In the past, I always used mysql_insert_id() and never had a problem,
but now that I'm using PDO, I'm finding that it always returns zero.
The tables are identical between the two methods but where
mysql_insert_id works $pdo_connection->lastInsertID() doesn't.
The PDO documentation states that you need to feed lastInsertID
something called a "sequence object." I'd never heard of those before
so after some reading here http://www.mckoi.com/database/
SQLSyntax.html#7 it looks like you have to create these yourself .
But MySQL tables already seem to have a built-in sequence (as
evidenced by the auto_increment flag when creating tables) and
creating another one for a given table could lead to id collisions.
So basically, the question is: Is it possible to get valid
"lastInsertIds: using PDO with a MySQL database that mirrors the
behavior of mysql_insert_id?
Thanks for any help
Here' the function.
The lastInsertID call comes in the 'else' branch of the "if (strpos
($query, 'insert') === false)" test
function query_database($inQuery)
$query = $inQuery;
$coersions = null;
$object_key = null;
$group_by_key = null;
if (is_array($inQuery))
$query = $inQuery['query'];
$coersions = $inQuery['coersions'];
$object_key = $inQuery['object_key'];
$group_by_key = $inQuery['group_by_key'];
// determine query type
if (strpos($query, 'insert') === false)
$rows = array();
$rowCounter = 0;
foreach ($this->db->query($query, PDO::FETCH_NAMED) as $row)
$rowFields = array();
$recordKey = $rowCounter;
foreach ($row as $key => $value)
// remember this key if it matches the user specified object key
if (($object_key != null) && ($key == $object_key))
$recordKey = $value;
// perform user specified coersions
if ($coersions != null)
$value = $this->coerce_value($value, $coersions[$key]);
$rowFields[$key] = $value;
// perform grouping if requested
if ($group_by_key == null)
$rows[$recordKey] = $rowFields;
$groupKey = $rowFields[$group_by_key];
if ($rows[$groupKey] == null)
$rows[$groupKey] = array();
$rows[$groupKey][] = $rowFields;
return $rows;
// next line prints OK on inserts
echo 'query type was: insert<br>';
// but this always returns zero
return ($this->db->lastInsertId());
catch (PDOException $error)
print "Error!: " . $error->getMessage() . "<br/>";
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