Merlin wrote:
Hi there,
I have worked now for several years happily with homesite 4.5, but now
it looks like I have to switch to another system as homesite will not
run without admin rights on a XP machine.
What editors do you use? Do you have any recomendations on a special
one? I have looked into eclipse, but I would hear from your experience
which one would you recommend me to switch to?
Only replying because nobody has mentioned it yet:
UltraEdit and it's sister app, UEStudio. Both are outstanding, I'm using
UEStudio now. I've tried a few other ones mentioned here, and UEStudio
has it all, including the crucial (for me) direct editing of files over
Auto-reopening of all files when the app restarts and positioning the
windows where you want them saves lots of time when you're working on
large scale apps too. When you're a pixel positioning pedant like me,
oepning 20 files at the start of a coding session can be a pain.
- Naz.
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