Text,
Richard Lynch
Denial of Service Attack,
Sascha Braun, CEO @
best technique to get the ID of the last inserted value,
Marcelo Wolfgang
Symfony versus CakePHP?,
Steve Finkelstein
require and http,
Suporte - DPRJ Sistemas
Re: require and http, Richard Lynch
session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter...,
Vanessa Vega
PHP Performance and System Load,
Sascha Braun, CEO @
Compiling/Building PHP 5.2.3 on Mac OS X 10.3.9,
Rahul Sitaram Johari
converting extended chars to plain ascii,
session_decode from session handler,
Ryan Graciano
If MySQL column/field values are in an PHP array,
coder needed, Danial Subhani
Xdebug 2 released.,
Derick Rethans
Using PHP command line as a browser,
Rick Lim
LinkedIn Website,
Daniel Brown
Error on installing under Windows Vista leads to inability to uninstall 5.2.3,
Stephan G
Session Issues with Certain ISPs,
Mark Tuma
Save email as .eml file,
Re: Save email as .eml file, Richard Lynch
Re: Save email as .eml file, Manuel Lemos
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Save email as .eml file, Handa Utsav
repetition of tedious references,
Olav Mørkrid
Re: repetition of tedious references, Jim Lucas
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