Ken Tozier wrote:
I wrote a serialization function to turn arbitrary PHP variables into
Macintosh plist compatible XML but see that there is no "is_date" tester
as there is for bool, object, array etc. Is there a relatively simple
(and robust) way to detect if a variable is a date? For example:
$person = array('name'=>'bob', 'sex'=>'male', 'date_of_birth'=>
Thanks for any help
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Here is my suggestion. You COULD use strtotime() and try and have PHP see if it recognizes the
input string as a date time stamp or something.
Live example
function is_date($in) {
return (boolean) strtotime($in);
$dates = array(
'next week',
'last year',
'April 1st',
'December 23, 1999 4pm',
foreach ( $dates AS $row ) {
echo "Time is: ".date('c', strtotime($row));
echo " {$row} is ";
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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