Tijnema wrote:
On 8/2/07, Brad Bonkoski <bbonkoski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dan Shirah wrote:
Greetins all,
In my form I have an area where the user enters in the payment amount:
<input type="Text" value="" size="20" maxlength="16" name="payment_amount">
This is all fine and dandy and works as generically as it can. BUT, the
problem is that I need to make sure the user didn't fat finger any of the
numbers. For instance, in my generic text field the user types 600 in the
payment amount and clicks submit.
This works and the user is charged $600. But, come to find out the user
meant to enter 6.00 not 600. Can I add a check using PHP to force the user
to put in the dollar AND cents? This way if a number such as 600 is entered
and the user hits save, the check will notice there isn't a .00 on the end
and prompt the user for more information.
Could I incorporate something like:
if ($payment_amount != number_format($payment_amount, 2)) {
error here
Or, do you think I would be better off using two text areas? One for the
dollar value and one for the cents?
Or, do you think I would be better off trying to find some kind of
javascript function that would check the value upon submit?
Any help is appreciated.
If you want it squarely on the client side, then use javascript. There
are easy functions to split a text string (like php's explode).
Then you can split on the '.' and then do some logical stuff like the
cents is between 00 and 99, and anything else you think necessary.
If there are no cents, then you can issue a confirmation box. So, my
vote is to handle it within javascript, as it should not be too difficult.
What about the european format? Like this:
Most people from the US don't understand that most of the world uses
different ways of denoting currency, dates, etc, so this is a very valid
Now, as mentioned before: You have to decide for yourself if your
application is the correct place to check for the stupidity of your
users. If and only IF you decide you want to second-guess your users (I
wouldn't usually, but it's up to you really), then you have the choice
of where and when to do it. Assuming you want to do it around the
submitting of the form, you have 3 choices:
1. client-side via a client-side language like
J(ava)Script(/ECMAScript), VBScript, etc.
2. server-side via AJAX
3. server-side in PHP
All of these have their advantages and disadvantages.
1. (client-side) Easy to make, if the code decides the user might have
made a mistake, the user can just change it and try again.
2. (AJAX) very complex checks can be performed easily against a lot of
data stored already. Though this is usually not required.
3. (server-side) same as with AJAX.
1. You need to remember that your form should work with J(ava)Script (or
any such language) turned OFF.
2. You need to do quite a lot of (usually useless) work, coding a
complex and probably over-the-top check for something very simple.
3. If the user might have made a mistake, you need to make sure that the
user does not have to fill _all_ fields again, and that state is preserved.
Personally, IF I would've chosen to check what the user did on such a
thing, I'd do it via JavaScript, and later would perform sanity-checks
on it via PHP (ie. is the number > 0.00 and less than some insane
max_number (eg. < 500)).
- Tul
P.S. Always remember non-US users, there's few things more annoying than
being forced to use a format you are not familiair with using (ie. if
I am forced insert a date formatted like month/day/year, I usually don't
bother and leave the site).
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