Stut wrote:
Please include the list when replying.
Phil Curry wrote:
Phil Curry wrote:
how can this be? This is not the first time I've run into a
situation like this. What am I missing?
line 102 echo ($userValues['afterDark']); // outputs 1
line 103 if ( $userValues['afterDark'] == 0 ) { // passes
Add a line at 102.5...
What type is that variable?
Don't have to do a dump, I know its a tinyint(1), not null, default 0
PHP does not have a type of tinyint
knowing now that this comes from a database, if it is mysql, then it is of type string
PHP converts all fields when pulled from the database into strings. It does not take into account
what type the field is actually set to in mysql.
Try puting a (int) in front of the condition like this
if ( (int)$userValues['afterDark'] == 0 ) {
Maybe this will help
That would be the type in the database, not the type of that variable at
that time.
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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