At 7/26/2007 08:08 AM, M. Sokolewicz wrote:
// output to browser, suppressing
error message
why are you suppressing error messages??
"Reads a file and writes it to the output buffer.
"Returns the number of bytes read from the file. If an error occurs,
FALSE is returned and unless the function was called as @readfile(),
an error message is printed."
I figured that in the case of an image it would make more sense to
download a FALSE value to the browser than a text error
message. During development & debugging phases error messages are
invaluable, but after publication some circumstances dictate no
display rather than display of a message. Since the OP was looking
for a solution that obfuscated the image URL, I thought the less
techy information communicated to the user the better.
Richard Heyes' suggestion of using passthru() might work better if it
can be used with a mixture of content types on the same page.
And, yes, heredoc is definitely a matter of taste. In my own work,
its disadvantage (hugging left margin) is outweighed by its
advantages (separation of logic from data/template/output, omission
of escape codes except the occasional {}, fewer typographical errors,
faster proofreading, etc.). I don't feel the need to convince anyone
else to use heredoc, but I'm totally sold on it myself.
Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.
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