PHP Users
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Re: Friday morning brain farts...., Robert Cummings
Re: Friday morning brain farts...., Richard Lynch
multiple data to insert to database,
Alain Roger
Import XLS file with UTF-8,
Alain Roger
Running a server process,
Nathan Wallis
help with ming library,
Hosting cost,
Richard Heyes
Re: your excel document, sla-list
preg_match_all to match <img> tags,
Ólafur Waage
string as file,
Rick Pasotto
Open Source Job Wanted system,
Forwarding $_POST[]...,
Tony Di Croce
Peter Pan
Code Igniter for 'novices' ?,
Steve Finkelstein
Segmentation fault on PHP CLI,
Martin Marques
HTTP methods, Web Browsers and REST,
Nathan Nobbe
Access parent property from child,
I know this is not easy and I'm not stupid but...,
Phil Curry
Re: I know this is not easy and I'm not stupid but..., Richard Lynch
get and post together,
permissions for include(),
php problems,
ORM framework suggestion,
Matt Arnilo S. Baluyos (Mailing Lists)
Move and rename help...,
(macOSX,camino) problem : access denied to a file setup.php,
olivier SAINT-EVE
Sorting files in a directory,
Steve Marquez
include_path issue,
Steve Finkelstein
Not quite OT but maybe close... Help with MySQL,
Jason Pruim
Hidden include_path Fall Back?,
Re: Articles or News Management Systems -- Full Message,
Sancar Saran
two confuse problems,
Problems in php,
Echoing input w/o sanatizing - what is the danger,
Re: Echoing input w/o sanatizing - what is the danger, Richard Lynch
javascript in <head> or in <body> ?,
Re: javascript in <head> or in <body> ?, Greg Donald
Re: javascript in <head> or in <body> ?, Robert Cummings
Re: javascript in <head> or in <body> ?, Richard Heyes
Re: javascript in <head> or in <body> ?, brian
Re: javascript in <head> or in <body> ?, Satyam
Re: javascript in <head> or in <body> ?, Richard Lynch
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: javascript in <head> or in <body> ?, tg-php
get domain component from email,
Kevin Waterson
Empty super globals,
Brian Dunning
OT A public apology to Larry Garfield,
Re: OT A public apology to Larry Garfield, Borokov Smith
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: OT A public apology to Larry Garfield, Daniel Brown
RE: OT A public apology to Larry Garfield, Ford, Mike
Articles or News Management Systems,
Sancar Saran
Object reference into variable?,
Sándor Tamás (GMail)
need mysql_ping when using mysql_pconnect?,
import Excel file into PostgreSQL,
Alain Roger
mail problem - deadline!!!!! - SOLVED, Luc
mail problem - deadline!!!!!,
Thoughts about music library,
Børge Holen
How to implement a plugin system?,
Hamza Saglam
Can anyone point me toward some useful resources?,
greg patmore
Check if var has a date (timestamp or regular),
OOzy Pal
Error Handling question,
About MySQL Tables,
Kelvin Park
PDO lastInsertID always returns zero for MySQL tables,
Ken Tozier
Get list of timezones from UTC offset, Norbert Wenzel
Adding to time having a timestamp,
OOzy Pal
Wierd error with xml_set_element_handler(),
Bruce Steinback
Check for well formed html,
Problems with file_get_contents() and local PHP file,
Rejecting File Upload,
php mail
Problem with php mail,
Jason Sia
XHTML/CSS templates for developers,
Steve Finkelstein
Which Chat system to use,
robert mena
Creating watermarks,
Tom Ray [Lists]
Problem with getting time in EST,
Crab Hunt
Output Buffering and zlib Compression Issue,
OT- why is network solutions more than godaddy?,
blackwater dev
Downloading PHP 521,
Premature Ajax-ulation,
Jay Blanchard
output the schema,
php SHOW,
function -> action,
Ralph Kutschera
UTF-8 support,
Naz Gassiep
About PHP/MYSQL Pagination,
Kelvin Park
Separation of Roles; with Salaries, Instruct ICC
Numbers, Numbers everywhere! Need some Dollar help.,
Dan Shirah
Re: Numbers, Numbers everywhere! Need some Dollar help., Daniel Brown
Re: Numbers, Numbers everywhere! Need some Dollar help., Eric Butera
Re: Numbers, Numbers everywhere! Need some Dollar help., Richard Lynch
PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT script specific?,
Ken Tozier
Which PHP-Editor to use?,
RE: Which PHP-Editor to use?, Sanjeev N
Re: Which PHP-Editor to use?, Tom Ray [Lists]
RE: Which PHP-Editor to use?, djnecrogami
Re: Which PHP-Editor to use?, Richard Heyes
Re: Which PHP-Editor to use?, Al
Re: Which PHP-Editor to use?, Tijnema
Re: Which PHP-Editor to use?, Naz Gassiep
Re: Which PHP-Editor to use?, Zoltán Németh
Re: Which PHP-Editor to use?, mooor
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Which PHP-Editor to use?, tg-php
Does PDO prevent class functions from calling other class functions?,
Ken Tozier
How can I get a list of object vars?,
Cut text from a string,
Don Don
Setting group sticky bit on directory with chmod(),
Ben Ramsey
PHP and nCurses, Man-wai Chang
[pcre] backreferences to all matches of a repeated subexpression,
Jack Bates
Question about passing date in sql...,
Form Validation and DB Query, CK
addSlashes Question,
Validating Email Conditional,
Re: Validating Email Conditional, Richard Lynch
Loss of precision in intval(),
Mark Summers
Compiling php 5.2.3 / Mac OS X 10.3.9 / "mysql configure failed", Rahul Sitaram Johari
I'm prepared to feel like an idiot... But I just simply need the answer :),
Jason Pruim
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